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Posts posted by DusK

  1. This is a thread about MMO games. In particular, one about to be released, FFXIV. If you don't like MMOs, why would you come into a thread just to bash them? I'm sure there's "much better stuff out there to be doing."

    I can definitely see where ZealPath's coming from as far as the apples and oranges thing. I guess I just preferred that questing element of WoW more. If FFXIV is indeed stepping away from the grind I knew in FFXI, it should end up being a very enjoyable experience.

    I watched the trailer not too long ago and showed it to my girlfriend. She didn't like it when I said "Wanna quit WoW with me?"

  2. Oh, I have no doubt that FFXIV could beat out WoW if Square-Enix gets it right. In fact, I HOPE it does. There were a lot of things I liked from FFXI that I missed when I played WoW (job system and battle system, for example), and I like the art style a lot more compared to WoW. I'm actually with tweek on this one.

    I have high hopes for this title, and I'll definitely be taking a break from WoW upon its release to give it a whirl.

    One of my main gripes is still the complex account setup. I'm actually reinstalling FFXI to see what's changed (I heard a LOT did in the past 4 years), and if Edge and Zeal are right about not having to buy another copy, I shouldn't have too much trouble getting back into the game. I still haven't finished installing PlayOnline; It'll take about 4 1/2 hours to update, so I'll just leave it running overnight and continue tomorrow.

  3. I guess that argument is understandable. If every game with a lengthy tutorial section is "shitty." But to people who haven't done those sections, it's usually what hooks them.

    But, let's see. You can start doing instances at around level 15, which is pretty much right around the time you'd get done with the tutorial-ish quests of the game. And then around 17-19 is a good time to start doing BGs. So yeah, if you don't think dungeon-diving with a party or don't think PvP is fun, it would take a while to get into something entertaining.

    Then again, if the former is boring to you, how would you like FFXI? Most of the early game is getting into groups for the sole purpose of leveling. Not that I didn't mind it too much, but there's not much of a sense of progression as compared to an instance in WoW. You get in a group, go over to Valkurm Dunes or wherever you're grinding at the time, and just kinda... sit there. Wouldn't that classify as "a bunch of boring shit?"

    I personally love instances (one of the reasons I love GW). I think they're one of the best aspects of the game, and I can't wait to get into raids.

  4. As far as I know, TF2's population never dropped. Halo 3's did, though. If a game's good, people don't stop playing it. Unless, of course, something better comes along.

    Am I gonna get a decent argument out of you guys, or is it all gonna be "WoW players are stupid and WoW sucks end of story lalalalalala"? Cause all I'm seeing are piss-poor arguments and unmerited bias. The only one of you that's come close is EdgeCrusher, and his was still more hate-spew than anything.

    I'll make this easy for you guys. Explain how FFXI is better than WoW. Educated answers preferably, none of this "omg everyone who plays wow is stupid because i said so" crap. Examples of gameplay mechanics, community interaction, ect.

    Or is the "close-mindedest" person the only one who's capable of civility in a debate?

  5. I love WoW players cause they are about the close-mindedest people around. All you hear is them talking about "Oh, EQ sucks, Oh FFXI sucks, Oh Guild Wars suck".

    I never said that. I still play GW, I don't think that sucks, I actually think it's really good. And I did like FFXI's battle system in the fact it still felt like a Final Fantasy game and not every other MMORPG out there. All I said is that WoW is still superior in terms of overall gameplay.

    They think their precious WoW is the end all be all, when in fact, just about every MMO sucks.

    I guess it all depends on what you want out of games. I guess that's how opinions work.

    The fact is WoW is the Hot Topic of of MMOs, but from the look of your sig, you seem to fit right in with that horrible crowd.

    Yeah dude, I play in a metal band, so that automatically makes me a Hot Topic clone.

    It's horrible graphically, and gameplay wise too.

    1st part yes, second part no. WoW has far more diversity in its gameplay than any other MMO I've played. The massive amount of content keeps things interesting.

    Plus the community in general is about as great as a 1st grade class room full of asperger monkey children.

    You must've played Alliance. It's generally not like that Horde-side.

    Just because something is "popular" doesn't mean its great. If that was the case we'd all be on AOL right now.

    So why did WoW's player count skyrocket while FFXI's player count plummeted? Or am I supposed to believe that just because people stop playing a game doesn't mean it's bad?

  6. I would but I make it a rule not to talk to morons

    Generalizations can be fun too!

    EDIT: Today, I decided to see if they had indeed made the mess associated with playing FFXI (the mess that made me quit in the first place) any easier. I popped in my Vana'diel Collection disc, installed the PlayOnline viewer, but whenever I try to run it, I get an error code and a message telling me that PlayOnline Viewer won't run under my operating system (Vista 32-bit). A visit to the sit yields nothing. Searching in the support section for the message and error code also yields nothing.

    A person shouldn't have to search the internet for the patch or application necessary to get this game running on Vista. You'd think SE would be smart enough to make that stuff easily accessable. And this is just the viewer! I imagine I'll have lots of fun getting the actual game to run.

    Do any of the FFXI players here have a link to a patch or download that would get the PlayOnline Viewer running on Vista?

    EDIT 2: Figured it out. Nevermind. Had to go through a couple of pages on Google for a guide which led me to the link.

  7. That's another thing I don't like about FFXI. The service is way too convoluted. Why couldn't they just keep it simple, like WoW?

    I dunno. I played like... 4 years ago. Maybe they've ironed out those kinks since then. I guess it doesn't really matter much anyway. $13 a month and an additional dollar per character is too much for a game that pales in comparison to WoW.

  8. From the Final Fantasy XI PC manual:

    Your member information is retained on the server for three months after your access to PlayOnline is disabled. Should you decide to reactivate your PlayOnline account and use PlayOnline services again during this three month period, simply log onto PlayOnline and follow the instructions there. You will be able to use the same account information that was registered at the time you unsubscribed from PlayOnline.

    After this three month period has elapsed, you can no longer use your previous account information. You must create a new account to use PlayOnline again. Please note that this means you must purchase a new copy of the software from a retailer and reregister for PlayOnline.

  9. I use a Line 6 TonePort, which is an ASIO device on its own, much like an external soundcard. As such, I don't even use ASIO4ALL while recording. If a M-Audio Fast Track is anything like a TonePort, it'll also be be treated as an external ASIO sound device.

    I've never been fond of recording on laptops. I get a lot of pops and clicks when messing with the DAW, and I always have to set the buffers really low to get rid of said pops and clicks while recording. Something I never have to deal with on my desktop. Though, I might be doing something wrong.

    I don't even know what a guitar "lead" is. I just use a normal guitar cable. Whatever I'm using in my band at the time.

    I use a Shure SM58 for recording vocals. It's no condenser mic, but it's cheaper, and it gets the job done. Good built-in pop filter, too. I recommend it if you're on a budget. My recording space has never been set up acoustically, but it doesn't seem to impact sound quality too much.

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