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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I know it's just EBGames, but still:


    My head knows this release date is false, but my heart can't help but hope it's true!

    lol That'd mean it's out now. XD

    They're doing press beta events this month, then opening that beta up to more people in March and April. We're probably looking at a May/June release. But it's definitely releasing this year. It's gonna be a very non-productive year for me indeed.

  2. :o I did not know this. I thought doing quick edits in EDISON was super cumbersome what with all the saving, searching, and reloading into a new audio clip. This will save a ton of time. Thanks :D

    I don't even do much editing in Edison tbh. Most of my editing occurs on the playlist itself. What I do is just kind of another way of doing what Neblix does, just with a bit more setup and the advantage of looping a section of the track and doing multiple takes without having to click anything while I'm playing. That and the whole not saving the audio until I drag it onto the playlist, which saves a lot of HDD space when you're doing music like I do that's almost entirely audio tracks.

    Learn to give people some credit, man... there are shades of grey between black and white.

    Well, he's half-right. Recording directly into the playlist like he described is about as easy as my setup. And that works great if you're just recording something here and there. But switching over to Edison and handling all your tracking there for songs that are pretty much all recorded audio is just easier to work with in my experience. He's just unfamiliar with how I handle it is all, so he doesn't know exactly how quick and easy it is to do once you have it all set up.

  3. I think Edison is the worst possible idea for recording into a song project. Because then you have to save the file, then open it as an audio clip and put it in the playlist.

    Why bother?

    Dragging it from Edison to the playlist actually auto-saves it as "Dragged sample #" in your sliced beats folder or your whatever folder your current project is set to in Project General Settings and sets it to wherever you dragged it to on the playlist. It's actually way quick. I've never had to do all those steps.

  4. I'm not sure how you'd set up whatever software would have come with the FastTrack (I use a POD Studio Pro UX1), but once have your processed signal, it should be assigned to sends. Usually it's sends 1 and 2. Figure that out from the manual or something.

    Pop open FL Studio, hit Options -> Audio settings, and select your FastTrack from the drop-down menu at the top.

    I record using Edison. You'll want to set a mixer track's input to "Send 1 - Send 2", and open Edison as an effect on that channel. Bring up the Edison window, hit record, play, stop recording when you're done. Then just click and hold the Drag button and bring it into FL Studio's playlist; it's the second button from the right.

    Usually, I set Edison to record on play, so it snaps to grid correctly, but if your comp's a bit on the weak side, you might not be able to set your buffers low enough to do that. I also usually mute my Recording channel in FL Studio because the phasing from the slight latency screws me up a bit, but isn't noticeable in the final unless I have to boost my buffers to 256 or higher.

    Of course, there are other ways to track guitar in FL Studio, like using its built in recorder, but I found Edison to be the quickest, easiest, and most useful option.

  5. My only complaint is that after finishing the story mode and playing a lot of vs matches, The character creator seems really lacking in the equipment department, not sure if I just need to play more or what - but I remember 3 and 4 having a *lot* more options.

    From what I hear, CaS only has about 65% unlocked right off the bat. You'll stop unlocking stuff for it when you hit lvl 50 according to the strategy guide. There's quite a bit to unlock while leveling up.

  6. For the most part, it's very inspiration-based. If I hear a source, or remember one, I may one day get an idea in my head of how I'd want a remix of it to sound. It happens kind of randomly.

    Once I got that down, I don't work on the remix right away. I learn the song first. I pop it up on YouTube, or from my collection, plug in my guitar, and learn all of it. Then, I start experimenting while the song is played. This leads to even more ideas for interpretation.

    After that, I start making the actual remix. I pop open FL Studio and start moving through the track, section by section, until I have the entire thing written. I never focus on production quality and fine-tuning until the entire composition is done.

    After that, I work on mixing and mastering, maybe change a few things here or there to make the song good, and call it.

  7. I'm down. We should meet in Indianapolis! I think we have laser tag or some shit somewhere here?? Now you all want to come.

    If you guys do this, I'm in.

    Or Chicago. Maybe. My girlfriend's been dying to go there for a while now. That's quite the trip for me, though.

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