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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. The ability to TRULY play as DeDeDe?

    Oh man, it's like they finally gave me what i have been fucking asking since that taste in Crystal Shards.

    Though it's kind of weird to have MetaKnight in what I thought was supposed to be a Dreamland title, since he's never shown up in a title in the Dreamland series.

    While DeDeDe probably (and sadly) won't be a boss, I just really, really, REALLY hope they bring back a new form of Zero to fight. He's probably the best end-boss in the Kirby series, and the creepy dark atmosphere he brings to the games is ALWAYS welcome.

  2. Most people have already voiced my concerns, such as lack of actual WiiU games, fear for a continued dearth of meaningful third-party support, an unwieldy and expensive controller, lack of GC support...

    While my older brother is pretty impressed with the whole thing, I dunno about it. I'm glad stuff like friend codes are being done away with, but the controller, ie, the main selling point of the system if we go by the conference, will end up being as gimmicky as the Wii Remotes ultimately proved (with very, very, very few games actually being ENHANCED by the inclusion of motion controls).

    Without the GC support it still means going through the hassle of getting a Wiimote and a Classic Controller Pro (because the original CC was so shitty that it's not worth it) to play any of the good games on the new console.

    I must really be colored skeptical by the relatively poor output of worthwhile games on the Wii this last year or two... Nothing on VC (with so much to choose from!), nothing on Wiiware, no real major games outside of DKCR... It's just been lackluster. And from the conference, they want us to get on the same wagon a second time around!

  3. My initial reaction to the Wii U controller:

    "My my my that looks awfully gimmicky"

    I've been proven wrong before, but why do I get the feeling that the best (read: most fun) games will not utilize nearly half the features on the controller?

    The conference as we've seen it now certainly did try to show us how "hardcore" the Wii U (a dumb name attached to a dumb name) was, but facetiously or not, Brandon brought up a point that several of those titles are of middling quality.

    I've been a Nintendo fan my whole life, and I am sure somewhere down the line they'll do some crazy shit to make us all believe in this console, but I really don't want to put down so much money on a flimsy, overly large controller like that! Trying to get 3 or 4 of them to have a sustainable bout of, say, Four Swords? A fortune!

    Also, I am pretty sad that GC support is ending this generation. The fact that the Wii supported the Gamecube prevented retailers and stores like Gamestop from removing all their GC games and accessories. Probably won't be the case now.

    The GC controller WAS pretty tight, and my personal favorite of controllers. This WiiU thing just don't look right.

  4. Tune in next week when Emperor Charlemagne's account is banned for excessive gay porn image bombing after 15 year-old losers find his passwords and trash all his internet-stuffs. :<

    You know, really, once you deal with one mentally-imbalanced pedophile hacker, you know how to deal with them all.

    And I wish I could say I've never had to.

  5. You know, for all this talk about "anonymous", and how "important" they are, I really think that for the most part, these things are only carried out by bored 15-year-old losers.

    All this LOL WE R LEGION just hides the fact that they're usually just assholes fucking with people because their real-life social lives are nonexistent, maybe because of a combination of various disorders or, again, being losers.

  6. A lot of Bioshock's music, while very good and fitting the game to a T, I don't know how much of it is remixable...

    Outside of, say,

    , or The Ocean on his Shoulders, or
    , there aren't any really strong melodic pieces... Not to say that's necessary for remixing, but it's hard for us amateurs and hobbyists to remix ambient atonal music.
  7. this song captures the :c emotion pretty accurately.

    More like


    What you're asking for, eirin, is kind of hard, since there's no really set definition of VG music. I mean, Uematsu is obviously (mostly) inspired by Romanticism, while someone like the Follin brothers, or Wise, come from much more electronica backgrounds. VG composers come from demoscene, from the DJ scene, from Julliard, from my basement (a prestigious school if ever there was one!).

