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Posts posted by DusK

  1. now see here is your problem EVERYONE WHO PLAYS MV2 ONLINE THINKS THEY'RE HOT SHIT. aka trying to have epeen because they are "good" at a terribly uncompetitive game

    interestingly enough i played mv2 with some friends of mine who play it all the time, and beat half of them them despite the fact that i don't even play the damn game

    this is offtopic sorry but your flippant comment needed a response on how silly it was

    At no point in my post did I ever address the community. Yes, the 360 community is jam-packed full of idiots who think they're God's gift to gaming just because they can sit in a corner and go 25-0. I don't know if that's the same on PS3 or PC, but it most certainly is that way on LIVE.

    But I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the game itself, and how it can still be extremely fun despite not taking any skill whatsoever, especially when played with friends.

  2. I actually like MW2. It's one of those games where you know it isn't skill-based in the least, but you can still have a lot of outrageous fun with your friends on.

    Fun. Friends. As opposed to e-peen. Sound like a good idea, anyone?

  3. Thanks. If I find a good sample, I'll send it your way.

    EDIT: I ripped a pretty good one off my girlfriend's Fruits Basket DVD. The decay drops suddenly, but if you put it with some music and add some reverb, it's nothing noticeable. Served my needs perfectly, though. I'll upload it to Rapidshare or something and put a link here for those interested.

  4. I'm looking for the name of an instrument so I can find a sample of it to use in a track I'm working on. It's the Japanese wood-blockish chime thing in the beginning of "Idaten."

    It comes in from the right first, and then again from the left. A name would be cool, and if you can link to a sample, that'd be even better. Thanks in advance.

  5. So, I've made my first actual remix. Not a cover, not a simple genre bend, but an actual remix.

    It's metal. Breakdowns, solo, lots of double-bass action, ect. So I'm hoping to get some feedback from those who are familiar with metal in particular, but any feedback will do.

    Original tracks are Title Music and Night Mission.

    Title Music:

    Night Mission:

    Remix is here: http://www.myspace.com/dustinbranscum

    Song's at the top of the playlist on that page's player. I'll just let that link simmer for a few days/weeks/whatever. :P

  6. Shinobi 3



    Comix Zone

    Dynamite Headdy

    Earthworm Jim 1 and 2

    Gunstar Heroes

    Toejam and Earl 2

    Xmen 2: The Clone Wars

    Vectorman 1 and 2

    Those are some good side scrollers. Some others I recommend:

    Beyond Oasis

    Ecco 1 and 2


    Golden Axe 1, 2, and 3

    Streets of Rage 1, 2 and 3


    Phantasy Star 4

    Red Zone


  7. Geez, this is one of the best fan productions I've ever seen. It seemed kind of akward for the entire movie to be done in voice overs, but I guess it was important to produce better sound quality than what the onboard mic could record. That being said, something about snakes eyes disturbs me.

    The original actors had Italian accents. I think that's the real reason they dubbed it.

  8. After seeing this movie, and knowing that it's no-budget and fan-made, I have a newly found disrespect for the Sci-Fi channel. The way they implemented those Metal Gears into the live-action sequences were far better than any pterodactyls, giant snakes, dragons, aliens, or other assorted beast that I've seen in Sci-Fi exclusives that actually had some money put into them.

    But in all, Philanthropy was great. If you haven't watched it, you're doing yourself an injustice.

  9. I was planning on doing a faithful rock/metal remake of the title screen from Jungle Strike, which was essentially an elaborated version of Desert Strike's title theme. I'd boot up and let JS run when I was a kid, just cause I liked that song so much.

    I remade the first stage of Comix Zone, "Night of the Mutants." Although I didn't give it any stereo attention (I was kinda learning the ropes, still am), a lot of people ended up liking it. I posted it here. It's called "Never Saw This Coming." I plan on going back and redoing it right someday.

  10. I highly recommend a Line 6 TonePort. It's basically a POD on steroids, and made for bass and vocal recording as well.

    I use a TonePort UX2, which isn't made anymore, but I use it for just about everything. I've recorded my own stuff with the massive amount of built-in preamps and amp models (as well as the feature to download artist tones over the internet, such as Kirk Hammet's tone used in "Enter Sandman")

    I've also used it for recording other amps. One of the guys in my band has a side project that I record for, and he just plugs his Marshall head via line-out jack into the instrument port of the TonePort. It sounds exactly like he's running it through the cab and recorded with a good instrument mic, but without all the mic'ing and expensive recording gear.

  11. I wasn't denying there is Genesis music that is fucking awesome and as good or better than Sonic's. I'm just pointing out that Sonic's was more than above-average for the system in terms of the sound engine of the system.

    I think Jesper Kyd did better. Hell, the OST for The Adventures of Batman and Robin sounded way ahead of its time in terms of sound quality.

  12. I paid about 800$ total for mine. HP Pavilion with an AMD Phenom 8400, 3GB RAM, and a 640HDD for about $500, then popped in a GameXstream 700w PSU and an ATI Radeon HD4870 512MB which ended up totaling about $300 in upgrades.

    That system handles everything I throw at it my max res (1440x900) with at least 2XAA at a solid 75FPS with vsync, 'cept Crysis.

    That was just the tower, though. Monitor was from my last PC.

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