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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. The reason they get so overblown is because so many people actually think a gamerscore is a representation of skill. Given, some achievements (and I mean a few) do take skill, but the overwhelming majority take just playing through the game, luck, a moderate amount of perseverance, or some insider information.

    I for one like them; when I get a game I'm genuinely passionate about, it's fun to go through and earn all the achievements. It's when people borrow games they really don't care about just to up their score that I get confused.

    So, fun for the most part, but arguably unhealthy for those who obsess over it.

  2. Fable II:

    If I want really cool-looking glowy eyes, the fastest way is to murder all the townspeople.

    Unprotected sex invariably leads to an STD or a bastard child. And no, you cannot possibly keep your woman happy enough that she won't leave you.

    Dark Cloud:

    "Restore the world quickly!" But restore it in the wrong order and your neighbor will hurt his back, and refuse to sell you some things you really need.


    On-line players are frozen in time at the stage of pre-pubescence.


    Collect enough money and you can cheat death.

  3. Game = yes

    Movie Pitch = WTF

    Reptile is a leper-looking Jeeper-Creeper and Baraka is a postal plastic surgeon?

    Me thinks not.

    The only cool things about the pitch were the cast choices for Jax and Sonya, and Scorpion's little ruse at the end. I'm all for a more serious movie than the past ones, but they are trying way too hard to base this in reality. As long as the game is less than $60 (or at least worth the $60), then it looks promising.

  4. I remember when this was on the WIP board. I went ahead and downloaded it because I already liked it, and after leaving it on repeat for a while you start to realize it is just as "transporting" as the original was, though the original transported you to a sunny bramble patch and this one transports you to the bottom of a pool while thinking about a sunny bramble patch.

    Nice work:smile:

  5. Let me start off by saying your opening is pure epic WIN in my opinion. After that though, I'm pretty much going to have to agree with Rozovian. There is virtually no change from the original melody. The Go Link section and the soundbits from the game clashed with the music and didn't quite feel right. The opening started off so serious and like something you'd hear on Brutal Legend, then it goes into tech with amusing (that's how it came across to me) sounds from the game. If you listen to "Macarena of Time" (and if you haven't by now, shame on you) that's a song where sound samples really work with the tune, because it is meant to be humorous and go along with the music. For me, it just doesn't do it here. I really hope you continue to work with this, at least for the sake of the godlike opening.

  6. Holy crap I forgot about this game. I used to play the $#!@ out of the demo when it was on a demo disc. I'd love to see a remix.


    By the way, K.B., are you serious about finding this for 10-15 dollars? Most places I've looked are sold out, and the few that do have it are charging 40 or more. I'd rather have it on the PSP, but that version is even harder to find. Any ideas?

  7. Take a better look at Seraph, SoulinEther. Soul Splint gave us concrete examples of the kind of relationship his father/son characters had, so that the reader can appreciate the emotional loss the main character has.

    His story is different in the particulars (his is happening in real time whereas your protagonist is looking back), but you might be able to glean some tips from how he established his character's relationships.

    Thank You! I think that is the best complement I have ever received :-o, though I can't take full credit for my characterization. I had an awesome Creative Writing teacher (who is a published author; his book is a best seller in Germany) who really helped me in a lot of ways.

    I'm sorry I don't have time to give critiques right now (I'm in finals); I want to give them full justice, and not just a word or two. But if anyone can leave feedback, you don't know how appreciated it is. I will do my best to follow suit after my final papers and tests finish raping me.

  8. Ages and ages ago when my brother and I were playing through Pokemon Red and Blue, we were working to get all 150 LEGITIMATELY WITH OUT CHEATING.

    We got 147 on Red. The three remaining Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. We decided to erase our file on blue so we could start from the beginning and get a bulbasaur.

    Deleted the file on blue, got bulbasaur, got ready to trade. He pulled out Red, turned on his gamebody and... the save file was gone. The save ram battery died; our copy of Red could never keep a save file after that.

    That one nearly made me cry.

  9. In general, the younger ages (12-14, no offense neblix) do tend to get me more riled than those of older ages. I'm 23, and admittedly there are guys around my own age who have behaved worse than the pre-teens, but on the whole, the younger kids have much less of a sense of etiquette and courtesy. For example,

    1)The fact that you (12 year old couch potato) plays on average four more hours a day than I do (23 year old working college senior) does not entitle you to hump my dead body on Halo 3 because you pulled off an impressive headshot.

    2)Despite what the cool 16 year olds are telling you, not everybody online drops the f-bomb every two seconds. Learn better verbs and adjectives.

    3)Please, in the name of all that is holy, stop whining into the mic to get me to help you with an achievement. There is no value besides braggings rights in them, and if you want to brag, you should use those extra hours to achieve the goal skillfully.

    I just think the older gamers want to game, and a large portion of the younger ones want to socialize and dramatize.

    /end rant

  10. Oh, fine!

    A legitimate aw s#*! moment in my gaming was when I went to fight the Elite Four without healing my pokemon or buying anything to heal them.

    And then you have to repeatedly restart the battles until you get a sequence of about three or four critical hits in a row. (If you saved right before the first fight, like I did in my infinite wisdom.)

    Been there.

  11. Here's another one.

    I was a Star Fox FREAK when it came out, but I just could not do the hard path. Until one day. I finally got past Macbeth and was on my way to Andross after the final stage. With one life. And I was doing awesome, had nearly full health, double plasma ball thingies and a couple of nova bombs. Then, while going through the long-ass tunnel to Andross, I slip up and bang the side, stripping my right wing away.

    Andross raped me.

    I seriously tried to snap my controller in my hands, but I wasn't very strong at the time thankfully...

  12. Sixth grade.

    I get Banjo-Kazooie :smile:.

    I save it for the next snow day, and play it for hours, getting 100% on Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Trove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, and Bubblegloop Swamp. I finally decide it's time for a break and get up from my chair and start to save the game. (Not sure why I didn't save it till then.)

    I accidentally kick the 64.

    The game freezes.

    Aw, shit.

    Any takers?

  13. I would do anything to support that project. Unfortunately, my skills lean toward the written word rather than art or mixing. But regardless, JFG does need much love. I could be satisfied with single mixes of the Water Ruin and Enter the Pyramid/Abduction, but a project...DKC2 is just barely above JFG for ReMix potential, IMO.

  14. Thanks I really appreciate it!

    I've had a lot more time with Essence of Lime, I jumped on this project probably 3 to 4 weeks ago.

    I'm gonna go on a bit of a break after a while, but my next plans are to create album art to motivate people into doing remix projects centered around Golden Sun and Jet Force Gemini... that's right if I do the art maybe it will motivate people to remix the albums, lol.

    We will see... I think art is a great way to recruit people into a project, so the next covers I do will be for projects that have yet to start.

    If you set a Jet Force Gemini project in motion, in the name of Beanland, I will be your slave for life.

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