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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I may not end up playing this title a whole lot, actually. A lot of things that are exclusive to premium members sound like the kind of stuff that should be available to all players. Player-to-player trading and additional skill trees notably. I'm also very turned off at how you can only make one character, and then if you buy a character slot and then delete that character, you have to re-buy the character slot to make another character.

    I'm cool with paying for clothes and cosmetic stuff, but all of the above really shouldn't be stuff a player shouldn't have to pay a monthly fee for.

    I guess we'll see how this all plays out on release. PSO was one of my favorite games ever, so I really want to be excited for this game, but from what I'm reading, it's probably going to disappoint me. :(

  2. With my current song being almost done, can I claim "Theme of Golden Silver"? I think I have an idea for it, which I'm working on at the moment.

    I'd be cool with that personally, considering that your track's practically done. I'm actually listening to your track now, I'm really diggin' it.

    Butter's in the fridge.

    But srs, folks, I'll get a whole track done ASAP, which in dental school time is 1-2 months. Have I started yet? Nope, but once I get the time to get going, it should only take a couple of days.

    As long as you can pump out something sexy before that deadline, I'm fine with this.

  3. Why did I think it was the 13th for the WIP >__< ? I'll try and get something to Dusk and DJM asap. Many apologies.

    It's all good, happens to the best of us.

    So far, I am missing updates from The Coop, The 'Bogue, Jakesnake17, Malcos, and Gario. If you're reading this and haven't shot me or Dj Mokram a PM, we'd love to hear from you fine mentalgen. If you just PM'd Dj Mokram, lemme know.

    Final deadline has been posted: We need the remixes wrapped up and ready to be shipped off to OCR by May 13th. We're nearly there, guys, so keep at it! Three months is plenty of time.

  4. Just checked out the preview, not too bad. Electronic owns the game, but I'm down with that as long as it's done well. Just for curiosity's sake I gotta ask, was there a specific intention to make the album lean on the electronic side?

    edit: checking out the OP kinda answered to my question.

    Even my track's kinda heavy on the synth elements. It plays into the futuristic sci-fi feel we're going for with the album.

    Tuberz's track, on the other hand, is inspired by a specific sci-fi element without the use of synths, though. Which is okay too.

  5. Is there a reference age you're looking for and/or any characteristics?

    ie. higher/lower pitch, better diction, slower speaking/faster speaking.

    Just some more information would be handy.

    Honestly, at this point, any female that could confidently do a few lines of speech confidently would be good. If anything, I'd simply reference you to the show itself, but it really doesn't even need to sound anything like her.

  6. Is 2/10 the deadline for a finished track?

    No, we just need a good solid WIP by then. I was thinking about asking everyone for a fully-composed remix by the deadline after that, though, but I haven't talked that over with Dj Mokram yet, so we'll see.

    If you's still need any Artwork done for this - just send me a message :smile:

    Would be more than up for it!

    We already have the artwork squared away as far as I know, but thanks for your interest. We'll let you know if something changes.

  7. It's awesome to see so much faith put into new projects on OCR lately. :-) I might take another look at this when I clear my plate a bit (unless you hate me which I can understand :-D)

    I refuse to let any personal differences get in the way. All I care about is whether or not you can pump out a good track before the deadline, which is something I really don't doubt in the least.

  8. https://soundcloud.com/itstartsatdusk/dream

    Source? You know it. If you don't, uh, you missed out.

    I wrote this remix when my main rig was down and I couldn't record anything. When I had access to my compy again, I recorded it right away. I asked Tuberz McGee if he'd be up for playing the ocarina, he sent me that little ditty. Good times all around.

    Lemme know what ya'll think. I may be looking to sub this if it's not deemed to conservative.

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