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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. I'm still wondering about whistling haha

    I think some people need to look at the first post, I've attempted to explain rules (including whistling) in as much detail as possible.


    There have been a lot of questions about rules so I'm going to try and put everything here.

    Structure of compo:

    • When Mixing Week begins, you will have 1 week to sing (or rap, scream, meow, w/e) over the selected weeks song. Key Signature and Lyrics will be provided.
    • When the round ends, a public voting period of 1 week will be conducted where each person posts their top 3 performances for the round.
    • There will be 5 songs in all, with an expected run time of 10 weeks.

    Mixing Week Rules

    • You may use vocal processing and manipulation in your performances. However, keep voting criteria in mind when using them. This is a singing competition, and therefore excessive autotune (to the point of detracting from the performance) is strongly discouraged.
    • Joke entries are allowed. We all want to have a bit of a laugh!
    • You can sing your vocals in any language or any style (Rapping, Whistling etc) Creativity is encouraged.
    • You are encouraged to include vocal harmonies/accompaniment.
    • You may change the lyrics if you wish.
    • You may variate on the melody of the track you're singing if you wish, but don't lose sight of the original source material. Think close to OCR Level interpretation. Of course, the closer to the original music the better, it HAS to be recognisable.
    • You are not allowed to rearrange or edit the backing track. Vocals only please.


    • Submit with vocals over the backing track. You may also submit the solo vocals if you wish on top of this but not instead of.
    • Name your track as follows: Artist Name - Track Name


    Voting is based on a number of aspects.

    • Performance quality - Try and keep your vocals in tune and in time.
    • Recording quality - Make sure the vocals are cleanly recorded. Attempt to avoid unwanted buzzing, clipping, unwanted audio noises etc.
    • Concept - Make sure the vocals suit the song. Make sure you have some creativity in your vocals, and If the vocals are processed, make sure they do not detract from the vocal performance quality.
    • Enjoyability - Obviously, you should ENJOY it :P

    Since this is a non-elimination contest, I want everyone to have a go - even if you'll do terrible (even if its intentionally - we could all use a good laugh! :D)

    Any questions people still have, shoot away.
  2. After talking to Jason Covenant, it has become apparent that there may be some minor confusion.

    The contest is covers of famous songs. Not my original works.

    Sorry if anyone got the wrong idea, but when I said Karaoke cover versions, I meant it.

    THAT SAID - I am strongly considering making the last track an original work. It might even require you to write some lyrics!

    So... I think its time to unveil the first track everyone will be covering, to produce some hype...

    The first song will be:

    Safety Dance - Men Without Hats

    I will link the backing track when the first mixing week starts.


    This is still the signing on period. I will post the track in the first post with lyrics when the mixing week begins.

  3. I'll sign up in the "just for fun" division too. (: I had a random thought about vocal range - it'd be cool if there were several backing tracks in different keys available, but that is probably unfeasible. Perhaps something to consider from track to track though?


    Its not very practical because many of the backing tracks i'm making have recorded guitar in them. Unless you want it to sound weird, they'll be in the keys of the originals.

    Yep yep, I'll sign up.

    Again, is rapping going to be a real possibility? I don't want to waste someone's spot or anything like that

    You're not wasting a spot, there is no limit on entrants. And yes, you can rap. You can pretty much do whatever you like :)

  4. I'm in. For better or worse, most likely worse.

    One more question: Can we add vocal accompaniment? I.e. can we harmonize, scat, beatbox, etc. with ourselves? Technically speaking, "vocal processing" could mean autotuning yourself on a 50% wet signal.

    Yes you can add vocal accompaniment. Also, question seems fair enough to me. I never stated if you could record multiple layered harmonies. I'd actually encourage it, particularly since many of the originals have harmonising vocals.

  5. What are your thoughts on rearranging the karaoke track a bit if it fits the idea? I'm thinking it could only improve the fun factor to hear it a little chopped up in some entries.

    Just read brothadom's post, and this goes for rap more than anything else.

