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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I'm probably too attached to the League of Legends lore to switch over to this game I'll definitely not switch over if they try to appeal to the 'oldschool' DotA players and include goddamn denying and five second stuns like fucking HoN
  2. I did! It's just that Arya isn't, for the most part, what makes her chapters entertaining.
  3. I should be more specific; the only entertaining character that gets their own chapters
  4. barristan the bold more the barristan the only entertaining character in this book
  5. Every Dany chapter in Dance was the literary incarnate of a yawn. I don't understand why anyone likes this character.
  6. initiated a huge comeback as skarner by pulling the enemy carry into the spawn's deathlaser we eventually won this is the best champion you guys
  7. I waited in queue for half an hour just to buy Skarner and be done with it, and he's not even in the store. Riiiiiooooot.
  8. I'd just like to echo how important this is - I've lost games because people are trying so hard to be pro that they forget that we actually have to take down the nexus the funny thing is how every single ability that reduced a percentage of armor and/or mr suffered from the same bug and Riot apparently only noticed recently enough to fix it this patch
  9. they recently nerfed vlad pretty hard and he's still one of the best mages in the game
  10. on the one hand a CP MOBA map sounds really cool on the other hand very little characters will be balanced on it, like treeline
  11. oh goody another engineer item that doesn't actually do anything
  12. no her old passive was also pretty shitty, that's why they changed it the thing about hr new passive is that it's good conceptually, but the combination of; really low numbers (five stacks of 2% armor/mr reduction on a character with, let's say, 30 armor/mr, will reduce it by 3 - on a character with 200 armor/mr, it will reduce it by 20) a really bad bug (it currently only affects base armor and mr) makes it patently useless in every single situation
  13. kayle's rework is good, except for her new passive, which is probably one of the worst passives I've ever seen
  14. Overheal isn't really what makes the Medic important - the Quick-Fix might not be able to Overheal, but it does enable you to keep your entire team at full health consistently. And a Demoman without bombs isn't really a big deal, because he can still deal damage with well-placed crit-dashes, and other classes can still take out Sentries with the right tools and timing (in fact, Demomen are arguably no longer really needed to take out buildings because of the Cow Mangler). Basically, you can't replace the Dispenser or Teleporter with another weapon for two reasons; a) Anything that replaces a Dispenser or Teleporter needs to also be a supportive building, so that the Engineer does not lose his (arguably) primary functionality. Another weapon that makes Engineers more powerful while also letting them shut down an area with a Sentry makes for too many powerful entities from one player.
  15. cc is bullshit basically any game designed around making your opponent incapable of actually playing is just bad design cc is too hardwired to change completely but it does need to be toned down heavily (diminishing returns) and there needs to be more options to counter it other than just constantly running cleanse and quicksilver
  16. I think a reason that a lot of people are overlooking for the 3DS slow launch is that a surprisingly large amount of people don't actually stand how large of a hardware upgrade it is they think it's like going from the gameboy to the gameboy color - basically the same machine except with a small visual upgrade, so they don't see any reason to go out and spend all that money on just the 3D effect this is the impression I'm getting from a lot of people who like video games but not enough to read about them on the internet
  17. the first pokemon in the dex is a scaly cat with a flower bulb growing out of it take off your nostalgia goggles please
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