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Posts posted by DusK

  1. For this week again, please swing all updates my way. Dj Mokram won't be back to the Interwebs until Saturday.

    Flexstyle, the last update I got from you was a loooong time ago. Dj Mokram's inbox was full when you tried to PM him recently, I'm guessing. If you have an update, please drop it in my inbox.

    Good check-in guys, got some more blue on the tracklist, and only two people AWOL. Not as many finished tracks as I would have liked, but if you guys can get those to me ASAP, that'd be awesome.

  2. They were all just angry at the vocal stuff.

    Most of the actual critism on the tracks was either neutral or well-received, from what I saw.

    Though I really hardly heard anything about my track... lol

    I bet everyone just wants to hear Jun Senoue and Crush 40 instead. :P

    I wonder how many of those toolbags bitched about something stupid like Sonic being the "wrong shade of blue" when Sonic 4 came out. Freakin' try-hard purists everywhere, man.

  3. My favorite Dj Mokram piece, now proudly displayed on the front page of OC ReMix.

    I personally would have a pretty hard time remixing any of the tracks from Human Revolution. The soundtrack's amazing, one of my favorite modern VGM soundtracks, but it's rather score-ish, and I have a hard time connecting to it as a performer as opposed to a listener.

    That clearly wasn't an issue for Dj Mokram, which speaks volumes for how much better of a remixer he is than me.

    It was an honor chiming in a bit of guitar (a section that, by the way, was also written entirely by Dj Mokram) for this piece, and here's hoping he can pick himself up from his current troubles and get back to making more sweet tunes.

  4. As I Lay Dying has been on my top five for years, so this kinda comes as a shock. I met Tim during Warped Tour, '06 if I recall. He seemed pretty down to earth and rad.

    But given the circumstances of this week-long investigation, he's most likely guilty. They wouldn't have grabbed him if they didn't have him dead to rights.

  5. The MSX Metal Gear soundtrack doesn't actually share any songs at all with the NES as far as I can tell, so I'm not sure why those got linked.

    Some of them are the same.

    Mercenary (NES|


    TX-55 Metal Gear (NES|


    Escape -Beyond Big Boss- (NES|


    Return of Fox Hounder (NES|


    Just Another Dead Soldier (NES|

  6. I won't be able to make that May 1st deadline either; I have a track for the TMNT project that has to be finished by the 29th, and I need to make sure I have the entire Gunstar Heroes album wrapped up by May 1st, so I'll be pretty busy.

    My track's basically being recorded from scratch. What I gave you guys last time was just to show what direction I wanted to go with it, but I held off tracking the whole thing because I (rightfully) knew that if I did the bulk of the track much later, it would have significantly better production values.

    This track will be my focus around mid-May. If you guys are willing to wait, I can give you guys a pretty near-complete track then.

  7. Not entirely sure, but it might be muddy in the 200-300Hz range. Try dipping it a little there for your guitars if you haven't already, or wherever it is your bass is strongest.

    I'm hearing my bass clearly on both my ATH-45's and my crappy seemingly-brandless speakers, so I dunno about that.

    Let's see if I can get a mod in here to give an opinion on this piece.

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