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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. I know I'm in the minority on that game, sorry it just didn't connect with me. I was constantly getting bored with the dialogue in some parts. Psychonauts is just not my game, sorry..

    Then you've never had to confront the Milkman Conspiracy. 8O

    Remember those old Windows games? Skifree? Chips Challenge? Yeah. Used to play those for hours. Now...

  2. Xam'd was kinda cool, if not a bit hazy.

    I highly recommend it.

    Xam'd was my first anime, so I'm rather biased towards it. Not fantastic, really, but certainly a fun one, with fairly good character development., and some very pretty animation. And the OP pretty much rocks.

  3. Well, for one, there's the XNA libraries for C#. Windows-specific, but integrates with XBOX Live, with only minor alterations. Actually relatively pleasant to work with. Doesn't draw primitives, but it can handle 2-D graphics fairly well, and has relatively simple shader scripting built-in.

    I haven't really worked with many other libraries. Most I've tried have been in C++, and most of them were uuugly thanks to C++ fruit cocktail syntax . And I don't wanna help with the programming anyway, I'm doing enough of that at school. :3

  4. Hey for those of you helping with the coding, what language do you guys prefer? I found a java library that should be easy to support this type of game, but if you guys are comfortable with c/c++, I can find a better one.

    Don't use Java for creating games. Its libraries are just too slow. Anything in the C family should be fine, though.

    Also, how exactly is the music gonna be made for this? I wanna help if I can, but that's entirely based on my time availability and who's doing music, etc. And it may be better to leave it up to people who actually have mixes posted, too.

  5. As a general rule, they do seem to put stories much further up in the priority chain in their games, movies, and even animations. American producers tend to think their game-players want to be spoon-fed, or at least that's how they seem to feel about it, sadly.

    On one hand, I've always enjoyed playing Final Fantasy for the stories and their world-building (hence FF XII love). On the other hand, though, there's always the thrill of working out a strategy for a particularly tough boss, or having to juggle staying healed and dealing damage (again, hence FF XII love). XIII still seems to have a good measure of both, which is why I'm still curious about it, despite many people's frustrations with it. This game seems to have at least a reasonable level of both, plus pretty visuals.

    And be honest: it may have gotten slow around that chapter, but did that stop y'all from playing? Begrudgingly or not, you kept going. Therefore, to whatever degree, the game succeeded.

  6. Yessss, Warbreaker. :nicework:

    This is definitely something I've been curious about, but too lazy to look in to. Specifically, has anyone tried reading textbooks with their reader, and is it that a viably practical use for it?

  7. What's the most covered song in any game?

    I give this thread a 5/10... but I'll contribute.

    Schala's Theme.

    I dunno, I'd almost say Wind Scene, but that's just from my experience, I think. Objectively, not sure which one gets covered more.

  8. I think Blu is down completely, I don't even see it on the server list.

    And this just in: Watermelon-kun has been challenged! Who is this gourdian adversary, you may ask, who dares to confront the ever-victorious leader?

    Behold, he comes!


    The mighty Coconut-senpai has come to lead us to victory. And if not that, then a fantastic pina colada is a definite second option.

  9. Yeah, they're never gonna get better without practice. And at least they seem to be off to a good start.

    most video game fan videos I've seen I thought were really good

    Umm, you didn't see Hero of Time, then. Latino goron man? Blonde-wigged Link? Horrid excuse for plot? Yeah. That was a debacle.

  10. what does one have to do with the other

    One negates the potency of the other, of course. ;)

    Well, my parents can't get into any sort of game music (they can't stand the fake sound); my mom will try to get into the arrangement side of things if I show it to her, but she's usually not that interested. My dad latches onto random songs he hears, but on the whole is not too interested either. He prefers more 'standard' genres, I suppose.

    One brother (the one who hangs out on TF2, icuragoose) likes a lot of game music and mixes, but on a pick and choose basis. My other brother pretty much resists liking any but very specific songs; he's a Disneyite, unfortunately.

    Friends hear OCRemix playing and call it 'Nathan Music' and attempt to shut it off immediately. Funny thing? My bro plays the same music, and they'll listen to it. It's all a matter of what you think it is, I suppose.

  11. Well, I don't think I'll be playing TF2 again until either Valve fixes engies being able to build a hundred sentries or people can be kicked/banned again. A half dozen sentries lumped in the pit on the third section of Dustbowl is a lot of things. Fun not being one of them.

    I have GOT to try that.

  12. Tsk, tsk, Rozo. You're missing out on some crazy good music!

    It is tracked, silly. This is me, after all. :P

    In terms of what I'm trying to do, I'm considering reworking it in a synthesizer instead of a tracker, simply because it's tougher to work with the effects dynamically in a tracker (if not impossible), not to mention balancing channels and thickening the sound gets to be a real headache.

    Does the concept seem to work, though?

  13. Don't be dazed by the rows of text, it looks far more complicated than it is. It takes some time, but eventually it becomes really easy to read which notes, volumes, and effects are being played. Daunting, but very worthwhile, and it's not all that difficult to learn.

    Haha, and I'm loving the pirate names on your instruments. :D

  14. It may also be simpler to start working with a more user-friendly tracker, such as Modplug Tracker, learn how that works, then move on to FamiTracker, which has more restrictions on it, and is trickier to use.

    Also keep in mind that you can easily approximate NES sound channels in a more complex program like Modplug Tracker. Virt recently released one of his songs in tracker format, so you could use the samples it contains. They're fairly good estimations of the original sounds.

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