    However, all the suggestions here are good places to start. With music, it's kind of hard since most of the actual making of music has to come from within you, and how YOU feel about something.... like the color Green. :<

    I like Hisayoshi Ogura's method of composing: when asked to do a game project, he thinks up of a keyword that kind of fits the whole theme of the project (for G-Darius, it was "chimera"), and really thinks about the whole different meanings, emotions, and permutations associated with the word, and came up with one of the

    of all time. I've never tried it myself (because i've only composed for one game, and on what was essentially a lark), but i think that's a really good and focused way to go about it, instead of approaching every project with "let me just let some jingles come into my head every now and then and go from there."

    I mean, we all pretty much compose like that, but I feel like his method is good long-term.

    Learning a little comp probably would help, but don't get so caught up in the rules of theory that it stifles the creative, expressive side of making music. Nearly done happened to me!

  8. So much better than downloading from khinsi-


    Even though the latest Mana games haven't been all that great, the music remains top-notch. I think the best scores are in FFA, SoM, and SD3, myself.

    It sounds like it would make a really amazing birthday/christmas present for the VGM nut in the family. Wait a minute, that's us.

  9. Yeah, if there's one thing I like, I like the crisp sounds of midi-ish soundfont instruments a whole lot more than the more modern counterparts. I suppose it is a preference thing, but I feel that when you have such an obvious limitation as a soundfont like that, you can "get" more out of it.

    Like I said, it would feel right at home on a PS1 game or Atlus RPG.

  10. Be fair warned I am known for my thorough critiques!

    Sounds like something you'd hear from a strategy game published by Atlus like Yggdra Union, or something like that for the PlayStation 1.

    It's got some good moments; however, it definitely is rough in several spots and I'd recommend some tune-ups here and there:


    -the transition at 0:12. Now, we all like a good bass intro, but I don't feel like it flows into the song that follows well at all, almost like it was included at the beginning before you knew which way the song was going. You know how in

    it's got that long, slow, and thoughtful intro that is radically different from the rest of the song, which is fast-paced and frantic? Try to listen to how that bridges the gap between the two sections, because no one will listen to your track without being violently jarred out of their listening mood in the first 12 seconds or so.

    As I said, find a better way to make that bass line work, or trim the fat, so to speak. I'm sure you put it in there for a reason, but it needs some fixing.

    -I am not sure if the percussive instruments need a little bit more reverb or effects... as they stand right now they work, but sound a little flat and lifeless. As I said, I think it's mainly because the samples just kind of die after the attack, and feel very mechanical. It's your call though, and it's not a big deal.

    -the first major part after :12 feels a little muddy- it feels either that there is too much going on, or there is too much sound hitting the middle, or that there are too many instruments playing at once. Sometimes making silence is as important as making melodies in composition. Now, it's not all that bad (really!), I'd just do a few things like put the volume down on the bass a teeeeny bit, and pan the non-arpeggiated piano bit to the side some more (and lower its volume too). That should be good up to the song hits :42 or so.

    Really, most of the problems with "muddiness" in this piece can be solved with volume control, namely, quieting down some instruments at several points and putting them in the background, to compliment the melody, not fight for it.

    -the choral solo at 1:37 or so needs a low bass to help it out (like it immediately gets a few seconds later). The choir Aah sample is not good enough on its own to do a solo like that. Too scratchy. However, that scratchiness can be drowned out with a bass or something.

    -the piano at 2:00 is kinda dissonant, and that opening section doesn't really mesh well with what goes before and after. Once the rest of the accompaniment comes in, that dissonance just goes away, making its one appearance seem a little extraneous. I would change it up or cut it if I were making the song. But then again, I'm not. All I say is that it sounds out of place.

    -I think the synth and choir solo at 2:21 needs a little bit of quieting down- they run into each other, it seems like

    -the harmonica...? the brass trumpet? whatever the sample is at 2:47 is a little too grating and prominent. I think it needs to be pushed to the side a little bit more, because out in the middle like it is it isn't really working for me.

    Now, you may think I only have suggestions for improvement, but that is not the case!

