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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I lurv me some DOA4. From that trailer, it looks like they're adding more ways to interact with the environment beyond the typical slamming against walls and knocking off ledges kinda deal.

    Or maybe that's just me being hopeful.

  2. CURRENT VERSION: Version 4

    I'm currently working on a lone wolf remix album called "Generation Gap". The idea is to take Genesis-era Sonic tracks and remix them in a style reminiscent to newer Sonic games. Though it'll be a KNGI release, I'd like some tracks to make it to OCR. I think this could be one of those tracks.

    As the title implies, it's a punk remix. Crits/suggestions very welcome, and said crits/suggestions may go a long way in making the whole album better.

    EHZ Punk (Triple-Mohwak Redux) v1 (Outdated, here only for comparison to current version)

  3. It all hinges on whether you can find a decent mac for under a grand, thatis.

    This, considering Macs are significantly more expensive compared to equivalently-powerful PCs. Unfortunately, not knowing about computers kinda puts you in a situation where a Mac might be the better option.

    If you're willing to learn a bit about computers, you'll get a lot more firepower out of a PC, especially considering your budget. For music production, CPU power, RAM, and a hard drive with a good compromise between speed are important, and video hardware is pretty much negligible (I invite anyone more experienced to correct me if I'm wrong on this).

    I'm not at liberty to recommend any PCs you might want to buy, as I build my own. I'll leave that to someone else.

  4. 1. How do you change your name online? Mine says Kevin, and while that's my real name, it might be hard to distinguish that I'm unstable hamster. Where can I change my online name?

    Change you main Mii's name.

    2. Is there any way we could set up something so that we could mesage each other when we are online. Like a steam group or a IRC chat? I'm asking this because it's hard to get a hold of people on the 3DS due to there being no message system.

    No, unfortunately.

  5. That said, holy crap your mix was loud. I recommend some volume reduction for future renders. :)

    You're definitely not the only one to say that. It's definitely hella bad production. XD That mix was version 1. Reducing the volume/strain on the comp was the first thing I did for v2. The one sitting in the Judge's Queue is v8. The difference is literally night and day. I definitely learned my lesson with that mix. ;)

    /offtopic, this is about Holland giving Siamey the thumbs up on his awesome Terraport mix.

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