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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. I have MAME UIFX32, to get my Taito shmup fix. At least until I spring for Taito Legends 2 for the PS2 (waiting on my next paycheck, lol).

    From what i understand, all you need is to get the .zip file (as said, the 'parent' file)- don't worry about the bios or anything like that (then again, UIFX32 doesn't have a folder for bios)- you just need to get the MAME ROM (google should suffice) and put it in the ROM folder.

    However, MAME is EXTRAORDINARILY finicky and picky- it's annoying in that regard. Some ROM files won't work, and some are incredibly picky as to WHICH zip file is the REAL parent ROM. You have to go by trial and error, and looking around online is your safest bet.

  2. As much as I think game blogger Alex Kierkegaard is an insufferable blowhard (with a misplaced devotion to Nietzsche to boot! The man quite honestly fancies himself the Zarathustra of gaming!), I think he has a lot of worthy criticisms of the game industry, and game journalism at large.

    He says, at its most basic, game reviews should have the basic ranking of




    And you could POSSIBLY expand that with the inclusions of Very Favorable and Very Unfavorable.

    Anything beyond that is just muddying the waters (and it's true, using the 10-point scale means nearly every game will be above 6.0, making the scale essentially worthless). As the video pointed out, this essentially makes the out-of-ten system worthless save for metacritic.

    As also noted, since major game sites are paid by game-companies, you will rarely find honest critique there.

    One thing that makes me annoyed about most game review sites is their principle of shifting around reviewers to cover different game genres. In theory, this is not a bad idea, as allowing different perspectives on a genre can be useful.

    However, when you have a meathead whose only expertise is in FPSes try to review, say, an arcade shmup, or a platformer, you are going to get a biased THIS GAME IS NOT WHAT I AM USED TO LIKING THEREFORE IT SUCKS 6/10 bullshit that tarnishes the scores of so many games... much like IGN's infamous shitty and wretched review of God Hand, giving the game a 3/10 (yet they still found the gall to put it on one of their innumerable 'Top 100-or-so Games' lists that comes out every five months and SERVES ABSOLUTELY NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER).

    People who are well-versed in a particular genre are more capable of reviewing that genre (and as the video states, pointing out similarities for the reader) than those not well-versed.

    I could not give you an accurate review of a FPS, since the amount i've played is limited, to only a few of the "classics" like Doom etc, and a few Xbox shooters. I am not in a good position to tell you which FPS to buy.

    I have played a lot of shmups, platformers, and RPGs though! I could tell you a lot about those!

    But we continually see game journalism sites (or just the uneducated fuckwits at sites like Destructoid) try to tell you which games are "deserving" of your money, when those games are just big-budget shitfests like FFXIII that are not worth playing.

    I think game journalism needs a massive rehaul myself, but some will feel free to disagree.

    I chuckled at the mention of discussion on Braid, because if there's a game that does NOT deserve discussion, it's that crappy, boring game.

  3. Well, funnily enough, we were just talking about this on another forum.

    I always went:




    Skull-chula (as a kid, i pronounced it Skull-a-ta ...)



    From what I gather, some of that is wrong, but that's how i pronounced them as a kid, and can and will not change!

  4. Say guys

    What if you took Top Gun-

    but threw in some aliens in there!

    Also, Hammond's scenes get so over the top, that it is impossible to take him seriously anymore.


    The movie was on the whole sloppy and they definitely could have done a better story.

  5. It's a long shot, but I'd be beside myself if I were to meet the man, who inspired my own career as a composer and video-game enthusiast. The first ten FFs would not be as good as they were without his wellspring of imaginative, evocative, and memorable pieces.

    Now if only OCR can arrange a meetup between me and Hisayoshi Ogura, I can die a heppy heppy ket!


    Then again, I wonder if anyone is going to the Chicago one in a few days. Considering I live in the city, I wonder if I should go to that instead...

  6. To throw my hat into the ring, my three favorite Zeldas are MM, LA, and WW, with MM and LA usually swapping "all-time best Zelda" titles like a pair of overblown WWE wrestlers.

