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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Some guys ripped obscure ethereal music off to make more obscure ethereal music. Mystery solved.
  2. I am GrayLightning and also all of the remixers. Also Brushfire.
  4. yeah that guy needs to be punched in the face
  5. This basically. I'm not even sure where people got this idea. Also Episode 3 has been confirmed to tie into Portal ever since Episode 2, where they make it clear that most of or possibly all of Episode 3 will take place in an Aperture Science facility/vessel.
  6. no but swear at his parents for thinking that their youngin' should be able to do whatever he wants with whatever he wants
  7. try telling your family to fuck off
  8. hey let's argue about mario games instead of just admitting that both sunshine and galaxy are better than pretty much any other piece of shit game you can think of
  9. I know from experience that I can do a 102% run in about one hour and thirty five minutes. I'll look into maybe trying to record this happening?
  10. I really hope Diablo 3 adds in the Necromancer in an expansion or something.
  11. Dissidia: Final Fantasy is actually really fun. If you like Metal Gear but don't like SRPGs, go for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.
  12. I would join a thing like this. There is not much opportunity to speak to people more skilled than you at things you want to learn about in a setting that doesn't require you to pay them.
  13. And yet somehow you bought SA2 despite SA coming directly before it. That is mysterious. Actually wait, it is not so mysterious at all!
  14. These are the same people who actually bought Shadow The Hedgehog. Their opinions and desires became meaningless long ago. whoa so you have to hold right and jump I was totally wrong this is the greatest game of all time
  15. I liked S3&K. But on the list of 'Greatest Platformers' it's probably dead last, i.e better than most shovelware platformers but there are dozens of better ones. This is exactly the thing - Sonic 4 has the capacity to take everything that was wrong with S3&K and actually make it good. But Sega won't get anywhere close to that if they keep listening to all these people who think that Sonic games aren't without their immense flaws!
  16. Because it's not that I don't like Sonic games, it's that I don't like most of the old Sonic games. I think you can understand where I would take issue with someone saying that [unreleased game] is going to be bad because it doesn't look similar to [mediocre game]. I am very excited for Sonic 4 - it could be the game that takes the not-completely-faulty-but-still-pretty-flawed system that was Sonic 3 and Knuckles and make it not very flawed at all. They could make not only a good game, which is enough reason to get excited, but a good Sonic game, which hasn't either hasn't happened in years or has never happened at all, depending on your viewpoint. I'm only trying to defend the idea that Sonic 4 could very well turn out to be a pretty good game. If you want me to stop so that people can continue shining up their nostalgia goggles and denouncing something that they have literally no reason to denounce, I will lift my dress and scoot right on out. I agree with you on the Metroid thing. But you know what the flaw in your argument is? Super Metroid was still fun the first playthrough. That goes for DKC and Mario games as well. DKC is all HOLY SHIT GIANT BEES and Mario is all LOOK AT ME I'M FLYING AND SHIT and Sonic is all hum, another ramp that I have to walk up because I wasn't going fast enough because I was going pretty fast but then oops spikes popped up in front of me what the hell they didn't even damage me they were literally just there to make me stop moving ughghghg.
  17. welcome to forums are you saying sonic isn't super easy sonic, the games where you spend 90% of each game being completely and totally invincible sonic, the games where you can beat almost all of the levels by holding right sonic, the games where the bosses universally use a strategy that entails shooting or swinging a big easily dodge-able thing at you while slowly farting themselves back and forth across the screen sonic, the games where you have a ten minute time limit to beat stages that take about forty seconds to hold right through I don't think you understand me - I never said Sonic games were too hard. I said they were too not fun.
  18. there is a difference between 'fun' and 'super easy' that's nice hey wow it's like you suddenly remember what sarcasm is and then just as quickly forget
  19. how are you doing down there in grade six do people still play hopskotch
  20. Bullet hell games aren't side-scrolling platformers - the difference being that one is about memorization and challenge whereas the other is only about those two things if you're using them to convince yourself that the game you're playing is actually good. There are a dozen good ways to make a platformer based primarily on high speed - making it so you spend half of the time not going fast is not one of them.
  21. games should be designed to be fun from the get go the whole 'you're supposed to memorize it' bullshit is just sonic fans in denial about how bad most sonic games are
  22. hey wow that sounds like a few other sonic games I know (all of them)
  23. no he was too busy telling us we don't know how to read
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