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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Wickeeeed!

    In somewhat related news, DusK. I might have found our artist. Just waiting for him to get a mock sketch mimicing the style you requested (old skool box-art). Once i have that, i'll be in touch to show you what he cooked up and we can go from there.

    I'd definitely like to see what he's capable of before I lock anything in. It's really early, so I'd like to look around and compare with some of the other artists that have been recommended.

  2. You knooow ...i was going to drop that suggestion in here. Someone bring a MJ vibe to a track, something in his style of music. Michael Jacksons 'Dangerous' album is full of tracks from that 90's era (and also my favourite album of his, i grew up with that CD on repeat, lol). Good call. I wonder if that's what someone could do with 'Fighting in the Street'? Get someone to Jackson it up! XD

    Also, DusK dude. Have you got an artist in mind for this? I'm pretty connected with the Sonic/SEGA fan communities, there's loads of artists down there who i could get in touch with, i headhunted the Sonic CD: Temporal Duality artist for example.

    Anyways, the offer is there if you need an artist located, i'm all up for some headhunting for ya, dude. Just holla! :)

    If you know any artists, definitely swing em my way. I don't have any in mind, and I'm keeping my options for art direction pretty open. There are two styles that I'd definitely prefer above all others, though:

    If someone could do the art in a style reminiscent of U.S. game box art from the 90s, that would be my first pick.

    I'm also down with someone doing something in a retro anime style, like Fist of the North Star.

    Basically, I really want the art to scream "90s entertainment".

    However, I'd like to stay away from sprites with this one (sorry, TC, still heart ya tho!).

    EDIT: "Saturday morning cartoon" could work really well, too. Think Hanna-Barbera action shows (like Johnny Quest), or something like G.I. Joe or ThunderCats.

  3. At last!! SOR project!

    I'd say i wanna participate.. But I'm kinda confused with direction.

    Should my mix "sounds" like 80-90s or should it.. I mean its a free-genre project or what? :tomatoface:

    .. Dusk you probably heard two of my BA2 tracks.. Something "alike" is NOT acceptable?


    Your track should be a fusion of your own personal style, as well as a genre that was known to some fairly decent degree in the 90s. If you're looking for examples, that Wikipedia article in the OP has a lot of 'em.

    I feel like you could get a sort of Spineshank vibe going, which could be pretty cool. The 90s were a pretty big, diverse period in music, a lot of which hasn't really changed very much, so there's a lot of room to work with.

  4. Opening goes to Xarnax42.

    I throw down for 1 - the Street of Rage, and would also like to volunteer as a quality evaluator, and to make the OCR template website.

    Edit;; if Xarnax has 1, could do Last Soul?

    Muchos gracias.

    Tracklist is fillin' up nice and fast. I like. Remember, guys, bonus tracks open up if we get every source covered, so if someone snatched up a source you wanted to do, keep an eye on the thread anyway.

  5. WOW. This thread blew up.

    Firstly, would we be allowed to bring rap to a remix? Mainly because that's kinda what i do, and i know some people are not too keen on the genre being put over their vidya games tunes! As long as you're cool with vocal remixes then ok! XD

    I would actually love to see some old-school flavor hip-hop make it onto this album.

    Secondly, what are the proposed deadlines and check in dates for WIPs? It does say there that once a track has been claimed the remixer has about two weeks to cook something up for an initial WIP, and that's all very well and good but is there a projected deadline schedule for this project? Like, all final WAVs need to be in by a certain point?

    (main reason i am asking is because i would like to claim a track but i'm just a vocalist so i need time to lock down a collaborator for the tune if i did jump on board this project)

    Well, the project just started, so I'm playing it by ear. I won't be putting any check-in deadlines down until people start grabbing tracks, because I want to give the remixers a reasonable timeframe to work in without being bothered. I'd put a final WAV deadline around summer of next year.

    I'll mark you and halc down.

    Dude. You're talking to the king of vocal ReMixes <3

    Dustin's the man.

    Flattery will get you everywhere. ;)

    Speaking of vocals, voice for hire here! I'm too white to rap, but other than that, I'm good. :P

    I'll put you down as a resource. A very recommended resource.

    If you sent me a PM, I haven't checked all that stuff out yet, but I'm getting on that right meow. Thanks for the interest, everyone!

  6. Streets of Rage

    3-year/3-album Project


    Next check-in date: May 31st. The bulk of the remix should be done around this time.

    The Vision

    In 1999, OverClocked ReMix was born out of a desire to acknowledge video game music as an art form through interpretive arrangement. To that end, the community has expanded into the single-best music-centric community on the Internet, and host to some of the greatest independent musical talent the Internet has to offer.

    The 16-bit era played a large role in that. One 16-bit game series that seems to be near and dear to many hearts is the Streets of Rage series. Despite this, it has never spawned an album here.

    In an effort to pay tribute not only to the game series and it's fantastic composer, Yuzo Koshiro, but also to the 90s and this fantastic community, I'm starting direction on a three-album project. Each album will be as close as possible to a year apart in release, with a year-long development time each.

