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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The running levels in Sonic Unleashed were actually a step in the right direction, so I would hope they emulate some stuff from that into this game.
  2. Maybe it should be the way it was in Sonic Adventure. I mean like, have Chaos destroyed as a servant of Eggman and then just totally ignore the whole Super Sonic vs. Chaos 7 part and have a Super Sonic vs. Giant Eggman Robot part. Maybe they could bring back teh Super emeralds. ^^
  3. I actually did not mind Chaos much, it gave some bit of ancient feeling to Sonic Adventure.
  4. You givin Slayer too much credit. Actually, now that i think about it, it gives the digital guitar too much credit. xD
  5. Does anyone believe that Project Needlemouse could be a hoax for Sega to get back at the fans for spamming them with hate for what they've been currently doing with Sonic? If it is, it could be the end of Sega, or maybe they could find some way to play it out so that they're still in business. Just an idea. It seems outrageous, but I don't blame Sega for being pissed at the fans; the Sonic "fanboys" could get annoying after the first few hundred rants. BTW, I do not believe it's a hoax, but the idea occurred to me and it didn't seem entirely improbable, so I wanted to throw it out there to see what you guys thought.
  6. MAMA MIA!!! Wow, if and when somebody gets this who already plays electric guitar, I need to ask them whether it's better to get started on a real guitar or this futuristic nonsense.
  7. Don't just use them, but play around with fruityloops plug-ins. Layer stuff, slice stuff, use effects that you'd never normally use. I sliced and layered together three FL drumloops, I got a pretty phat and intense sounding drumkit.
  8. Not an OCRemix, dude. Don't claim it to be one, especially on youtube where people would actually believe you. Also, it's repetitive with the same thing over and over again.
  9. It seems a lot like fixing IE7 would be a lot more hassle than getting Firefox. But okay, I haven't used IE in years (except for school) so I dunno how to help you there. But the best solution IMO is Firefox. Just sayin.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  11. (to anyone else, read Aevon's original post because I'm not gonna quote the whole thing.) I made my tracklist according to the source material present. I only want to cover level themes, boss music, and title/credits. Data Selection menu and distress signal? These tracks don't have a common chord progression, I don't see why I should merge them in the tracklist. Just because the source is below 2 minutes doesn't mean the remix has to be. Tracks on this project follow my interpretation of submission guidelines, which is a bit weaker than OCR Standards. A little conservative-ness and/or liberality over a 50 50 ratio is fine with me, as long as its evident that effort when into the arrangement of the track and it's not a cover. It is for this specific reason that I only allow two remixes per track. Repeats were already going to be put on a separate disc.If I hadn't said anything about something specific, please don't assume that I'm not going about doing it the most practical way (and what other projects have done) My final say on the matter was that there were only two mixes allowed for one track. If you wanted a track that was covered two times, you have to pick a different track or you're not on the project. Some tracks in the game are different tracks put together, like Samus's Farewell, and if you want to do something like that because Distress Signal and Data Selection were both covered two times, I'll let it slide. I've also been considering allowing a mixer to have a song he wants, that's already been done twice by two other people, done a third time if he wants to include another track in his remix. Also, if you have problems or suggestions for my tracklist, I suggest you PM me instead of doing it on the thread. In case you might not have understood, this is not to go on a Metroid Prime Trilogy fan game remake, and my tracklist is in no specific order. I'll sort out the order it when it comes to that, but for now, leave the tracks to me. I will continue this conversation in a PM regarding problems with your suggestions. :/
  12. I hear no clashing. *shifty eyes* The only thing going wrong here is at :34, you should have the drums build up or something. Also, starting :35, something is shaky. It feels like something is always an eighth of a step off. :/
  13. Hey K-Wix did you get my (several) PM's asking you if my WIP was good enough for the track? XD There's already 1, 4, and 6. I have never heard of more than one project for the same game (except Super Metroid).
  14. Holy crap, man! Thanks! This makes me feel bad because I tried.
  15. I'll answer the first. I don't feel like remixing Metal Mario, therefore I have no ideas. But there is a way: there always is a way. As for a limit to how liberal something is, judges take into account how much source is present. They use 50 - 50 ratio as a guideline, usually when the source usage is less I'm pretty sure they tend to reject a little more than when they do if source usage is more.
  16. I never said it couldn't be liberal. There is a limit to how liberal something is. Serenade of water is 5 seconds, but we have a remix of that, don't we? Song of Storms is 5 seconds, and we have a mix of that, right?
  17. Oh dear, if only I had allowed more than one remix to those very eager to remix an already claimed track! *ahem* ^^^
  18. Meta Ridley theme is a remix of the ESCAPE theme in super metroid. And also, Magmoor Caverns is a remix of Norfair Ancient Ruins, I mean Shariq's Heat Vision OCRemix is of that, he could've also submitted as a magmoor caverns mix. And Aevon, having piano arrangements would be absolutely stellar as long as they are done right. Just come up with a WiP for me and I'll see if you're up to taking a track (or you can make a WiP of the track you want, but I can't guarantee you that track unless your WIP is substantial and good enough to at least have potential)
  19. Hey man, it's great that you wanna help out and all, but try to keep this in PM's instead of putting all of this stuff on my profile page. :)

    I look forward to hearing from you, however I will say:

    Samus' Farewell is Chozo Artifact and The Distress Signal track put together. If the dominant section of your mix focuses on the Distress Signal song part of it, I can put you down for Distress Signal if your WiP is good and substantial.

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