    Link's Awakening is incredibly playable, the items are fun, the world is a charm to explore, and is full of memorable moments...

    And not only that, but the game mechanics make for an incredibly open-ended game.

    And much like how Sakamoto, Gumpei, et all did not intend for the insane sequence-breaking in Super Metroid (but nonetheless gave the game unprecedented replayability), the warp glitch pretty much means you can sequence-break as much as you want in LA and play the game however well you damn feel like. It's a lot of fun! Want to beat Turtle's Rock before you even get the sword? Go ahead and try it out! Want to keep Marin with you so you can show her how much of a badass you are across all these dungeons? Go ahead, champ!

    And even if you don't use the glitch to sequence-break and fuck around, the game is solid enough in the adventure-department to just enjoy it straight up. I think the game is better than LttP in that regard- LA was just an incredibly refined experience, and not a single screen, not a single item, not a single NPC was put to waste. In that sense it's a marvel in economic, tight, game design.

    MM was fun for the high amount of optional, fun sidequests you could do. On top of 4 of the best 3D dungeons in the series, you could really do the RPG part of the Action-RPG, as you could go out of your way and affect the story (or at least, the game-world characters) in a way you couldn't do in any Zelda game. Yeah, it's no Fallout 1, but it's still fun, and adds a lot to the lasting-value of the game. Finding masks is fun, and most of them are legitimate rewards that make the game better for finding them (like the all-powerful bunny hood). Plus, the focus on a concentrated group of NPCs makes each NPC in MM memorable, more-so than their OoT counterparts. Outside of, say, Malon, Talon, and Ingo, and the sages, there aren't really any characters in OoT worth remembering- they're forgettable. However, in the course of MM, you come to know a wide range of fascinating characters, and the game's apocalyptic setting makes for some really tender and/or nuanced moments as these NPCs try to come to terms with the fact that the world is ending. It's unheard of, especially in a Nintendo game, to have characters like that. TP tried to be dark and "deep", but MM blew it out of the water.

    WW's greatness comes from the sense of freedom and exploration you have (which is one of the core tenets that Zelda was built off of), and after the first three jewels, you could just start going anywhere and exploring the world. Despite claims to the contrary, treasure hunting was very fun, and all the secrets, nooks, and crannies waiting for you to expose them. The world is colorful and vibrant, the dungeons, while on the easy side, are nonetheless expertly designed and plenty of fun, and I still have yet to discover everything in the vast Great Sea. Plus, the story of the game is, as was said, "tragic" in a way I didn't ever think a Zelda could be. There is a lot of nostalgia being tugged at in WW, and the sense of loss over the old world of Hyrule probably made all of us shed a tear on the inside ;;

    Too bad they were followed up with the mediocre DS sequels, which more or less destroyed the mythos established in Wind Waker... But hey for all we know the likely thing is that the next Zelda game will render the DS games out of place, canonically, or in the "timeline" or something like that.


    ON topic, I've heard from a few people that while OoT 3D is mostly the same game, there are a few changes here and there. Apparently there's a glitch that when you unlock a door, Link starts spinning around like crazy like he's got St. Vitus' dance or something.

    Another thing I've heard is that a few of the cool touches of OoT were changed- one guy told me that some of the timed text moments are no longer there... EG, like when you meet Ganondorf on the bridge, in the original, the text would show up "Heh.......heh.....heh...." and would show up with each laugh. This is not present in the remake.

    Not a major complaint by any means, but I always thought that was really cool in the original.

  7. It's a good thing I don't give a single flying-fuck what /b/ thinks or does. They can post pictures of dicks to make themselves feel better once it's all over. The way that abortion of a community works is, as I said, they just move on from one thing to another, thus, any "shitstorm" they have usually passes as they once again look for a new kick to fill the void in their lives.

  8. I was actually thinking either today or yesterday "You know, sooner or later a REAL hacker (or a hacker much better than these amateurs) is going to expose these fucks and shit on their parade"

    I was also thinking that sooner or later, that the internet would get bored of them, thus losing their base of support, or the more likely thing is, being bored teenagers, they'd get bored of this themselves, slip up, and expose themselves.

