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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Current Version: VERSION 6


    I started working on this piece a bit ago when I was going stir crazy on Generation Gap and wasn't sure I had another Sonic remix in me. I noticed a lot more Whirlwind covers on YouTube, and felt it was take to take my relationship with that song to the next level. ;) Inspiration hit, and here we are.


    Remix (v2): http://tindeck.com/listen/gtmy

    Feedback welcome. Let's get this sucker on the front page.

  2. Much thanks for the vote, Nonamer. And much thanks for the massive post full of crits and that sweet guide, Monobrow.

    Version 4.

    I really tried to nail down and attenuate freqs that were muddying up the mix, especially in regards to the main lead and rhythm, which I turned down a bit as well. The tricky part is that I have two lead tracks playing different melodies in some parts of the song, and I never do that. Usually, when I have two leads playing, they're harmonized, so I can get away with sticking them in the same channel and turning the harmonizing lead down a bit. I can't exactly do that here, so I made my main lead dominant around 3 kHz, and the "sub-lead" that I don't use too often dominant around 2 kHz to try and separate them. If anyone has a better suggestion for separating those tracks, I'd love to hear it, because I think it could be better. Spent almost an hour working on it and that's all I could come up with. :banghead:

    That guide really helped me out, especially with the snare.

    As always, crits/suggestions welcome.

  3. CURRENT VERSION: Version 4.


    So it's been a bit since this mix got rejected, and I've had a bit of time recently to work on it again.

    Version 3.

    Crits and suggestions welcome. I haven't re-recorded any of the leads yet, so posting times where the lead sections are problematic will help me a lot. There are a few that are fairly obvious, but it'll help to get some fresh ears on this. :razz:

  4. I think what's "wrong" is that people who aren't used to this particular style of metal think that guitars should be almost 100% high-end instead of the heaviness we know it should be via moderate mid-scooping, and kicks should be almost exclusively in the 250HZ range or something instead of that clickiness that's kind of important for the genre you're going for.

    Good mix, btw. You really nailed it with this one.

  5. Do you have a citation for most buyers ignoring the single player?

    I'm not sure about MW3, as I'm not interested in the least, but a quick visit to the Battlelog forums (BF3's online service) will yield that there's a definite understanding between the community and DICE that the game is multiplayer-centric. Battlefield's always kinda been a primarily multiplayer game. Kinda like UT.

  6. There are also other factors like lower tuning stability with heavier strings and different types of attack dynamics with light/heavy picks etc etc, but mainly what it comes down to is playing comfort.

    This is the main reason I love Skinny Top/Heavy Bottoms. The moment I found out they feel just as good and tight in drop C as Regular Slinkys do in standard tuning, I was sold.

  7. http://vimeo.com/30970208

    I guess not as sub-par, but still looks pretty bad compared to the PC version. Especially those shaky, rigid shadows. Yuck.

    But I'd guess there's a big difference between coding the graphics of a linear, on-rails shooter (single-player, anyway) and an open-world game like GTA V. Or maybe Rockstar's art team is just lazy, because Avalanche didn't seem to have much of a problem making Just Cause 2 have good graphics.

    Or maybe we're seeing pre-release footage and the game will look better than that.

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