    Hmm... I think its easier to just say no because too many possibilities open up if I say yes, plus, this is a singing competition, not an arrangement competition. Also, I don't want the arrangement to distract from the singing itself.

    Do these come with lyrics or do we have to write our own? If they come with them, will there be a full version with vocals that we can use to learn the part?

    Do we submit just the vocals, or the whole thing put together?

    They will come with lyrics. I will be posting a link to the original track in the first post, and have lyrics below it as well. That said, I am considering throwing in a japanese anime track or something to see you all SHIT YOURSELVES hahaha.

    All the karoke versions i'm making are direct covers of the original songs, so you can just go on youtube if you need some sort of cue. By all means experiment with the melody if you want tho - Attempting to recreate a melody you're not that familiar with encourages natural variation (works for anything, not just singing)

  6. I believe this has nothing to do with the OCR Idol Competition some years ago:


    We Told Our Psychiatrist We're Sick. He Told Us To Piss Off.

    "Only remixers which didn’t have a song posted on Ocremix where allowed to participate. Every round they got a theme to remix and after that voting started. Every time the remixer with the most votes lost (users must vote for the song they liked the less). In the first rounds three remixers lost. In the first round many remixers entered, but after that only six of them entered the second round, the others lost by default. At the ending, Hemophiliac won the OCR Idol by beating EonBlue in a thrilling final."

    So it might be better to use a different name, to avoid confusion.

    Ah, did not know about that. I doubt it would be an issue but changed name of compo to avoid confusion, thanks for the heads up :)

  7. OCR SINGING IDOL!!!!! The OCR Singing Competition

    Presented by the OverClocked ReMix forums

    The OCR SINGING IDOL Competition is the best singing competition evaaaa. Chimpazilla and I both came up with this idea together, so we'll both be running the competition. It is an individual non-elimination style tournament decided by popular vote. Each week, you will be given a new song (a karaoke cover version made by me or Chimpazilla) to spaz out over, and we expect… memorable performances :P

    These are NOT original songs made by me or Chimpy. They are covers of famous songs (not necessarily VGM). However, the final round may be an original track written by me.



    I Feel Love by Donna Summer

    Here is the song on Youtube

    Here is the link to the backing track (Key Signature: C Major)

    You have till Sunday 1st June 5pm EST to submit your track.

    Please check the first post for rules, and do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions! :D

    And last but not least - LYRICS:

    Ooh it's so good, it's so good

    It's so good, it's so good

    It's so good

    Ooh I'm in love, I'm in love,

    I'm in love, I'm in love

    I'm in love

    Ooh I feel love, I feel love

    I feel love, I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love

    Ooh fall and free, fall and free

    Fall and free, fall and free

    Fall and free

    Ooh you and me, you and me

    You and me, you and me

    You and me

    Ooh I feel love, I feel love

    I feel love, I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love

    I feel love


    There have been a lot of questions about rules so I'm going to try and put everything here.

    Structure of compo:

    • When Mixing Week begins, you will have 1 week to sing (or rap, scream, meow, w/e) over the selected weeks song. Key Signature and Lyrics will be provided.
    • When the round ends, a public voting period of 1 week will be conducted where each person posts their top 3 performances for the round.
    • There will be 5 songs in all, with an expected run time of 10 weeks.

    Mixing Week Rules

    • You may use vocal processing and manipulation in your performances. However, keep voting criteria in mind when using them. This is a singing competition, and therefore excessive autotune (to the point of detracting from the performance) is strongly discouraged.
    • Joke entries are allowed. We all want to have a bit of a laugh!
    • You can sing your vocals in any language or any style (Rapping, Whistling etc) Creativity is encouraged.
    • You are encouraged to include vocal harmonies/accompaniment.
    • You may change the lyrics, as long as it doesn't massively affect the vocal melody of the song.
    • You may variate on the melody of the track you're singing if you wish, but don't lose sight of the original source material. Think OCR Level interpretation.
    • You are not allowed to rearrange or edit structure the backing track. However, you are allowed to make production edits to help your vocals fit in the track better if necessary.


