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Posts posted by DusK

  1. A while back, a buddy of mine realized that he was bored not making music, and I realized that I missed the collaboration aspect of being in a band. So we decided to start making music together again, while providing me an opportunity to "guinea pig" it and learn more about production and performance, and a sort of resume for any future bands that might be looking for members. We don't plan on releasing albums or anything like that; we're just taking it song by song.

    You can check it out here. Constructive crits welcome.

  2. I'll wait as long as necessary. It'd be better than waiting four months for three No's. :D

    I'll take a look at that panned lead too.

    I use a POD Studio Pro UX1, with POD Farm 2, and I'm always down for expanding my tone library.

    EDIT: If you're gonna put something in your home stereo, go with version 8. I panned that lead a little closer to the center and did a couple of other minor tweaks.

    And much thanks for helping me out so much on this track. Once this is done, a blessing from your beard should put this mix on its way to the front page. :D

  3. Thanks for being patient. I was busy battling an army of robotic zombie toaster unicorns that took up camp in my back yard.

    Oh, you too?

    VERSION 7!

    With the changes you suggested. Sliding that lead did help quite a bit. I'm thinking maybe my POD's latency was messing with it when I recorded it.

    That synth during the solo got a slight volume reduction. It's really hitting that balanced sweet spot on my ATH-M45s and my cheap little speaker setup, so I'm hoping I did the trick there.

    Anyone got any more crits before I sub this little guy?

  4. This is a straight cover of a track. I generally do these kinds of things because a) I wanna hear something rock-ified, and B) to learn more about FL Studio and music production in general. Both mixes that have been shot down so far by the panel have been due to production issues. This way, I can get a good standing of where I stand on that without having to pump out an entire remix.

    So, if you're reading this, could you just take maybe 15 seconds out of your busy day and listen to the track, and post some constructive crits to tell me what I did right/wrong and ways I could improve? It'd be a big help.

    "Shouldn't this be in the ReMixes forum?" you might ask. Well, it's not a remix, let alone something I'd be looking to submit, but rather a straight cover with next to no variation from the source whatsoever. If a mod feels it belongs there more than here, feel free to move it/close it off and ask me to post it there/whatever.

  5. Apparently, some devs are making it so that 4:3 is the advantage, allowing them to see more vertical space than 16:9/16:10 users, essentially giving all players an equal horizontal FOV considering that's where most FPS action happens.

    Or, well, they're trying to. I haven't seen it successfully done.

  6. That's what I was thinking too, but I think I'll hold out. The GTX 460 seems to be underperforming compared to the Radeon HD 6870, which was what I was considering prior. Not exactly in my budget, but I can put up with my 4870 until I can afford it if that's what it'd take. Pretty sizable boost, but I think I'd be willing to pay the extra $50.

    Still, if anyone's got some nice money-savers, I'm still watching this thread. :)

  7. No, Modus, you're on the money. The HD 4870 is old. I'd like to get something with a little more balls behind it.

    Late mistakes, I'm looking to build an entire PC. I need pretty much everything that would go inside the case. That means that a setof combo deals that go over my budget themselves can't be done. Maybe something with the i5 Sandy Bridge? I actually found a DIY combo on Newegg that might suit my needs and budget, but I'm not that much of a hardware guy, so maybe someone could point out some flaws that I might have missed.


  8. In a couple of months, I'm gonna be building my very first gaming PC. Tricky part being I'd like to pull this off with a $700 budget. I'll be reformatting this one and setting it up solely for music production, which means that I can buy a new (cheaper) PSU for this one and put my 700 watt GameXtream into the new system, which also means I'd probably be taking out the Radeon HD 4870 as well. I'm not planning on buying a new keyboard, monitor, or mouse, and my OS purchase isn't factored into the budget. I'd like the motherboard and CPU to be fairly recent, but a good price/performance ratio is top priority.

    Any suggestions on a build?

  9. VERSION 6! Dear God, I'm gonna reach double-digits, aren't I.

    Did some EQing to the leads. I think I brought out some shimmer. Did I bring out some shimmer?

    EQ'd the toms that were causing the clipping at 2:33-2:45 and the other parts where the toms were also causing clipping. Wuddn't the kicks at all.

    Added some parts to help with the lifelessness of the mix. Mainly leads where there were none.

    Also tightened the lead parts that were spotty and added more drum fill variation. Which was a pain, because I no longer have that guitar tone in my library, so it got a little tricky keeping things consistent.

    As always, will werk 4 crits.

  10. OCR: Nekofrog (rhythm guitarists represent!), Sixto, Willrock, SnappleMan... pretty much anyone who pumps out sweet rock/metal 'mixes.

    Otherwise, I'm inspired mostly by metalcore bands. Haste The Day, As I Lay Dying, Still Remains, August Burns Red, ect., as well as certain composers, like Jesper Kyd, Nobuo Uematsu, and Junichi Masuda.

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