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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. What exactly is it that you're asking us to do? EDIT: If it's from a game, it's definitely not NES. That music sounds like a reproduced chiptune, real NES music doesn't sound like that. It's much simpler with a lot less going on. Because the sound chip on the NES can't produce that many tones/timbers concurrently. If the sound of the instruments are the only thing that gave you a clue that it was from a game, it might not be from a game at all.
  2. OCR wants different arrangements, not "IT HAS TO PLEASE EVERY SINGLE EFFING PERSON ON THE SITE" arrangements. In all seriousness, there ARE remixes with stellar production but absolutely no deviation from the source other than additives. I would shake my fist at the judges for that, but since the primary complaint of my subbed mix by them was that I was dangerously close to conservative but my additives saved me (so I didn't get a single NO ), I guess I shouldn't complain. xD I didn't think my mix was that conservative. Not that SonicThHedgog's remix is conservative. It's fairly liberal, just way too repetitive.
  3. Perfect timing, since I'm building my new computer late next month and I can finally pull out all the (CPU) stops and just go rhythm guitar/phat synth/drum layering and/or orchestral NUTS. Picks: Plug Man Splashwo Man Hornet Man Tornado Man Concrete Man
  4. Rozo's got the right idea, but his advice won't really help. FLS has an "Init song with this position" feature. Stop the song completely, (COMPLETELY), and correct your knob to the correct default position that you want. Right click it, hit "Init song with this position". If you don't do that last bit, it will just reset back to 100% right every time you play through the song.
  5. I said IF you plan on subbing to OCR. Also, IF you plan on subbing, it needs to be way longer than 1-2 minutes.
  6. This is one of the few dubstep songs in this world I actually like. It has a melody and melodic structure, which a lot of dubstep lacks. Great production and sound design. I'm always in awe of people who can fit so many elements together.
  7. Also, if you're planning on subbing this in the future, "but that's what mainstream house sounds like" isn't gonna fly here at OCR. OCReMix is for standalone arrangements, not half hour club sets that don't go anywhere musically. The reality is that good production by itself won't get you past the judges.
  8. There's something really off with the timing of when the big bass/synth line comes in. Also, there is way too much sidechain, and it's not even done correctly. It's compressed to the point where it's not even releasing on the upbeat of the kicks. (it's releasing way too late) Also, don't side chain EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING in the mix other than the kick. It just sounds like the kick is trying to shut everything up by repeatedly smacking it into a closet, and the door gets slightly opened before it smacks again. There are lots of rhythm problems in the synths; a lot of it is not playing in time correctly. Also, the arrangement doesn't really feel like anything, it just sounds like you strung a bunch of patterns together (not to mention it's super repetitive). I don't even know what that stuff is past 1:20, did you render too far while you were doodling? Okay production, if you stereo separated your drums, you can proceed to slap yourself. Don't stereo separate your drums, or at least not your kicks. DO NOT PAN YOUR KICK DRUM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM IN HOUSE MUSIC If you didn't pan/separate your drums, you need to make it sound tighter. This sounds pretty far from Daft Punk's style, IMO. There's not enough going on.
  9. EDIT: Nevermind, I was hearing things when I played Portal 1. She wanted to kill you in Portal 1 because you weren't needed anymore, I'm guessing.
  10. OCR's not really a music production or music competition site. But it is a good idea, compo's are always good for increasing talent and gaining experience.
  11. I've already beaten the game, I'm talking about for other people.
  12. It's a moron attempting to fix the mistakes of GLaDOS. Did you expect anything but dumb? Also, guys, SPOILERS. JEEZ!
  13. You could've just made the spoilers white text.
  14. I think he does it for better game performance. Not everyone has gotten a $150 graphics card yet.
  15. GLaDOS is technically autotuned even when she's not singing...
  16. I think GLaDOS's singing in "Want you gone" was better than in "Still Alive"
  17. I use a small plastic First Act pick that came with my guitar when I bought it for $130 at Toys R' Us.
  18. Bandcamp gives you wavs. That beats all. Don't even talk to me about taking up space. If you have a 1TB internal and you don't do video editing or music production, you have enough space. (Unless you download lots of movies, but come on. You'd need like 400-500 movies to fill up the whole drive)
  19. Didn't you start at like 8 o clock at night? Took me the whole day (of course I spent a lot of hours on Co Op with my friend)
  20. Ur doin it rong. (to unstable hamster) But seriously, spamming the turbo multiplier on a K-series Sandy Bridge won't give you any noticeable performance boost because the stock clock would be blazing fast regardless.
  21. This game was long. A bit painfully so if you had trouble with some of the tests, but excitingly longer than Portal 1. The ending was fantastic. Co-Op also didn't fail to please me.
  22. Every OTHER THAN UNLOCKED is locked. Also to clarify, unlocked processors allow you to change the TURBO BOOST multipliers. Basically you decide how much your processor will ramp up to when it feels it's under full load.
  23. I think you're misunderstanding the point of buying an unlocked multiplier processor. I never said that changing voltage and RAM speed doesn't have any more effect. I only said that with unlocked processors, overclocking can (not should) be done solely from changing the turbo multipliers. That's really the easiest way to get a big overclock without having to spend a lot of time. Also, there's only one first-gen i7 with an unlocked multiplier. It's the K series i7-875k. I never said there weren't non-sandy bridge unlocked processors.
  24. No, they allow you to mess with the multiplier instead of having to change voltage and RAM speed. Every other processor has a locked multiplier.
  25. This guide is a bit flawed, because it has a "budget box" which has an AMD and a "hot rod" that has the highest level quad core Sandy Bridge processor. It doesn't really have a middle ground.
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