    Either way, I'm hopeful to see that their actions get the consequences they deserve.

  9. I have a semi-related question:

    some of the Mp3s I download or have had for a long time get this really staticy screechy noise to them that really is murder on the ears.

    Is this the "loss" that people talk about when they talk about MP3s? I've only ever seen it happen in that format.

    If there is a way to remove that screechy grating noise, I'd be a heppy heppy "ket".

    Or is this just me and my computer?

  10. Agreeing with Bleck wholeheartedly on that one.

    Hyrule Field was huge, but once again, just plain EMPTY. Not as empty as OoT's Hyrule Field (which is actually very very bland), but since it's so big, you can really take in all the .... nothing going on. Yeah there are some enemies here and there that try to harass you, but where's all the things to do???

    The handful of quests out there only give money, which is a pretty lame reward after the 30th chest of 100 rupees. You max out WAY too fast, and the game just gives you invincibility armor to continuously suck out all the money you were getting. If you had less than 1500 rupees going into Ganon's fight, you must have missed out on at least a third of the game.

    Heck, it was so fucking cool finding these dark dangerous caves in the middle of NOWHERE, exploring what felt like mini-dungeons with tough enemies... Only to get 500 rupees at the end? Laaaame. LttP and LA, and Majora, and Wind Waker gave you cool interesting shit for going off the beaten path- like optional items, charts, heart-containers, item expansions... All this stuff was great (and in WW's case, you needed all that money because of fucking Tingle...); exploring was fun!

    It was fun in TP, too, lots of fun, even. But the payoff did not live up to the effort getting there. What do you get for bugs? Rupees. What do you get for poes? A bigger wallet, to hold all your rupees.

    And, as I said, the world was empty- one shop (no, I'm sorry, two) in Kakariko, and like, 5 NPCs in Hyrule Castle Town. Abandoned Village was pointless- just a setup for a minor action skirmish (which was so cool! And then just wasted and never brought into play again).

    There was nothing to spend all your gosh-damned money on. So it just piled up and in worse cases, just SAT THERE.

    I have beaten Wind Waker roughly 5 times now (and I still have yet to find everything). I've only completed Twilight Princess once. Now, don't take my comments the wrong way, as it was a great game and i really enjoyed it, but i tried to play through it again and i didn't feel like it. Once was good enough (at forty hours, mind you!).

    And while I don't know what the whole cooking analogy has to do with anything, I do know that I think they approached TP in the wrong way. Aonuma's crew wanted to recreate OoT for a new age, but fell short- there were a lot of tired elements and formulae at play that were just irritating (like the "hit boss's weakness three times to kill it" stuff... all the while NEVER CHANGING THEIR FORMULA AS THE FIGHT PROGRESSED). Stuff like the "never use the item outside of its dungeon" design.

    It just needed a lot more polish into making the game mechanics and items mesh together into the world, when it is clear that they rarely ever tried to make the dungeon items be anything more than boss-keys, when a better Zelda game (such as Link's Awakening) would make them fun and integral tools to further your adventure.

  11. That's their point I reckon. It doesn't mean anything' date=' It's all for the lulz.[/quote']

    Which is exactly the result of the skeptical, cynical, nihilistic, pleasure-seeking culture that has been indoctrinated into us. Which is anything but funny- it's actually a symptom of a great disease that these fuckwits are unaware they have.

    the "I don't care I do it for LAUGHS" is nothing new, but it is the sign of a seriously unhealthy mind especially when on such a destructive scale.

    Their whole manifesto reveals what i knew already- these are whiny deadbeat antisocial teenagers who are shunned in life and have no other means to vent their awkward nerd rage.

    The problem is that before, there was something called living in the real world that would dispel this bullshit. Now, they are having a huge hard-erection at all the fame they're getting, and think they are important, when in fact, they are not.

  12. I love how our generation thinks it's being deep and meaningful, wasting time to write all the hogwash you posted, when in fact it's just poorly-reasoned, philosophically-shitty pseudo-skepticism garbage.

    The "lulz lizard" era indeed.

    The guys are so fucking bloated with their own self-importance because they fucking know SQL scripting!

