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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I actually like the soundtrack a lot. It's the only FF soundtrack I bothered to buy.

    X is also my favorite out of the series. The voice acting was bad, but to me, it gives the story more depth than not having voice acting at all. I love the water theme of the game as well. And yeah, the battle system.

  2. Hey, guys. I'm about to start working on a mix, but I need some samples first. I don't know where I would look, and I figure you guys might have an idea.

    I need samples of combat. Gunshots, explosions, tanks, helicopters, that sort of thing. Preferably distant sounding. If anyone has any idea of where I would find something like this, please post here.

  3. Anyway, I can't really comment on MMORPGs and such, as I've never been able to get past the "pay monthly to play" deal. $50 on a game, then $15 more every thirty days just never appealed to me.

    It didn't appeal to me at first either, but the content updates are usually worth it. I noticed both FFXI and WoW have this. Like mini-expansions, but you're forced to get 'em. I dunno, whatever floats your boat.

    GW is a good MMO, especially considering it has no monthly fee. Very different feel compared to traditional MMOs, too. I highly recommend it.

    But I can say, does anyone think Squenix is getting a bit ahead of themselves with this? FF XIII and its many parts aren't even done yet, and they're already cranking out another one. Maybe they should take a break and do something else... like say... oh, I don't know... Einhander II?

    Well, like someone said back on page 2, 3, or 4, FFXIII and FFXIV are really two completely different kinds of games. I'd figure they're not even being developed by the same teams, with a few exceptions (Uematsu?). I could be wrong on that, though.

    Einhander II would be pretty cool, but FF is Square-Enix's bread and butter, and they definitely know it.

  4. Linkspast's idea is a good one. Even though more people here seem to have the 360 version, there appears to be enough people to merit a PS3 tourney as well.

    I think it'd also be cool if DJP could give the winner(s) a place of honor for a while on the front page of the site.

  5. I can see why people have put you on ignore before, Bleck. You're really good at this trolling stuff. You ALMOST angered me. A little. But then I remembered people like you aren't worth worrying about. Or listening to, for that matter. :)

    So... anyone care to get back to the topic at hand? Any juicy links to some more FFXIV info that anyone's found?

  6. So my taste in gaming makes me an idiot, simply because it differs from yours. Gotcha.

    And you're a dickhead. Which has also been pretty well established.

    EDIT: Didn't see your post, Arek.

    If you're a warrior, and you only auto-attack until level 10, you're gonna die.

    If you're a mage and you only use firebolt till level 10, you're gonna die.

    If you're a lock, and you only use shadowbolt till 10, you're gonna die.

    It's more complex than that. And it's fun when you're playing a new class, as it gets you up to speed on what playing style that class needs to succeed. 1-10 is pretty much there to get new players used to the game, or their class.

    And even then, reaching 10 takes such a short amount of time it's almost negligible. Anyone who knows how to play the game can hit 10 in an hour or 2. Man, a lot must've changed since you stopped playing.

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