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Nabeel Ansari

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Status Updates posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. No problem. :)

    I think you'll like my next remix. It has bad production again, but I think my ideas and arrangement make up for it.

  2. Nothin much. Workin on project stuff.

  3. Quick question:

    On your list of "Project ReMixes To Do", where's Metroid Prime in terms of placement? xD

  4. See the problem is my dad won't get me a guitar until I know how to play.

    I can't know how to play if I don't practice.

    I can't practice if I don't get a guitar.

    It's a continuous cycle of annoyance.

  5. Thanks for organizing the Writing Competition. :D

  6. Thanks for the defense on my thread!

    I'll show everyone what I can do.

    Also: Ask bLiNd to tally up how many ideas he has for a WIP on my project. xD

  7. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  8. Uh well I guess we're waiting on Scott.

    He's got one of those "life" thingamajiggers, so it's gonna take a while before he finishes.

  9. Well I have to wait till next year because this year my high school DIDN"T GIVE ME THE INTRO TO ELECTRIC GUITAR COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Well what you might wanna do is switch to ASIO4ALL sound driver if you have it. (Options> Audio Options> Dropdown list at top) and then see if turning velocities down would help also.

  11. Yeah, I don't really show off about it though. He and I roll differently, especially in how we write our music. I do a lot more with sound design and production techniques. Cuz my main style is electronica, you can't just write good music, sound design is everything.

  12. Yep, that's very reasonable. Your advice used to be less reasonable a while back, is what I was saying.

  13. Yerp!

    I got here maybe 4 years ago.

  14. You have to be on my project. :D

    No. Seriously.


  15. you too. (not like it makes a difference, you're still doomed)

  16. You weren't Galaxy Man in GRMRB.


  17. You, good sir, are a living contradiction.

  18. Zircon uses Kontakt 4 to make his sample libraries.

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