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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. You are misunderstanding why your director does that. Yes, so the audience can hear the background stuff. But if the audience can hear background stuff, they should be able to hear the lead stuff too. Don't make the background stuff DOMINANT, just keep it AUDIBLE. In other words, don't play piano chords and have somebody ten miles away play the melody, there's no point to having a dominant melody if it's not even dominant. You can do it sometimes, just don't do it ALL the time. It's called a "lead" for a reason. (If all the stuff is in the background, the background turns into the lead. And if all the stuff turns into a lead, there is no background, it's just a big mess of instruments fighting)
  2. Game reviewers like IGN make big deals out of nothing and nothing of big deals. There's nothing wrong with NSMBW, therefore IGN has to resort to complaining about stuff that's NOT in the game. However, they don't give the slightest praise to what IS in the game. I'm not sure what could be added to increase the fun of NSMBW besides HD graphics. But graphics aren't everything, and the Wii proves it. (the NES proved it, for god's sake)
  3. Thanks for the response, I'm looking for a better bass sample with a similar sound. I want the low frequency, but I also want the plonk-y high frequency, too.
  4. Try keeping the source melody DOMINANT. As in make it what everyone wants to listen to, the STRONGEST PART, what stands out the most. Like that electric guitar. Make something like that for the source melody. HOLY CRAP, dude. I listened to your other youtube mixes, they are absolutely phenomenal and realistic. You need to sub every single one of them. You've no excuse for not being a posted remixer
  5. See the problem is my dad won't get me a guitar until I know how to play.

    I can't know how to play if I don't practice.

    I can't practice if I don't get a guitar.

    It's a continuous cycle of annoyance.

  6. Why do you need this if you pirated EWQL? It just pulls a little bit of samples (it's a sample of samples) from EWQLSO. (which you already have pirated, therefore you're downloading a free version of a fraction of pirated stuff you already have) And if you don't download the driver from the PACE website you can't use free version. What I'm saying is, why download the free version?
  7. Well I have to wait till next year because this year my high school DIDN"T GIVE ME THE INTRO TO ELECTRIC GUITAR COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. As soon as I saw you cursing I thought I was in trouble, but when I read the whole thing I lol'd.

    There's one thing I don't have that you do... guitar skills.

    Oh wait, I'll have that when I'm your age. xD

  9. Looking at a youtube video... the interface doesn't look so easy on the eyes. As long as it can hold VST's and can export MIDI's like Rozo said, it's fine. But FL Studio is, in my opinion... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY BETTER, YO. OOOOH BTW, you don't need a keyboard... I don't have one. In FL Studio (and Music Creator 5) they have a piano roll you can use. There's a grid. Each row is a note (FL has about 12 octaves, I think) and each column is a step. Use your knowledge of rhythm to figure out where to put notes and how long to extend them for. There's a piano on the side to tell you which note you're on, and clicking the key on the piano plays the note for you on whatever instrument/sound you're using in that specific pattern. I think the Music Creator piano roll is a lot harder to use... I saw a video of it, and it made it look like writing Mary Had A Little Lamb was the hardest thing ever...
  10. When the installer asks for you for a location to install the VST, find the FL 9 folder in Image Line folder in program files. then go to plugins, then click VST and save it there. (If you already saved somewhere else, just copy the dll thingies into there.) Then go to Channels in fruityloops and click "More..." Then click refresh at bottom right corner of the window, and look for play_VST in the list. Check the box and close the window.
  11. He/she's not spamming... he/she's just... not... being... alive?
  12. No, what I meant was... He asked "Where should I go?" Finding samples is not the next step. LEARNING MUSIC is the next step. And when I said samples I meant high quality VST's. I don't consider soundfonts samples... they are, just not in my own personal opinion.
  13. Thanks for that, judges. It's nice to see that you guys take the time to listen to all of the submissions and vote. Every vote is a step closer to and judging my mix in the queue (it was subbed in October, so I gotta wait about 2-3 months for you guys to get to it. The faster you judge, the closer you'll be to judging mixes subbed much more recently, and maybe you'll actually catch up to judging mixes subbed in the same month you're judging them). (And hopefully I won't get NO'd )
  14. Especially if you're on a low budget computer that can't handle even ONE instance of Quantum Leap (like me). xD
  15. Maybe... because Christmas is supposed to be happy and getting NO'd on the panel with Christmas colors is... Okay never mind.
  16. All of this is true, but if you know what you're doing, you can make it so no one can tell the difference between squidfont and EWQLSO. My point is, you don't need to spend a thousand dollars EWQLSO Gold to get a realistic orchestra. It's NOT the only option. :/
  17. I'm not complaining that they didn't give more, I'm just complaining that they called it a "symphonic orchestra" when it's... uh... kinda... not? It's a joke, anyway. I've no need for any more, I have what I need (I have squidfont and synergigs which have good percussion and woodwinds...), so a big THANKS to EastWest for the strings and brass. Now all I need is a computer that can handle the samples...
  18. Meh, there wasn't as much as I expected... just some strings and brass, and a triangle and some chimey sounds. That totals 12 instruments... I am disappointed. No percussion, either. xD
  19. Maybe they're too cool for music theory. FYI, if they're too cool for the music theory, they're too lame to be cool. And they no longer have an excuse. "We're cool like that!" "No, you're really not..." "... *cries like a baby*"
  20. You can have it in February. If you want it now, make a WIP and I'll see if I like it! AND BIG NEWS!!! We have our first finished track. By Rozovian!
  21. Is it just me or is the installer... not installing? It just says "The features you selected are currently being installed." but it doesn't look like anything is happening.
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