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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. yeah it's really hard to believe that technology has moved forward at all in the past ten years oh wait
  2. also I'm gonna chime in and say that the entire point of the plot of FF8 was how stupid it was
  3. I think FF7 is actually the FF most deserving of a remake; awful character models, terrible translation, a cool gameplay system that unfortunately very quickly becomes stale and broken (one character gets all the summons the other two just constantly heal that character)... none of the other FFs suffer from the problems that FF7 does, and I really think it could be really, really great if those problems were addressed with some manner of remake.
  4. seventh generation of video games more like The Gimmick Wars
  5. I tried learning how to use famitracker then I gave up when it's impenetrable barrier of unintuitive-ness refused to crack
  6. Agree and agree. The new music is not bad by any means, just bad in comparison to the original, and the new translation is actually worse (which is kind of fucking sad since the original was a fan project and this one was presumably some sort of professional job).
  7. Would it be insulting to ask for instrumental versions of all the vocal songs?
  8. viaduct is awesome you guys are poop!!
  9. you can't make your own birthday thread YOU CAN'T DO THAT
  10. Do you know how much work that would be? You'd literally have to make an entire game for the PS3 and then remake the entire game for the Wii, or vice versa. No developer in their right mind is ever going to do that - especially if it's for a game that will probably turn out shitty because of stupid fucking motion controls.
  11. This sounds ridiculous, and yet I want it so badly.
  12. You haven't been listening to me enough!
  13. or maybe they got rid of them because the slot machines were fucking stupid
  14. 'hey cool he didn't take any damage'
  15. 2D would have taken much longer and (apparently) cost a lot more money
  16. where is the project you said there would be a project
  17. at first I thought that I was bad at this game then I thought that the people saying Chronos is OP were retards now I realize that it is both
  18. nomenclature for when you're talking to somebody from a different region who uses the different names find me a person on this board who doesn't know M. Bison as Dictator and I'll concede that it's more than a waste of time
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