    I actually really liked most of your song, and thought it pretty well-done from a melodical perspective- I love the piano arpeggios ascending periodically, and think that gives the song a really nice flavor to it.

    The drum bits are cool and I like you using a little variety in your drum loops, so kudos on that.

    When things work in this song, they really work- I like the flow and the energy behind everything. That being said, do I think there is plenty of work to be done? Yes. But I only say that because I think the song is kind of like an uncut gem at this point, needing refinement and polish so it can really shine.

  11. I haven't actually received the game itself to actually play it, but I helped a gal I know over the internet by crafting a soundtrack for her game, entitled "WindMiles."

    The stipulation was 7 BGM, and 3 sound cues (two for item gets, and one game over cue).

    I used TFM Maker to make the songs, so they're no GeckoYamori, but hey.

    If I ever get the actual game from her, I'd be sure to post it to see how the music actually works in the game.

    It was the first time I had ever composed for someone else, and it was actually a really fun experience, one that I'd love to do again, if possible. Instead of solo-composing, where you have to think of everything yourself, it was actually a lot of fun to try to make my music fit into the world someone else had created.

    Well, they are all on my soundcloud link in my sig, under the WindMiles OST collection, but I'll post them here too:

    01 Project WindMiles

    02 Sky Level: The Sky's the Limit (14/8, aren't I fancy)

    03 Sea Level: My Troubles Wash Away

    04 Cave Level: Pressure from Below (probably my single favorite track I made for the game... also one of the first)

    05 Pirate Ship: Creeping Sickness

    06 Boss Fight: Salt n' Grime: Fight the Pirate King! (EC goes all experimental ooooo)

    07 Credits: Breathe the Fresh Air

    So, now that I made a game soundtrack, that means you should all start making remixes of them! :tomatoface:

    But in any event, listen and enjoy, and say something nice (or not nice) y'know!

  12. A final question that is bugging me and my brother (who has had SSFIV for a while now):

    We can never hear the themes of our favorite characters (like Sakura, or Adon, or Bison, or Rose, or anyone "classic"), except in the Arcade mode Rival Fights, or in some isolated instances. The options screen doesn't really help there (then again, we didn't look hard).

    The default stages at the stage select that are there must be for the new characters, but even then we don't have stuff for say like, C. Viper's theme, or what-have-you.

    Is there a way to get those songs to show up more? Or are there some character stages you (ugh) have to pay for?

    If there's one thing bugging me about the game more than anything, it's that we just have these piss-poor stages with boring music in them.

  13. the basic rule of online is that you are always 10x worse than the person you're playing against.

    I know people know how to play these characters. That doesn't make them seem any faster (Gen in particular feels like he got the total fucking shaft, and his character/personality seems totally different with that stupid THE WEAK DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE stuff).

  14. You know, my only SF experience before this game was Street fighter 2 Turbo SNES, and Street Fighter Alpha 2 (one of my favorite games now)...

    Is it just me or does this game feel unbearably slow in comparison? I mean, like, Gen and Rose crawl across the screen when before they were agile fighters.

    And while I like playing as some characters, those ultra combos and super-ultra whatevers get old really fast.

    It's not bad, but watching the same 15 second attack animation over and over again loses its charm quickly, whereas in ALpha 2 the longest attack animations were over in less than a few seconds.

  15. I think it's a glitch, because I keep on standing behind the tube, and the shield is still up.


    It was a glitch. I had to restart several checkpoints back before things were working normally.

    Now I am done.

    Kind of an abrupt ending, in a way.

  16. I am talking about before that sweet lunar sediment even comes out of the tube (before it breaks). The pre-fight. The shield just remains up, and the bombs keep on hitting it. instead of the tube.

    I should have clarified.

  17. So I need some spoiler free help with the last boss.

    I keep on trying to get the bombs to come at me (to the designated spot to kick off the fight), but no matter what I do the shield remains up high hitting all the bombs as they're fired.

    I've tried all sorts of ways of getting the shield to face another direction, but no dice. Anyone know what I should be doing?

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