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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. Oooh, so what you mean to say, DarkeSword, is that you enjoy most of Granary, but like the middle point of Badlands? I don't have an answer for you, Clefairy, but I imagine that the reason Valve maps are better is because more time is put into them by more people. It's a job for them, not just a hobby.
  2. Oh jeah, kam: how's the new place? @ Clefairy: Don't go! You have to suffer through the pubs and the shitty teams like the rest of us!
  3. Well, tomorrow marks the day that I return to school... ...meaning I'll likely have a lot more free time during the day, but a lot worse internet. So expect to see me on, but with like 500 ping.
  4. koth_harvest, I imagine, will be pretty damn good. Consider me anxious to try it.
  5. WindStrike, that was amazing. Thanks for sharing. Captain, just troll back. It's surprisingly easy to turn trolling right back on someone.
  6. Yesterday I played for the first time in a while and the first map I played was ctf_sawmill. Went Heavy, picked up a German, ran all the way to the other team's spawn and got lost. Followed the Medic down some hole and found the intel...where 2 Pyros ambushed us. Medic died, I got away and ran to the water area thinking 'OK, I'll just run this way to my intel.' ...blocked off. Turned around, Red team's there. My Medic comes back again and saves my life, trading my death for his and I run like hell some more. It musta taken me 10 minutes to get from my spawn to their intel and then back again. I have no idea who that Medic was or how many times he died, but thanks!
  7. Cyberpunk is fine...you just have to have someone turn gravity down way low and then scout duel to No More Heroes music. So fun.
  8. Everything Half Life is 66% off, or you can just go 'head and pick up the entire Valve pack for 10% less. There are still a few people I know who haven't tried Half Life 2...I'mma see if I can get them to make the jump before this deal sets sail.
  9. That was awfully quick... I don't understand why they made Spy's running back to sap exits so worthless. It was something that made a big difference on some maps that really, REALLY could turn the game around. Could someone explain to me the 'auto-reload' thing? I really do not get it unless it's exactly what it sounds like, in which case why would they do that? Also, what's a 'critboost?' Sad to see Civilian Heavy go, but also glad to see that sentries will no longer shoot as cloaked spies.
  10. Wow. That Pyro frag video WAS worth watching for that part you mentioned. I was pleasently surprised.
  11. The Monkey Island linked in the first post is a remake of the original Monkey Island, just as Kanthos said. ...it's still a great buy, though.
  12. Ah, the fabled pre-nerf-bat-beating Demoman... ...I still wasn't good with them. I just can't aim those pipes at all. Game was a lot spammier then.
  13. Well well well... http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/
  14. So...a two engineer class limit... ...can't we just take them outta the game yet? No one really WANTS to play engy, they just get stuck with it.
  15. Least played does not equate to worst, I feel. My least played is Engineer simply 'cause I find the class boring. Soldier is next, I think. And there's no one here who could argue that I'm not the worst Sniper they've seen.
  16. I could play Sniper and not do ANYTHING! Weeeeeeeeee!
  17. That's true...but the flame's hitboxes or whatever they're called in TF2 are bizarre to begin with. Now the Pyro's doing 90% less damage. It would take a long time to kill someone like that and while I'm sure it's going to happen a bit, it should be pretty easy for the Spy to get back to teammates.Also, you have literally 10 times the amount of time to run away than a Spy without the flame suit on. I'd rather have 10 seconds to run away than 1 second to fight. Everyone who hopes for a crit or facestab is mean. Look: http://www.steampowered.com/status/tf2/tf2_stats.php Yes, you're right. Heavy is the least played class...he's also the class that gets the most kills per hour, along with being second in most points per hour and third in assists. Sure, he's the least played but it's not difficult to play him. You right click and shoot things all crazy like, making sure not to put your head in front of a Sniper and at the same time remembering to look behind you.
