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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Current Version: https://soundcloud.com/itstartsatdusk/rambo-revivin-battlefield-3


    This ended up being my "remix of 2012", blowing past all of my other videos on YouTube in terms of viewership, so I'm thinking maybe it could be improved and be my OC ReMix of 2013. Or 2024. :-P

    So yeah, lookin' for any and all crits. Not a popular source so I'm not expecting anything right away. Or even a month from now. :lol:

  2. I'll jump on this when I get some of my other project tracks knocked out. There are a lot of great sources here, so I don't think it'll be too hard to choose among what's still available a few weeks from now.

    Brandon does have a point about recruiting for a metal album of all things on OCR. Imo you should start with a much more manageable scope of sources for this; maybe choosing one game before moving on to others.

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