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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. http://www.nextgn.com/2011/07/19/new-mega-man-legends-game-scrapped/

    The bottom of the article has a link to this image from a forum post in 4chan, and is probably fake. It wouldn't surprise me if this were true....


    Fake, because /v/ didn't have that many posts at that time, and even then, it would have the 3 XXXs at the end of the post.

    A well-made fake, but a fake nonetheless.

    A friend of mine on another forum put it well:

    This certainly sucks, but I doubt playing Legends 3 on a tiny screen with a handheld with 4-hour battery life would have been all that good for the game anyway.

    Oh, and that link where some ditz on the Capcom twitter account blames the fans... Wow, that's pretty lame.

  2. Just remember, if someone says "I don't get this" or "I don't know why you did things this way, because it sounds wrong"

    don't just respond with "well, it has a personal meaning" or "you just don't get the personal context"

    Because when you post a personal work in a public venue, you have to be open to public interpretation and criticism.

    I mean, we all know that, but I've encountered too many artists who write off all criticisms and questions as "Well, you just don't know what I was thinking of when I made this; it's personal" well, you're right, I don't. That's not an excuse.

    So when I make a song, I usually either post a little explanation to go with it, or just leave it completely up to the listeners interpretation.

  3. Look up Oracle of Lime, a remix album made by Hylian Lemon with the entire soundtrack. It's really good.

    There is a WIP album of the Seasons soundtrack, too.

    I actually was working on that too, until I lost a lot of inspiration and the song had no direction to it. So now I have to start from scratch

  4. I know it's a long-ish bump, but I feel I have to add this little bit in:

    Holy moly, I hit the motherload yesterday on my birthday.

    I found this used game store by a sushi joint me and my friends and my older brother like to go to, and it had fucking everything.

    I wanted to buy a lot more than I did, but i could not blow my entire paycheck on games.

    I mean, they had a shitton of Dreamcast games, like Bangai-O, Street Fighter Alpha 3, MvC2, and Phantasy Star Online!

    I SO wanted to pick up a dreamcast then and there and get all that shit, since i knew I would get it for cheap! [[Hell, is there even still a community for Phantasy Star Online?]]

    But not only that, but unlike every other used game store I've been to, this had fucking awesome Saturn games there!

    They had Virtua Cop (which i didn't get- didn't want to pay for it... yet), Dark Savior, Virtua Fighter 2 (which I DID get), a complete copy of Shining the Holy Ark (which I'm kind of mad that I paid about as much for a just-disc copy) and much much more.

    Also, which fucking blew my mind, was that they had a COMPLETE copy of a Working Designs game, Shining Wisdom, there, for $48.

    It took a lot of deliberation, but then I finally told myself "You know what, when is the next fucking time you're going to find a Working Designs Saturn game, complete?" and I picked it up. The guy there seemed pretty cool, knew and liked Working Designs too, and mentioned that someone else had just bought the other copy they had earlier that week, so I feel really lucky about all of that.

    I also picked up a cheap copy of Final Fantasy IX, perhaps to make up for the sheer hilarity of FFX.

    At the game store I mentioned in my OP, I found a complete copy of Panzer Dragoon Orta, so I'm pretty pumped about that...

    But this place had so many good SNES games (I picked up cheap copies of Cybernator and U.N. Squadron, while my older brother picked up Secret of Evermore...), Genesis games, Master System games... fucking everything. It was pretty incredible. I mean yeah, the place was in the middle of gay town and S&M town (making for a very.... colorful group of people walking to and fro the streets)... but I almost wanted to buy a genesis there, since they had games like Rocket Knight Adventures, and a bunch of other ones I can't remember.

    Gah, now I really want to fucking go back. Like, the first time I've ever been to a used game store that had a REALLY good selection.

  5. The soundtrack is indeed top-notch; really excellent orchestral stuff for a game whose premise is so ridiculously silly.

    The illustration-quality cutscene vignettes really underplay just how goofy and bizarre the game is, and I bet the guys who worked on the game had a good laugh all the while.

    Gameplay-wise, Jamestown is also a lot of fun to play. To qualify that statement- The four ships are varied and allow (and call for) different strategies to make it through the imaginative (and often chaotic) levels. I like the DonPachi-esque standard ship myself, with the bubble charge-shot in second place. I have yet to find a good practical use for the bomber ship, but I bet more advanced players have. The bosses are big and the levels never repeat, so everything in the game is a concentrated novel experience from start to finish.

    Everything in the game looks great, and the pixel work really shows off its attention to detail, and the game is just lively and fun to look at.

    As others have noted, the game, even on higher difficulty levels, is pretty easy. Even on Legendary difficulty, I could get through some of the levels without using up a credit, or sometimes, even a life. And I am most certain I suck at arcade shooters!