    The self-righteous tone they take to justify their idiocy is a riot, as well.

  13. The less the game industry tries to emulate the film industry, the better. The more overlapping between the two means a continuous stream of games going for "cinematic experience" while sacrificing the very thing that made them games in the first place: being a GAME.

    It's like Killer7, which was more about watching the cutscenes than playing its mediocre rails-shooter segments. Or Other M, which was more about watching Sakamoto's shitty fanfic than playing its mediocre Metroid segments.

    Games don't need an "Oscars" because that will do the same thing to the game industry that happened to the film industry- making pretentious hollywood garbage that tries to be "deep" and "meaningful" when it in fact is hamfisted and acted out by overhyped hollywood blowhards. The Oscars are merely a circle-jerk by the academy, patting itself on the back for another good year of trash.

    Heck the film industry, for the most part, hasn't had an original bone in its body since the early 90s, and that's being generous to the 90s!

    Stuff like the GDC is exactly the type of "award show" the game industry should have, and nothing more inspired by the Oscars or the like. The VGA is the opposite- pure shit shit shit sshhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

  14. http://soundcloud.com/emperorcharlemagne/size-not-an-issue

    EDIT: here's a second track looking for feedback:


    I have no internet, or cable at my new apartment yet.

    However, in the meantime, I seem to have been blessed with a lot of musical inspiration as of late.

    Maybe the two are connected?

    Anyhoo, here's a piece that i pretty much spent two straight hours on last night and am posting here at my school library after my work shift.

    I decided, as it says in the description, that it was finally the time to start figuring out samples/sample libraries, and the various filter effects, and whatnot (it's not like I never used either before- I did, but it was never a focus of composition to incorporate them). If I want to make the music I REALLY wanna make I'll need to get proficient in all of these and much more.

    So I open this piece up for constructive critique, or well-wishing adulation. I'm fine with either. Fixing the piece is as simple as opening up FL9 again, but I'll let the more musically-proficient analyze it.

  15. It's funny that we have to preface everything we say these days with "well that's just my opinion" because God Forbid you don't, and people DISAGREE with you! IT'S LIKE YOU'RE OFFENDING THEM.


    Region free, and cheap... Well, it definitely looks promising, but I am still unsure if the Ninty fanboy in my can overcome itself and buy a sony handheld!

  16. I would get this mainly to get PSN stuff from Japan, like Darius Burst and all the shmup compilations released only in Japan.

    The cheap price point is definitely nice, though the touch thing seems pointless.

  17. Well, Nightmare in Dreamland was a remake of Kirby's Adventure, so it's not really a dreamland game.

    All I am saying is that the Dreamland series (D1, D2, D3, and Crystal Shards, which was kind of like a remake or retelling of D3) all had similar elements to it.

    Why I bring it up in lieu of this game is because ages ago when this trailer was announced they said they had taken out a copyright or something on the Dreamland license. Implying a new game in the Dreamland series of games (which, in my heart of hearts, I consider to be the "main series" of Kirby games).

    These similar elements usually revolve around Kirby, his animal sidekicks (only barely present in Crystal Shards, but replaced with other NPC sidekicks), DeDeDe being possessed, and most of all, the inclusion of Zero.

    I am positive MetaKnight's knights were not in Dreamland 2 or 3.

    Now, most of you will say "Who cares?", well, I love the Dreamland games, and talking about them, so that's all the reason I need. Plus trying to figure out why MetaKnight is there is a good way of finding out whether this is a Dreamland game or not.

  18. Echoing zircon here- I know quite a few hackers who hacked into school/company security systems, contacted the hacked parties about it, and showed them how bad their security was. Then they were given jobs there.

    Here, it's just a bunch of losers from 4Chan (ie, any random person from 4Chan and/or /b/) being dicks because LOLUL ANONYMOUSE WE R LEGION LOLOLOLOLOL INTERNET HATE MACHINE LULZZZZZZZ

    In other words, faggots. Or to use Alex Kierkegaard's terminology, "fagots"

    What's worse is that the mass media treats these people like they're some big collective group of hackers or something, giving them the attention they do NOT deserve.

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