I must say that I really appreciate this mix. It's one of the very few that I've heard in a while that really takes the time to develop the melody. There's good parts and parts that I could live without, but in no part can I say that I would take out. The piece flows, it holds together, and it generally stirs emotion really well.
When I listen to classical music, of any kind, I expect this level of skill. Anything less is not worth the time sifting through all the problems. Solid, solid, solid composition, and I really have to hand it to Mr. Russell Cox...
If I could give a piece of this calibur any advice, the only thing I can think of is that in some of the quieter, softer parts, add a little more detail in the melody, so that it's less likely that a person will drift off or become uninterested (which is difficult to do in this piece). Other than that, excellent work!