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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. When it's a bad game? Yes. It's the same feeling that I get when people tell me that Transformers 2 is a good movie.
  2. being in high school doesn't count since you are still basically a dumb kid this is why so many high school kids play modern warfare 2 all day
  3. daaahrrrr Here is the challenge; find me a person who has never played any of the Sonic games for Genesis. Get them to play it. Ask them what they think of the game. If they say anything positive about the gameplay itself, I will eat my hat. Edit: I always laugh when people point out that my opinion is an opinion in a passive-aggressive way that seems to imply that they think that pointing out that I'm welcome to think something somehow makes my opinion more incorrect than theirs or vice-versa
  4. no it's that they were never good to begin with
  5. only patient people should ever play Engineer since literally the entire game is designed to make Engineers cry
  6. what exactly is the point of turning fucking into f*cking is there one really impressionable Christian kid reading the internet who has seizures every time he sees a swear that isn't half-assedly censored so instead of being in a group of people who like bad games you are just a guy who happens to like bad games congratulations
  7. atmuh only half of that post is true
  8. Am I the only one who is excited for all events to stop being somehow tied to Grant Morrison wanking off all over the universe?
  9. just lookin out for ya bro
  10. here's a tip: the baby doesn't cry once you STOP SUCKING AT THE GAME
  11. in defense of the stupid mine cart minigame the guy who was playing in that video does seem to have fucking down syndrome or something I mean fuck it's still dumb though
  12. I love Street Fighter and all but I don't think I could bring myself to watch other people playing it for an hour and a half
  13. man I sure love playing for twenty minutes with an unbalanced team while vahn sits in spectator waiting to stack
  14. yeah you have to give the old guy the Polar Star to get the Spur - makes the earlier game a bit tougher but the later game a lot easier
  15. has anyone ever even liked waste I mean honestly
  16. whoa the new sonic game is shaping up to be not so good WHAT A SURPRISE
  17. wait wait we have our own idle server
  18. actually my problems with the graphics stem from the perspective problems when on the overworld and the really blocky textures on the 3D models in battle screens I mean everyone (Square included) tends to assume that we want a remake in the same style and size as FF13. That's not true at all (since that was a shitty game anyway), we just want a polishing of what is already there.
  19. Zero Punctuation as interpreted by 8 year olds
  20. do we really need to review the review I mean honestly
  22. I have a real job and enough money to go and buy a PS3 right now doesn't mean I or anyone else has ever had any real incentive to actually do so
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