    Still, it's a great labor of love and a great game, to boot. Definitely worth picking up if on sale.

  6. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....

    What the hell is all this talk about $350 pairs of headphones?

    At most, what you'll want is something $50. AT MOST.

    Why bum the OP out with all this talk of expensive knick-knacks?

    If you're going to be a big-wig zircon-type fella (:razz:) with his own studio, making high-quality sample libraries for all sorts of things, as well as soundtracks for all sorts of various projects, then yes, you might need to put some money down on some equipment to keep up a standard of "professional" quality that employers will seek you out for.

    However if you are not looking to have a mega-studio or be the next Hans Zimmer, you don't need to spend gobs and gobs of money.

  7. Keep on the lookout for cheap or free sample sets and VST plugins- there are a lot out there (like tweakbench or woolys).

    Sometimes, if you lurk around the NG Audio Portal or other music sites, someone will post a deal or something like that where sample libraries are ridiculously cheap, if not free (it was how i was able to snag what should have been a $250 sample set for $2.50 from Camel Audio... however, that type of stuff does not always happen, obviously).

    You can build yourself a powerful library for relatively little cost- I myself have a setup, that all told, has cost me only roughly $115 to come up with, so I am skeptical of people saying "IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO PUT DOWN $500 OR MORE ON THIS THEN YOU WON'T GET ANYWHERE"

    my response: lol

    So, keep your eyes and ears open, and knowing a few people in real life to get you deals in places like Guitar Center and whatnot is never a bad thing (like my bro's best friend being a manager at one).

    Reaper is tough to learn, but once you get into it, it can be a powerful tool in and of itself. Don't hesitate to ask for tech questions around here- I only know mostly basics, but there are some dedicated Reaper users on the site.

  8. And before then there was Working Designs releasing 2D RPGs in an age of 3D.

    I think they were a better publisher than Atlus myself (because Atlus just puts its name on stuff most the time and knows it will sell*), but that's another topic.

    Basically, it's a matter of where to look, since there is still a "retro" crowd (usually a stupid crowd but hey) in the market for "retro" games.

    *Not to say they DON'T bring over some excellent games, however.

  9. If you like the arcade shooter/shmup style of game, Senko no Ronde can be pretty good, once you learn the controls (it takes a while to get into it). And yeah, the game is dirt cheap online on amazon, so there's that.

    Other shmup recommendations:

    -Strania: The Stella Machina

    Want a game where every level is different, unique, and memorable? Want a fun shooter with lots of different ways to play? This is what you'll be getting if you get Strania: The Stella Machina.

    Now if you don't like shmups at all, you'll most likely not like these two games, but if you want to try something challenging and entertaining, you might like it. Strania is on XBLA, so you can try the demo.

    I'd say Fallout 3, since there is some definite fun to be had there (though Fallout 1 and 2 are far superior games)- if you like a more RPG-esque FPS, you'll like it.

    Other people have recommended what I'd recommend, so I'll leave it there.

    If you do like RPGs, Lost Odyssey is a good place to start (it's essentially Final Fantasy, made by the guys who made the original Final Fantasy).

  10. Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light was the best Final Fantasy game since Final Fantasy X.

    It was like I was actually playing an RPG again.

    Instead of a de-fanged mmo (XII) or a piece of shit (XIII). XII was still all right, I want to clarify that. But you'll find me sooner playing the first 10.

    Highly recommend it to anyone who like FFs I-III, and FFV.

    FFIV the complete edition is the way to go if you want to play After Years, because episodic content is always, ALWAYS lame.

    Which is why unless this is released as a single package, I won't really bother with it. Plus, I don't really like the Dragon Quest games too much- can't get into them. I like FF games playing like FF games, myself. Though that is increasingly a nebulous claim with just how many fucking types of games have the Final Fantasy label slapped to it.

  11. I'd like to reiterate:

    I'm sorry Braid's platforming was as boring as all hell, and its puzzles were mediocre at best.

    It was successful because everyone bought into the hype, including those who have voiced their dislike of the game.

    Well not me because i played it on my brother's computer, so lol. I may not feel cheated (though he certainly does, because he too found the game boring), I didn't have anyone give me their opinion until I played the game for myself. And found it boring. And the puzzles dull and the challenge severely lacking.

  12. I'm sorry Braid's platforming was as boring as all hell, and its puzzles were mediocre at best.

    That would just make it a "meh" game with gorgeous visuals, but it was made much much worse with the inclusion of its pretentious "meaningful" and "deep" story, which was anything but, and has all the people blinded by this indie nonsense proclaim it a "masterpiece".

    The story sucks- Ebert was right- it was just a wordy fortune cookie.

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