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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Considering their target demographic is families, which generally have multiple people living in the same house, local multiplayer makes the most sense.

    And pretty sure that will work out quite well for them.

    This. My roomies and I are already looking forward to another great four-player with this game and NSMBU once I finally have enough scraped up to get a Wii U. Aint nothin' wrong with couch multi.

  2. The Wii sold because of the gimmicky controllers and a promise of quality motion gaming that was barely delivered on, depending on what you're into. It sold in tons of nursing homes purely for Wii bowling.

    Meanwhile, a massive chunk of the Xbox 360's numbers can be chalked up re-releases and replacing RROD'd systems.

  3. Kotaku just posted this article. I know, I know: nobody likes them anymore. However, it's got an interesting quote from Fils-Aime in there regarding the gap between Wii and Wii U sales:

    I tend to believe that the Wii U doom and gloom theorists are blowing things out of proportion, so this helps that out a little bit. Any thoughts?

    A rougher economy has to be taken into account as well. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had a decent job and the ability to just waltz into a store to pick up a Wii back then, but can't say the same today.

    There are also those who wanted to wait until details for all of this current console generation to be detailed before making a decision. Some might even wait until all three consoles are released. Wii U sales jumped quite a bit when the Xbox One was announced.

  4. Yes! EA has such bad ideas and Call of Duty doesn't sell at all and is bad! Nintendo should do the exact opposite of the Call of Duty franchise! Oh wait, they already do. It's 2013, not having online multiplayer is just ridiculous and yet another outdated concept. Nintendo's goal should be to make EVERY GAME as good as it can possibly be for everyone who will be playing them.

    Call of Duty is published by EA? News to me.

    I couldn't care less about Super Mario 3D World not having online multiplayer. If it did, I wouldn't use it anyway. That's just one of those games where it's best played with friends in real life.

  5. Looks like it's back to 12 racers at once, though. I don't think that worked particularly well in Mario Kart Wii, but we'll see.

    From what I saw in the video, there seems to be quite a few instances of tracks splitting up into multiple paths for a time. I feel like that could work well for handling player density.

    I'm pretty stoked about this game myself. We sometimes play a Mario Kart Wii drinking game; line up three shots on the table, and take one if you get hit or fall off. Bonus shot if you don't place. The first thing my fiance said when she saw the anti-grav gameplay was "This is going to be really hard to play drunk."

  6. A while back, around 2006 or so, I used to work a day job at the same time every day, then play at night until about 4 AM. When I got an Xbox 360, I decided I wanted a better username than the really bad weeaboo name I was using. So I went with ItStartsAtDusK, because I played almost exclusively at night. That got shortened to DusK when I started playing Halo PC again, and then I started using that for everything.

  7. Next check-in date is this Saturday, June 1st! A lot of our tracks are making really good progress. Let's keep it up! :-)

    I won't be able to make that deadline for the Bogue's track, but I've done some mixing for my Sonic Boom track and I'm feeling it's just about done. We'll see what you think soon.

  8. Just a heads up, remixers: If you're still green on the tracklist right now, you're not done. It may be some minor change, or even no change at all but something else, or it might be something pretty heavy, but you're still not finished until we have a 1411 kb/sec WAV of your track sitting in my hard drive and backup drive.

    If you've sent anything to just Dj Mokram recently, send it to me as well.

    I'll be contacting everyone on that tracklist that's green tomorrow.

  9. I have no issues with that. By "done", I meant I'm ready for it to be checked on. :P I put the 44kHz 1411kbps stereo WAV just in case you happen to like it how it is, and so I can simply update the file in Box as I update, without having to send a whole new email with a new link to the new WAV.

    Ah. Well then, you're done. Keep the file up for a while, though.

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