    • Submit with vocals over the backing track.
    • Name your track as follows: Artist Name - Track Name.
    • Your track should be in MP3 format. 160kbps or higher.
    • Send the track to Chimpazilla or me via OCR PM or via link in private (FB-chat/AIM/IRC PM etc). DO NOT POST YOUR TRACK ON THE FORUM. When we receive your track, It will say "submitted" next to your name in the entrant list below. If you have sent in your track and we have not updated the post, let us know


    Voting is based on a number of aspects.

    • Performance quality - Try and keep your vocals in tune and in time.
    • Recording quality - Make sure the vocals are cleanly recorded. Attempt to avoid unwanted buzzing, clipping, unwanted audio noises etc.
    • Concept - Make sure the vocals suit the song. Make sure you have some creativity in your vocals, and If the vocals are processed, make sure they do not detract from the vocal performance quality.
    • Enjoyability - Obviously, you should ENJOY it :P
      You may vote for yourself if you wish to.

    Since this is a non-elimination contest, I want everyone to have a go - even if you'll do terrible (even if its intentionally - we could all use a good laugh! :D)

    So… PRIZES! The winner of the competition will get 2 prizes!

    1: I will create a remix of your choosing! Just give me a source and i'll remix it for ya!

    2: I will get your favourite track of the 5 in the competition licensed and sell the track as a single, where you will receive 30% of the profit! You may of course re-record your vocals for the track if you wish, and I will require a dry WAV of your performance as well.

    Lastly, I will be most likely looking for a vocalist to do some music with on a more permanent basis, so even if you don't win, I may still contact you for more (paid) work regardless!

    I will announce the first track when the round starts, so keep watching this space for more details coming soon!!!

    Any Questions, do not hesitate to contact myself or Chimpazilla with any concerns!

    So… Go out there and WIN WIN WIN. Oh and have fun too I guess :P

    Current Total Score Tally:

    anterroir - 62

    Brandon Strader - 49

    Rexy - 35

    CN - 21

    Trism - 18

    Amayirot Akago - 10

    BrothaDom - 6

    Xarnax42 - 3

    Anorax - 2

    MindWanderer - 1

    Cyril - 0

    Evktalo - 0

    theshaggyfreak - 0

    Palpable - 0

    TeraCMusic - 0

    ProjectSpam - 0

    Tuberz Mcgee - 0

    JaMonz - 0

    Nase - 0

    Jason Covenant - 0

  8. Ok, so lets say i'm using something like Guitar Rig. I automate a parameter, and it works fine. I save and close. When I open up ableton again, the automation is still there but the source has changed. For example, I decide to automate Pitch Bending, and next time I open up Ableton, that automation will be on the gain of the distortion instead. Does anyone understand why this happens, how to prevent it etc? Also, does anyone know how to switch the automation source without having to do it manually? aka copy pasting from one parameter to another. This has happened quite a LOT on my Ableton projects and I think it might have something to do with automating parameters on devices that weren't originally part of a preset I have loaded up. That said, I'm not sure and any advice that people can give would be most helpful :)

    Thanks dewds

  9. Daym this source is great.

    Great arrangement of source as well! True to the original while expanding it nicely, I can dig.

    As for production, mixing is pretty good, reverb is a tad heavy, the soundscape feels murky and the frequency range of the track feels a bit lopsided (where is the bass?). This causes the track to be piercing at loud volumes. The ending is also a bit uncreative.

    I'd say this is over the bar tho.

    Nice work here, gives off cool mysterious vibes not heard in the original.


  10. So the first thing that I think is "oh live instrumentation" and i'll tell ya, I've heard some people play brass much much worse than this. Bravo on the performances.

