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Posts posted by DusK

  1. I make primarily metal, and my Schecter C1+ with an EMG 81/85 set has served me well. My Tempest with the same pickups was even better till someone jacked it. They're built as well as guitars that cost over twice as much, and I've read more than once about how someone's SG or Les Paul started collecting dust 'cause they got a Schecter. That brand's all I play nowadays, so I can't really give an opinion on other brands. Nekofrog has experience with Ibanez, so he'd definitely be a better source of info if you plan on going that route. He's also enjoying a shiny new Carvin, another brand that's supposedly good for power metal.

    $400 is really not a good budget to go by, but if you can find something with Duncan Design HB-102s, they have some good tone for offshoot cheapie pickups. They're no JB/'59 set, but they'll do for starters. If you find a really nicely built guitar with cheap pickups, you could always upgrade later. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, most guitarshops don't charge much for a pickup switch job.

    The POD X3's a little pricey. If you go with a POD Studio, you'll end up spending about half as much as you would on an X3 and you can put that extra $200 towards a better guitar. And a budget jump from $400 to $600 can make a big difference there.

    I'll throw in a couple of Schecter links to look over if you're thinking about grabbing one. This first is a hardtail with an EMG 81/85 set, and the second is an FR with a DD HB102b/101n set.

    Schecter Hellraiser Special C-1


    Schecter C-1 FR Standard


  2. Not a fan of the wide mixer channels. Just personal preference. Glad I can just change it back to the ol' skinny channels. Liking the new features on the Piano Roll. And of course, 64-bit plugins are nice to have.

    That demo song's making wanna grab Newtone/Pitcher, too.

  3. I said plenty of click without having the thump. Didn't mean for you to cut it down :<

    Yep. Stupid me.:tomatoface:

    Brought that click back, turned down the kick and bass a bit, seems to have helped. That also brought out the rhythm guitars quite a bit, so I knocked that down a tad too.

    I've done a lot of EQ work on the leads so that they're not fighting for space with the rhythm guitars and synths so much. I was also able to turn them down as a result.

    Anyway, here's version 5. The different leads are using different EQ setups depending on what I have going on at the time, so if anyone could point out any spots where I might have really screwed up the lead guitar EQ, please lemme know. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

  4. Bring down the mids, and up the treble of the kick, that'll get you more realistic sounding kick.

    I lowered the treb on the kick because Nutritious said it had too much click. And now I need to bump it back up again? GrraaaaaaaAAAA*shoots self*

    You're prolly right about the kick and the bass both being too loud. I'll drop 'em both a bit and see how it sounds.

    I'll also give the tracks some more EQing to try and let everything breath a bit more. Though tbh, I'm kinda thinking about re-recording the whole thing with the setup I used for the Secret Bonus Point tracks at this point. Soooo much easier to mix than this old track and these old tones. :(

  5. Thanks for the tips. I did what you said about removing the mastering compression and such, and it helped a lot at figuring out good levels for all my elements. It was a little tricky to do, as the layout of this track is really messy (I'm much more organized with my more recent mixes compared to this one, thankfully).

    Making the strings stereo REALLY helped in filling out the sound space in the intro. Good tip.

    EQ cuts on my rhythm track were also done. I actually had no EQ on rhythm guitars at all, and it was a very noticeable improvement when I started making cuts.

    So here it is, version 4. Anyone else got any pointers for this track? My guess is I got a good half a year or so before I can submit it, so I have plenty of time to keep working at it and make it better. All suggestions welcome.

  6. Schecter C1+ with an EMG 81 in the bridge and an EMG 85 in the neck - $400

    Ibanez Gio, not sure what model exactly, got it over half a decade ago new

    Squier P-Bass - $50

    I used to have a Schecter Tempest Custom with an EMG 81/85 set, paid a grand total of $900 for that guitar after putting in those pickups. Shame it got stolen. That was my baby.

  7. Yaaaaay crits.

    If you wanna take advantage of this you ought to switch your track status to 'Mod Review' instead of 'Finished'. ;)

    I wanted to see if anyone would be willing to take a look before I bothered the mods about it.

    Might have been helpful to quote the judges crits, so people have an idea of the directions you've followed to improve.

    Optionally, a link to the old sub would help the mods to evaluate whether or not you've adressed the concerns expressed by the panel.

    Good idea. XD

    I-support sequence-synth at 0:42 and 1:58 might not be sofisticated enough for that type of song/atmosphere.

    Try to switch to something more incisive/less round, sound-design wise.

    Though when the synth is accompanied/doubled by the guitar from 2:09 to 2:28, it flows much better.

    Not sure I follow here. I'm kind of a synth noob. Are you saying I should try a brighter "airy" synth for that part?

    -the song is very rhythm (guitar) heavy and sometimes the lead gets buried/relegated to a subsidiary role.

    I know the reason for this, and have zero problem with it. But some people might snap if you forget to properly abuse the lead tone.

    Couple that to a fairly complex track construction, and you can loose some listeners along the way.

    Again, I'm perfectly fine with the song being done this way personally.

    I hear ya on that. I boosted the mid-highs a bit more on the lead tone. They stand out better now.

    -part from 3:30 to 3:40 is a little underwhelming. It may be too simple and/or repetitive in comparison to what's before and after.

    Maybe removing those 10sec and jumping straight from the build up ending at 3:30 to the finale at 3:40 would help preserve momentum.

    I'm not sure if I'd like that, but I'll give it a try.

    -overall, the drums are a tiny bit dry and straight forward for what you're going for here. But that's just a personal bias on this one.

    You mean sound/production, or lack of filler/variation?

  8. EDIT: Most recent version: Version 8

    I subbed this over a year ago, and received 3 "No (resub)s" from the judges, and then pushed it to the backburner while I did a ton of other stuff. Here it is again, with me trying to follow their suggestions, applying what I've learned while working on my side project and Secret Bonus Point, and taking advantage of the new Mod Review system.

    The remix is a metalcore take on two tracks. Lots of breakdownage and shred.

    Remix: "The Broken Front"


    EDIT: Yeah, I spelled "music" wrong in the subject line. Typing in the dark without a backlit keyboard sucks.

    EDIT: Judges' decision of the prior version can be found here.

  9. ...and the world ends in 2012 because not all songs in stereo are mono-compatible.

    As for the original topic of the thread, I've got an arrangement mistake I keep hearing. Some ppl start from a source redo and end up having trouble personalizing it and creating a good arrangement that's different from source. More of an ocr-specific problem, but worth mentioning imo.

    Guilty as charged, tbh. When I'm learning how to play the source, I start by dividing the track and learning each section by ear, and playing it along with the original track itself. It subconsciously sends a message that I should do the remix like that as well, so it makes it harder to stray from the source a bit and give the piece some originality.

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