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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Okay, so it turns out there was actually one submission. He sent it to my Hotmail account (which blocks mail from anyone not on my contact list). I just received it on my Yahoo account this evening. So, here's the deal. One, I can extend the deadline a bit to let a few more people enter. A possibility would be to give this person one additional point for being the only one to enter on time. Two, just say the guy won and move on to round thirteen. Well? As far as defining the theme more, I thought I had cleared it up a little, but maybe I can try again. Because of the way in which the sinner is living his life, he is headed for hell. If he cleans up his act, he will go to heaven. The process of cleaning up is difficult (imagine de-tox from a really additive drug). So, the choice becomes whether or not he's going to get off his ass and change his life around or be lazy and go to hell. Does that help?
  2. We have a couple options here. I have received no entries for this round. What that measn is that I can either extend the deadline for another week or two or I can change out the theme itself, which would ultimately lead to pushed back deadline. I need to hear from everyone on this.
  3. This is what I told members of the Young Composer's Forum: You have a lot of freedom in this. Your only limitation is believability. You have to be able to get your audience to buy into the concept, just by listening to your music (and maybe with a little help from reading the description). You are to find the inspiration in yourself. The theme just gives you the context.
  4. To clarify the situation - while trying to limit my own interpretation - the guy/girl/person is already headed for the crapper, but has a chance to make up and fly straight, but the process of doing so means he/she/it/they has (have) to do something he/she/it/they doesn't (don't) really want to do. So, basically it goes like this; aimed for hell, could go to heaven, but it would come at a price. Does that help?
  5. I've yet to receive an entry, so I hope you're all working on them.
  6. Yeah, I've worked on it. I'm having some difficulty with the hot spots, though. I'm going to play around with the ambience settings to see if I can minimize that.
  7. Do we have a tracklist sitting around somewhere? Specifically, of what we've done so far...
  8. Is it the whole site? I only noticed that our forums were down. I was starting to get a little concerned...
  9. Please notice that you actually have three weeks this time around...
  10. CMC: Conceptual Music Competition This competition is based on the rules of the classic TOMC (Thematic Original Music Competition). The CMC (Conceptual Music Competition) is designed so that each participant enters a piece of music based on a set theme. The participants take the theme and interpret it as they will to come up with something that fits. Any style can work, as long as it portrays a sense of what the theme is. Feel free to be imaginative! Each successive theme will be chosen by the winner of the previous competition. For example, say the theme of the last competition, CMC 19, was "The Volcano" and the winner, Fred, submitted a piece that knocked the socks off of everyone, so he won. Fred then gets to decide the theme for CMC 20. This competition is open to registered members of the forums of OverClocked ReMix, VGMix, Ormgas, VGMusic, SheezyArt, Gaming World, and Young Composers. CMC 12: The Sinner's Choice "The fiery pits of Apollyon (hell) burn unyieldingly before the sinner, while the pearly gates of Elysium (heaven) shine brightly in all their glory. It is the everlasting battle of death: flames of everlasting and divine wrath against paradise; a dark void against a placid abyss; an unending suffering against infinite tranquility. Now is the time. He has the choice: Will he atone his sins or is it still greed that he craves?" -James Householder IV Results!: Text results and critiques There are 2 entries for this round... Blue.Nocturne - "Unforgiving Sin" "Our hero has done the greatest sin of all, he has slain a human life with his own hands. Unable to forgive himself, he has gone into a state of depression. He thinks much about what he has done, but he ultimately is unable to forgive himself. Abandoning all hope of salvation, he truely believes that no action can repent for his sin." HoboKa - "A Most Frightful Dilemma" "Okay, so I interpreted CMC 12's theme as a dark, choir-ish/electronica feel, which picks up halfway when the sinner decides that he needs to make a change and fight for his redemption. I hope you guys enjoy it." Voting Rules!: Voters will be allowed to pick a first place (3 points) and any number of honorary mentions (1 point). Only one set of votes from any one voter will be accepted and a person cannot vote for any one piece more than once. Corrections to votes, from the original voter only, will be accepted, but corrections will void the previous votes. Basically, a voter can vote and correct the vote, but only the final form of that vote will be counted. Send all votes to Abadoss by PM. Please include any and all constructive critiques (not to be confused with bashing) about them with your votes as well, so that there's always a sense of growth in the artform. If you wish to remain anonymous, just state so in your PM. Thanks. The voting period will last from the moment the entries are posted in the thread to the Saturday of that week. The voting period for this round ends October 13, so be sure to spend some time really listening to the pieces. Any participant in the competition can vote, but not for their own pieces. However, in an effort to encourage voting among participants, any participant who votes will have 2 points added to their voting score. Official Rules!: Each piece must be originally composed for this competition. Arrangements and remixes will not be accepted. (Pieces composed by the participant prior to the competition will not be accepted.) Each piece must be 2:00 or longer and match the competition theme. Only one entry per person. Collaborations will be allowed, but each collaborator may not submit any other pieces. (This also means that a person cannot collaborate on two or more different pieces at the same time.) A link to the entry piece must be PMed to Abadoss prior to the deadline set for each competition. DO NOT POST THE LINK IN THE THREAD! However, feel free to post in the WIP:Other forum. Important: Each file must be labelled accordingly: Composer_Name_-_Composition_Title_CMC#.mp3 (For example, if Danielle Smith submits a piece called "Drum Run at Tom's Tomb" to CMC 16, then her filename would be: Danielle_Smith_-_Drum_Run_at_Toms_Tomb_CMC16.mp3) MP3 file format is required. Know that even OGG will need to be converted into MP3. (If someone is unable to do so themselves, Abadoss would be willing and able to do it for them.) Entries should be accompanied by a description and/or story to help listeners understand what the piece is about. (Not required, though.) All entries must be submitted by Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 11:59 PM - PST, GMT-8. You can find the competition threads for each forum listed below: OverClocked ReMix: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11837 VGMix: http://www.vgmix.com/vg25/viewtopic.php?id=7826 Ormgas: http://oc.ormgas.com/forum_viewtopic.php?2.19468 VGMusic: http://www.vgmusic.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=9441 SheezyArt: http://www.sheezyart.com/forum/topic/88496/ Gaming World: http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=64588.0 Young Composers: http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/conceptual-music-competition-12-sinners-choice-11431.html Good luck and have fun! Previous CMCs: http://www.warnerpacific.edu/personal/kkeyn/CMC.htm
  11. The next round is located here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11837
  12. Results are in! I'll put up the link to next round in this thread by editing this post when it's ready.
  13. Between not having enough voters and personally being exhausted, I'm going to extend the voting period for another two days. All votes must be in by 11:59 PM {PST, GMT-8} on Monday, August 27, 2007. Please encourage your friends and other people on the forum to vote. Thanks.
  14. I've been at work. Sorry. The links have been fixed.
  15. All entries are in and have now been posted! Time to vote! Remember that votes are to be sent via PM or e-mail. Thanks!
  16. Good. I'm looking forward to it... only a week left for everyone to submit their pieces.
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