    The issues stem from the transitions imo, which are more abrupt than they should be considering. For example, that transition from Evergreen to Beginning could have worked fine (same tempo, so it can be pulled off) but it feels too abrupt as it is because it starts a beat earlier than expected and there is no build up to the transition, it just occurs. The transition to Demon Seed was better but still felt a bit weaker overall due to the tempo jerk - I'd have gradually slowed down the playing of the solo sax so that when Demon Seed hit, it was playing at the same tempo. One thing I will say - Demon Seed is SWELL. Best part of the track for me :D

    The rest of the track is swell as well! You actually brought back some of the themes and you ended on the same track you started with and that helped the remix come full circle imo.

    Ugh I'm having a hard time here. So much good thats brought down by one seemingly small issue. The problem is that some of the transitions break the flow and it was avoidable in pretty much all of the cases imo. Demon Seed to Vampire Killer was the biggest offender (and the last since the transitions after it worked better). I think that putting a bit more into the second rendition of Beginning might have helped with the arrangement focus as well. It felt tacked on, which was a shame because the transitions to and from it were the best of the whole track.

    Oh man.

    I love this. My heart says yes - but the cold calculating judge in me says NO (resub).

    I hate myself forever T_T

  11. Remixer Name - WillRock

    Remix Name: Rock and Ride

    Game: Biker Mice from Mars (SNES)

    Source: Race Theme 4 -

    Oh man its been a LONG time since I've done a remix for OCR. Time to start again. Sooooooooooo I saw Stevo "Teh Beard" Bortz post a status on facebook using the Obscure Remixes group (which I strongly recommend looking at, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3867...63639/?fref=ts). He had posted about Biker Mice From Mars for the SNES, and after listening to Race Theme 4, I got inspired.

    Unlike my other more 80s style remixes, this one takes more from the 70s channelling some mega Deep Purple vibes, which the source was undoubtedly influenced by as well. I had a lot of fun with the sound design trying to get the sound of Jon Lords organ right :P (best keyboardist ever btw).

    Anyways, fans of UFO, Deep Purple, Whitesnake and Uriah Heep should give this one a listen

    I hope you all enjoy it :D

    SOURCE BREAKDOWN (Like you guys will need it, short source)

    0:01-0:14 Riff based on opening jingle from source

    0:15-0:28 Main melody with variations (from 0:03 in source)

    0:29-0:41 Opening riff based on jingle repeat

    0:42-0:54 Slightly more conservative take on main melody

    0:55-0:58 Opening of organ solo

    1:14-1:27 Solo over Jingle Riff

    1:40-2:06 Slowed down Main Melody

    2:07-2:27 Riff with drum solos (total 8 seconds source)

    2:28-3:08 Main Melody Variation

    2:07 Prominent Source in 3:26 Remix

  12. So I don't know how many of you know but i'm looking into becoming a game composer.

    I've done a few small time things but not actually worked at a company, and found out about "Scripting" which is basically making the sound work in the game via text, like making explosions go off at the right time etc. Now I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that wasn't done by the composer, but according to an article i'm reading I may be wrong.

    Now... i'm curious, if I was to want to work at lets say... SEGA (hypothetically) how much would I need to know about scripting? I'm assuming its a very important part of the process, and what would I need to learn, what programs would I be using etc? Would anyone here in the know be able to advise me at all here?

  13. I don't think it is different for anyone. If you feel a job is worth not taking money for, it's your prerogative to decide. I did some music for a friend's wedding for free. I've also done small software tasks for friends for free. Plenty of photographers do free work or reduced price work when starting out, to build their portfolio. There's many reasons why someone might decide to do free work, and I think it's a bad idea to put a blanket condemnation on work without pay. We don't have a good idea of whether Bruno Mars is happy with the deal he got (I suspect he's overjoyed, considering they usually go for more established acts), but would you be ok with him offering to play for free on Super Bowl, rather than him being offered the same deal by the Super Bowl producers?

    Exposure is a red herring when talking about the problem of devaluing work, at least as it applies to most people. Even if the Super Bowl paid their musicians well, we would still hear the same excuses from clients. It's because it's not the issue - the issue is that clients continually try to pay lower prices and will use ANY EXCUSE, including exposure, to get contractors to buy into it.

    Great post, I can definitely see your points. Makes a lot of sense :)

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