  18. We all missed you until you said that.
  19. You're right; for competitive play, this is a great idea: it makes the Heavy a more viable option while not making him much better (since competitive TF2 is more about speed and is therefore a lot faster). For pub play, though, it's just silly. Heavy isn't that hard a class to play (unless you're Rambo) to begin with as long as you turn around every once in a while...making him speed up is just unnecessary and potentially unbalancing. Here is the exact quote: 'It does not allow him to upgrade them and repairs them at the same rate as before, however.' Seems pretty clear to me. You just run away. Jeah, it takes away the ability to fight back but if a Pyro discovers you you're not likely to kill him regardless. You stand more of a chance simply running while taking 90% less damage than fighting and getting burnt.
  20. Woah woah woah...updates. Heavy can move FASTER?! Wow. Good bye balance. And the 'minigun cone has been tightened....' does that mean that I'll shoot more accurately now? My God. And good news about the sandvich; it needed something to make it useful. Glad they didn't buff the Pyro at all, although I would like to see something make the backburner more viable. YAY! THE FAN ISN'T AS ANNOYING! The engineer has a wrench that makes putting up buildings faster but doesn't allow upgrading them? That's bizarre...I mean, why would you do that? Also, I'm glad to hear that Rock (Spy) is no longer as afraid of Paper (Pyro). I mean, that whole balance thing was silly, jeah? Although it is interesting to see them get rid of the revolver...I dunno. I'm personally a bad shot with that gun, so I'd likely make the switch, although it does make killing Razorback Snipers much more aggravating. Also, I think that the next update is either Demo or Soldier...it's been a long time since I looked at what class was least played, but I know that most everytime I've looked Engineer was the MOST played...so it won't likely be him. ...hurrah!
  21. Let's not talk about how bad Brawl is. And I disagree with the 'heavies are unplayable' comment. Jeah, you get a lot of shit from Snipers, but that's life. Keep your shotgun out and shoot at them, or just rev up the minigun and spam the area. Wait until they miss and then run like hell. If spies are giving you trouble...I dunno. I don't really have a lot of problems with spies as I'm CONSTANTLY lookin' around. I think Jenga just refers to this unnatural ability as sensaiturnsaround.gif, something I'm still waiting to see. Heavies aren't that bad; Snipers give you shit but in all liklihood, they are going to be more worried about other Snipers to sit there and waste time on your wasting time on them. Spies can be problematic if they uncloak WAAAAAAAY before coming after you, if you don't turn around enough, or if you have trouble prioritizing enemies. Then again, this is coming from a Heavy who pretty much always has a caring Medic. Apparently I'm good at taking care of them.
  22. Well adding on 25 health points wouldn't really buff the overheal THAT much, since the overheal only gives an extra 50%. So, the difference between a pyro right now, completely overhealed, and a pyro with the hypothetical BB +25 health buff, completely overhealed, would only be 37.5 hitpoints. Although, it would make axtinguishing someone a lot, LOT easier....but then again, most people who axtinguish use the airblast, and most people don't axtinguish to begin with. As soon as pyros start axtinguishing, Valve will have to realize the pyro's busted. Valve continues to give updates to the class when it doesn't need it: it just needs to be played properly. (in b4 'you're a hypocrit for suggesting updates and then saying it doesn't need it')
  23. I'm actually thinking that they could give the BB a small health bonus and it would be fine. Not 50, as that's crazy (seriously, I got 50 points in a single life once), but 25 or so would make it a more viable choice.
  24. @ atmuh: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17376&highlight=backburner&page=417 Apologies. Was off a smidge when I said 25 pages. And yes, you're right. No one has ever said exactly what you said with those same words, but this has all been covered before. Sorry to those of you BB pyros who are defensive about your ability to Pyro. No one's doubting that you can M1 like a mother, just that maybe you might be doing a little more good if you M2ed occasionally. [Edit:] And it still surprises me, and makes me laugh, when people refer to the airblast as 'poofing.'
  25. This joke has already been made, I'm sure...but for those who missed it: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time
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