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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. You're playing through Chrono Trigger. Do you want to get the ending by using the bucket? That'll be $5.00. How about any of the other endings? Let's go with another $5.00 each. All of a sudden that novelty of multiple endings fades pretty quickly.

    Exactly. The only possibility that would have the potential to be cool would be to have three or four endings (including their own separate final stages/levels) that are epic in their own right and then let the consumer pay for the one they like most. If they want to buy all of them that's their deal.

    Example: (Mass Effect Spoiler Alert) Instead of going through the Citadel and fighting Saren at the end, you could somehow break into Sovereign and fight his brain or something.

  2. Nah, the explanation was fine the first time. And it would be fine if they did that if they dropped the price of the core down to about thirty or forty dollars for a brand new release.

    I just don't have that much faith in them. I could even see them selling multiple plot endings (which in a way would be cool) but for the most part could turn into a big pile of poo.

  3. "Make sure none of the constituents are important to the plot/game outcome?" (Paraphrase)

    I do NOT have that much trust in proven vampires. But, if it somehow did happen in that sugary-coated way, I'd be more than cool with it. Like you said, it would be an excellent alternative for people who have a hard time affording full titles.

  4. DLC is the beginning of a very rocky road for gaming IMO. It won't be long until there will be some games where you buy the 'core' of the game (which basically lets you build your character and play the first level or something similar), and then you get to choose which levels/campaigns/NPC quest packages you wish to purchase.

    "But wait!" they'll cry. "It's a good thing! It makes your experience so much more customizable than ever before!"

    And it'll be like five bucks a package, and there will be dozens to choose from, so if you want the entire game experience you'd better be ready to fork over some serious cash.

    :shock: What do you mean 'sour grapes'?

  5. You mean besides Valve? ;-)

    Why are their zombies? Not headcrab zombies, but zombie-zombies. That doesn't fit at all. They had the means to put in holographic 3D effects, weapons fire, explosives, highlighted devices, and they did a good job on the Combine soldiers... but no headcrab zombies?

    That fight doesn't fit very well. It's done nicely, but it doesn't fit with the context. I can't tell if this is a case of it being Half-Life with a fight forced into it, or a fight that is having Half-Life forced upon it.

    This could have been completely unrelated to Half-Life, and it would have been just as good.

    Pretty much my thoughts word for word. How can you do everything so awesomely and NOT do the headcrab zombies? Although I'm not sure I'd want to see a black leaper zombie strolling through Ravenholm...ughhhh.

    But it was funny how the crowbar equals an automatic win against a katana.

    And the chick shooting the dude pissing on the wall at the end was priceless.

  6. I'm starting to get psyched about this now, and I'm wondering what the chances are that they'll make a decent Wii game to complement the new gen. Battle Revolution was an incredible letdown, and that makes me worry that maybe they'll consider the console attempts a lost cause.

    Not that many of these new pokes will look that great with a graphical upgrade. Probably worse, actually.

  7. In short, because there is no social consequence for being a jerk online, it's a tool that cannot be overlooked. Does this make it acceptable? Not really. But it is unavoidable that most people will end up that way over time. The interesting exception to this rule is playing against people that you know or have planned to play against. In this setting people are usually polite, and when they're not it doesn't have the same effect it would in an anonymous setting.

    Your logic can't be denied, but I would be shocked to learn that any appreciable percentage of online dickheads do this to gain an advantage. I think it's a high for them to do things while having the knowledge that no one can do anything about it. Being faceless is a tonic to some.

    When I meet these unavoidable people it makes me more depressed than angry, and their behavior (if being used as a tool) is completely counter-productive in my case as it pretty much ensures I'll never play with them again, or sometimes never play that game online again. Is winning the match worth shrinking the community? Of course I don't know how many respond the same way I do...

  8. Thanks for the advice. Here's a link for Water Ruin:

    Sorry I cant find the abduction theme on Youtube but I think I know which one you are talking about.

    and this guy on Youtube made a JFG guitar medley that sounds really good:

    Yeah, you won't find the Abduction theme on YouTube--the only way I could get it was to download the OST online.

    Actually, JFG needs an album more than anything. Popular games that have great music and very few remixes (or in this case, none) are good candidates for their own albums.

  9. Because this communtity has proven to be a fount of obscure knowledge and because I can't find JACK about this song, I have a question:

    Does anyone know the origin/name/anything about the song that Mr. Holland writes specifically for Rowena, the lead actress in his school play? I can find all kinds of things about her theme (which is the orchestral score playing when she leaves on the bus), but I want to know about the piano music he writes specifically for her. He also plays it for her when she asks him.

    We only get to hear forty or fifty seconds of it, but it's very good.

    Edit: Here's a link to the spot in the movie.

  10. Just got to World 7, and each "K" level is pushing my ingenuity when it comes to inventing new combinations and uses of the f-bomb.

    I have never, EVER, seen a game that subscribes so heavily to the law of "learn our level like the back of your hand and THEN you may pass."

    It's been a long time since I have semi-dreaded the last world of any game.

  11. May you have better luck with your JFG request than I did. Water Ruin was at the top of my list as well with the Abduction theme (beaming up in Mizar's Temple.)

    BTW, including a link to the original music can help ReMixers feel more inclined to give it a shot.:-)

  12. Had a family member buy me Gears of War for 360 (already own it), it has all the multiplayer maps and a preview of GoW 2, still in shrinkwrap. I'll take $20 for it (I'll pay shipping) or the buyer can offer to trade any 360, DS, Wii, or PSP games.

    BTW, prophetik, what price would sound fair to you for Brutal Legend? I have it but not sure I'm willing to sell it.

  13. I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event.

    That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR.

    This is the definition of hard-poke-core. I salute you, with absolutely no derogatory intention. If I were half this serious I have no doubt I would enjoy the series much more than I currently do. But then again, my wife would shoot me. How do you manage?

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