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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. No, I just thought the game was painfully boring, with none of the flair or imagination the other Mario games had.

    the one for the Wii was lots of fun, though.

    DS game?

    Total shit. Boring levels, boring bosses, boring boring boring.

    Just compare all the crazy, fun, and exciting shit that goes on in a level of Super Mario World, Mario 3, or Mario Galaxy 2, and then look at the pure and utter drab nothing that goes on in nearly every single NSMB DS level. I'm surprised no one noticed that there's literally nothing fun going on the entire game.

  2. Back in the day, the Flintstones were still shown regularly on cable, along with many other shows that were made decades ago. So I am sure a good number of us grew up watching them.

    And yay, fucking yay, another shitty Seth McFarlane show. The guy has not had a good joke to tell in over a decade, and in each show he spreads his comedic talent (what little he had working on the old cartoon network shows) thinner and thinner.

    While I won't care, and won't watch it, I just can't stand the fact that more and more people will lap this up, and the standards for actual humor on TV will continue to drop to new lows.

    Of course, everyone will have to be drawn in that same shitty McFarlane style where everyone stands upright at three-quarter angles with their eyes semi-closed.

    Uggggggh. Fucking FOX.

  3. I just edited and made a presentation for my sister's art class, where I set a video of her making a clay sculpture to music.

    You know what music I used?

    For the body:

    DADDY MULK by Zuntata

    and for the credits?

    Born to be Free from Metal Black, by Zuntata.

    You know how beautiful that presentation sounds and looks now?

    You know how many manly tears welled up in my eyes when Born to be Free started playing in the credits?

    How awesome, I get to expose a whole high-school all-girl art class to the awesomeness of Zuntata!

  4. Man, I just finally learned how to use automation clips and the playlist to have sections of a song in different tempo.

    I'm such a boss.

    And like Monobrow, I never use patterns and also input every single note in by mouse (of course something like a drum-loop I made I would copy-paste it over and over as needed).

    Though maybe now that I know how to use the playlist I can do something with that... Eh, either way it doesn't really matter.

  5. Too bad Ivy the Kiwi sold like crap. Approx. 40,000 units across both Wii and DS platforms.

    A shame, too. It was a really charming, fun, adorable, and well-made game.

    At least on the DS. Didn't play the Wii version.

    Soundtrack was bitchin', too.

  6. Shenmue 1 & 2, Skies of Arcadia, Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, Legacy of Kain 2, PSO, RE: Code Veronica, Grandia motherfucking 2, Space Channel 5, Bangai-O, MVC2....

    Man those were some really awesome games. Even if I was always a nintendo kid growing up I knew an amazing game when I saw it (well I didn't see Bangai-O and Grandia 2 until I was much older but hey).

    As much as fans would rejoice, I doubt it'd be a marketably viable move until one of the other three consoles are so weak that it'd be a natural move to come and replace one. You know, like what happened to Sega.

    Owning a Saturn of myself, I have to really appreciate the type of care and quality that Sega put into its consoles that weren't the Genesis mk 2-3, or 32x.

  7. I don't like double posting in a topic i make, but this is big enough a change to warrant it:


    All there, free for download.

    Nearly 20 minutes of FM/Mega-Drive music. Many tracks not listed in the OP are found here.

    If you want a .zip, look no further!


    Recommendations from the Emperor himself:


    You Can't Go Home Twice


    ^^this one has got almost a Celtic feel to it, i dunno. I like Celtic :P

    But yeah, download or listen, or just pop in to say I'm dumb or something, whatever works.

  8. lol he ain't my friend, he's my roommate! ;p

    Anyhoo, I just used that example to show that it's kind of engrained in the collective consciousness, at least at a laymen level, that we subconsciously associate "more realistic" with "better" and how that has negative connotations when it comes to varied aesthetically design.

    I know what you're saying though, and I know how there are lots of times we don't have the words to say what we want to say.

  9. Good luck with that, Guy. For ages now most gamers have been brainwashed by marketing into thinking that more realistic = better graphics, and less realistic = shit

    It's the only explanation I have for people saying for people I know saying games like Chrono Trigger look like "shit" on top of the very obvious reason that many people I know are just complete idiots.

    Another case in point: my roommate (who is indeed an idiot), watching me play G-Darius, saying "Woah that darius game looks a whole lot better than the other one you play [Darius Gaiden for the Saturn]!"

    "I wouldn't necessarily call it better, I'd say in certain aspects Darius Gaiden is-"

    "No man you know what I mean, it just looks like, better and 3D and shit"

    It's engrained into the popular consciousness, I'd wager. But anyway

    I'm always for seeing improvements in game engines and graphics that make game-worlds look like living breathing places (as opposed to clumps of awkward rag-dolls a la Assassin's Creed), but I still think we're far from anywhere close to photo-realism (even "photo-realistic" graphics we have now just look uncanny), though game devs are trying their damnedest. Then again, who knows what the next gen holds?

  10. A quick question, one I didn't want to make a thread for:

    I am trying to upload some tracks for an album on my last.fm page.

    I made all of these tracks on TFM Music Maker, and I think that it exports only in mono or something.

    Now, the MP3s I have are recorded in Mono, but last.fm only takes stereo. Is there a way to use a program like Audacity to turn mono tracks into stereo?


    Problem solved- figured out how to do so in Audacity ;0

  11. when nintendo actually does this everyone bitches that they need fresh new material

    I would love to see some new IPs, myself.

    But then again, getting Nintendo to make new IPs is like getting a bunch of three-legged marmots to win the Iditarod.

    There's that batshit crazy one-in-a-million chance they actually manage to do it, but most of the other time they just flounder hilariously in the snow.

  12. So sometime last year I finally got around to getting my copy of TFM Music Maker to work.

    As some of you might know, TFM MM is a freeware tracker that emulates the Mega-Drive yamaha FM soundchip found in Sega Genesis consoles.

    It's got a lot of presets, and you can even make your own synths (a skill which I find lacking in me). All in all it takes a while to figure things out, but once you do you can make some really cool musics.

    Heck, recently, I just made an entire game OST using TFM MM for someone's game-project; when said game is finally released I'll be sure to post the OST so everyone can listen. And I'll even post the game too! :P

    Anyhoo, anyone want to listen to what I've been cooking up for the last several months?


    the first finished full-length song I completed with TFM. It's pretty bare-bones, yet for some reason it remains the longest song I've made with it.

    The Sky's the Limit

    here is a sneak peak at the level 1 track I made for the person's game. I think I kinda flubbed up on the percussion in this one (it was hard to make a good 14/8 percussion though) in retrospect, but it's too late to change it now. Still, I think I did pretty well on it.

    Life of Villain

    Using them fireshark and battletoads presets, man. Good stuff : D


    , I think I'm really starting to improve with the program at this point. I still don't know jack-all about most of the effects, but hey at least it's catchy.


    Inspired by Zuntata and OGR, as of this typing this is the best thing I've done with TFM. The slight tweaks I made to several of the presets really brought them out, and I love that think, dirty, bass. But hey that's just me.

    So, hey, listen, tell me I suck, or something. Or if you have some awesome TFM music of your own I'll try to give it a listen too! : )

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