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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. It's still Saturday morning... You're fine. All votes are due by the end of the night.
  2. He had his moments of being entertaining, but then, like a Hollywood producer, he just kept milking it too much.
  3. I liked UnMod for the few islands of quality in the ocean of trash... I had drifted away before the removal, though.
  4. Thank you very much everyone. I definitely appreciate it. As for the question concerning my title, it's because I have a tendancy to use a lot of ellipses. This was pointed out to me in UnMod, where I was dubbed Lord of Ellipses. It doesn't mean much more than that...
  5. All entries are in! Time to vote! Some really strong competition this round...
  6. Just go ahead and e-mail it to me (Abadoss@yahoo.com).
  7. Just so no one freaks out, the website is going to go down tomorrow for the afternoon/evening as I re-upload everything. Why re-upload? So I don't run into server permission errors... long story...
  8. Any progress on getting the OCR panel video done?
  9. Are there no expo centers on the east coast?
  10. I had placed this question in my comment, but I figured that it would be a significant question to other people, so I'll ask it here as well. Is production quality included in the judging process?
  11. Except for the fact that I live on the west coast and I'm going to be moving to the east coast - with any luck - before the end of the year and I'd actually like to be able to attend... Just a thought...
  12. The old songs are still on my server... the links got changed on me, but hopefully, you can still access them from my site: http://personalpages.warnerpacific.edu/kkeyn/CMC.htm
  13. I'm not familiar with Cornerstone. If it's a fairly upscale place then I'd probably believe it does. However, we do have Burgerville, which is pretty good. It's basically the Northwest's response to In-and-Out. The real trick is whether or not you have money to spend. El Gauchos - downtown at the Benson Hotel - is amazing, but it's really high priced. So are most of the really good restaurants in the Pearl - such as Paragon and that Peruvian place that I can't remember the name of. There are several Gustav's around town. Really good German food that's not too expensive. Plus, they have fondue. Old Chicago, Applebee's, and Red Robin are kind of the staple cheap, but nice sit down places. Oh! And there's also the Montage - under the Burnside Bridge. They have really good cheesecake. Aside from that, there's a whole bunch of various cafés and restaurants scattered all over the place. You can't go two blocks without finding a coffee shop of some sort.
  14. Ye Olde Portland, Oregon... I think there's about three of us on the internet, total... and one might be an alternate persona...
  15. My favorite part of that was, "We must construct more pylons!"
  16. No warning. They moved everything over to the new address.
  17. Yeah, I know. My server decided to drop FTP and go to another format, so they changed my address. I'm a little pissed.
  18. I'm glad to see I'm in the blue. Also, there's a track missing. 1-19: Legend. Fable is 1-20. Also, also, I talked with Jeremy Robson - he has a ReMix of "Ordinary People" posted - and he said that if anyone wants to play it, he's willing to contribute a piano reduction of his mix.
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