    Genre and Music Guidelines

    There aren't really any genre restrictions per se, but the project is a nod to both the music of 90s and the OC ReMix community. With that in mind, remixes should:

    a) Draw inspiration from 90s or late-80s music, and

    B) Incorporate a musical style that is preferred by the remixer(s)

    This is intended to be an official OC ReMix album. You'll be expected to deliver a remix that meets OverClocked ReMix's quality standards. Be prepared to continuously work on your remix until it meets that standard. If you're having trouble coming up with a suitable 90s genre, check this Wikipedia article for some examples.

    I'd like to maintain a certain level of secrecy for this album. Previously-released tracks are ineligible. Remixes that you have finished or almost finished but haven't put out there yet are fair game, but keep in mind that this album won't be releasing until late next year. Jus' somethin' to think about.

    What We Need

    ReMixers! Can't have a remix album without that, no matter how hard you try. ;)

    Talent evaluators. People who are up for helping me out with feedback delivery. One head isn't as good as... more than one head. OCR staff preferred.

    Visual artist. Preferably one that can stick around for the whole three years and do art for all three albums.

    Someone to come up with some bitchin' names for these albums. Seriously, throw 'em out there. I'm all ears. Eyes. Whatever.


    pu_freak can contribute piano bits.

    Orangedragan is a male baritone vocalist willing to collaborate.

    Damashii!! is down for "horn/brass hits, funk guitar and/or vocal one shots, and anything else in the field of funk 'garnish' or 'sprinkles' to add to your arrangements, if needed at all."

    Chenabogue is offering orchestra and drum programming.

    BrothaDom is offering backup and rap vocals.

    Claiming a Track

    Anyone can claim a source. Simply post here or PM me expressing your interest in remixing the source. First come, first served. Once you make a claim, you have three weeks from the day of your claim to deliver a substantial WIP that clearly conveys the direction you plan on taking your remix and, if you're not a posted ReMixer, demonstrates your ability to produce and arrange on a level expected of an OC ReMix release.

    If you miss the deadline, or turn in a WIP that doesn't meet the album vision or quality guidelines to an acceptable degree, your source will be re-opened, and you will not be allowed to claim any source without providing a WIP that meets the qualifications. Don't be one of those guys who's all like "I wanna claim a track but not show you anything for over a month." Please be ready, and please be dedicated.

    Bonus remixes will be considered once all of the source tracklist is claimed.


    Black: Unclaimed

    Red: Claimed

    Green: WIP

    Blue: Finished WAV

    Bold Blue: Consent form signed and track notes/artist links submitted

    1. The Street of Rage - Fallen Seraph

    2. Player Select - Zone Runners

    3. Fighting in the Street - G-Mixer & Damashii!!

    4. Attack the Barbarian - spellmynamewithabang

    5. Dilapidated Town (


    6. Moon Beach (http://youtu.be/Z0ijFNPfP14)

    7. Keep the groovin' - Garpocalypse

    8. Beatnik on the Ship (http://youtu.be/nSyc7gXMnAM)

    9. Stealthy Steps - CJthemusicdude

    10. Violent Breathing (http://youtu.be/CCCQzB5nnRk)

    11. The Last Soul - Mak Eightman

    12. Big Boss - DusK

    13. My little baby (good ending) - Tuberz McGee

    14. You Became the Bad Guy! - Detective Tuesday

  7. So, My ATH-M45s are borked, and I'm looking to get a pair of ATH-M50s as a replacement.

    A friend, however, saw my Facebook status on the ordeal and suggested these, insisting that they're what the "pro studios are adopting down here" (here being Nashville).

    This is a guy who insists that paying over twice as much for the same computer hardware magically makes it better because, well, just because, so I'd like a few more opinions. Anyone else use these? Anyone know what's up with them?

  8. Does Nintendo make perfect games? No. Is Nintendo as a company leaps and bounds ahead of the entire industry in terms of not releasing a game until all the kinks are worked out? Yes. There have been approximately 3 games over the course of Nintendo's entire tenure that have needed a patch put out. Try and find another company with that kind of track record

    Pretty much everything I tried to convey in that other post but wasn't bothered to go into that much detail because I figured people would have that much figured out by now.

  9. I wouldn't be surprised if it releases at $60. Nintendo is a price gouger. The main problem being that their games rarely if ever actually feel like they hold the value of a $60 price tag. :cry:

    This is interesting, considering Nintendo's practically the only triple-A developer left that releases games that don't require a bajillion bugfixes over the span of several years.

  10. A quick update, everyone!

    According to one of the OC ReMix projects staff members, the album has passed evaluation!

    We're working crazy hard behind the scenes right now to meet that September 9th release date. So tell your friends, hide yo kids, and hide yo wife. Be Aggressive! is happening.

    And if you got a PM from me today, keep it to the PMs.

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