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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Good crits. :D You're right. Now that you mention it, that backing synth is a bit loud. But I'm not hearing a whole lot of mud, which is always a problem for me because my speakers are crap and make EVERYTHING sound muddy, and I do all of my tracking/mixing/ect. on studio headphones.

    Version 4!

    I pulled down that backing synth a bit and carved a space in the rhythm guitars around 3k to make way for the leads. It seems to have cleared up a bit of that mud according to my speakers, but I can't really do a whole lot for that without making everything sound so thin that there's barely any remix left. :lol:

  2. I organize it via the filesystem - I have my OCR stuff in G:\VGM\OverClocked ReMix\ and then I have a folder for each game so all Chrono Trigger mixes would be in G:\VGM\OverClocked ReMix\Chrono Trigger\.

    This is pretty much exactly what I do, except I don't keep OCR stuff in my VGM folder. So it'd be My Music\OverClocked ReMix\Chrono Trigger.

  3. This was the very first DarkeSword track I heard, and I think it might have been among the first 5 OC ReMix's I had ever heard. I actually remember the exact moment; I was abusing my high school's T1 connection back in 2003, as I didn't have broadband at the time, trying to download as much stuff as I could. I noticed this track when I was looking through a list of Sonic mixes and my eyes lit up, because I have loved the source ever since hearing it in 3D Blast.

    This track still holds up to the test of time imo. It's got a well-rounded sound to it. Very upbeat; I'm glad that aspect of the source was kept intact, though I can't really imagine a take on Twinkle Park without that. I still dance a bit every time it comes up when I shuffle my OCR folder. Excellent stuff.

  4. I was so angry at myself when I found this mix. I had been lurking the site for years. I knew who Jeremy Soule was; Guild Wars happens to be one of my favorite soundtracks. So the fact that I had completely missed this was extremely upsetting. I got over it quickly. A fantastic orchestral arrangement that sounds like I could easily slap it into Skyrim's music folder and listen to it on my adventures. So atmospheric.

  5. When I heard Sadorf subbed this, I squealed like a little fangirl. Medusa Mix was always one of my favorite mixes, but this... this is wonderful. It's hard to describe everything about this track that makes me enjoy it so much. The way you can tell Sadorf got so much better since Medusa Mix yet still touched back on that style really gives this mix a class that a lot of other mixes just can't match imo. It's like a sequel; An extremely well-done sequel to an already great story.

  6. I miss JAXX. He was one of my favorite remixers. I liked this track in particular. Listening to it now, it's easy to see how high the bar has risen for production quality in order to pass a mix. It's got that old-school mark going for it, but I think that helps it stand out in the genre it shoots for. Nice, fast, gritty punk rock. I really like lead harmony on this track in particular.

  7. GG_Cover640.jpg

    Generation Gap: A Sonic the Hedgehog Tribute EP is a personal project I created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of my favorite game series, Genesis-era Sonic the Hedgehog. It's a short, 11-minute remix EP filled with speed punk and alt-rock, inspired by Jun Senuoe's work in the Sonic Adventure titles.

    Check out the trailer, site, and music here!

    Much thanks to Nate Horsfall, Dj Mokram, and Kyle Crouse for helping me get this released.

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