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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. Wow, thanks for the time investment in your posts, guys. That gives me a lot to look at and consider. Completely forgot about Metroid Primes. How do they compare to other popular shooters?

    Darkesword: I do have enough for either, but if I get the PS3 I'll need to be ECSTATIC about it in order for it to take my mind off the brutal murder of the cushion I had built into my checking account.

  2. Now that it's been "confirmed" that MGS4 will not be ported to the 360, I'd have to say the scales are still slightly tilted toward the PS3. I just have a feeling that the Wii may have already played its trump cards (such as Galaxy, Zelda and a newly announced New Super Mario), whereas the PS3 could potentially have A LOT up its sleeve with its predecessor's success. Thoughts?

    And another variable: Who will be the first to jump to next-gen? I would think Nintendo, but I'd be interested to hear other opinions.

    P.S. Galaxy alone worth the Wii? Really? I never heard such high praise for it before.

  3. Well, a lot of the problem does lie in which exclusives I want.

    I'm dying to get MGS4 and God of War III for the PS3, and some Resistance would be nice too.

    But for Wii there's SMB Galaxy 1 and 2, SSB Brawl, and possibly Twilight Princess.

    I guess the most accurate way to put this is: if the PS3 and the Wii were the same price, I would get the PS3. But the PS3 is currently (I think) $150 more, and as Dhsu already mentioned, it's hard to find a model that is backwards compatable. (Not a huge issue, but nice nonetheless.)

    Does anyone know if the PS3 library is going to explode one day like it did for PS2? That would be a big factor. How about other exclusive RPG's?

  4. Alright, I need some help from the Sony and Nintendo fans.

    Just realized I've gotten ahead in my finances so it's time to treat myself. I'm going to buy a new console (I already own a 360), and I need to know which is the better buy. I'm leaning toward the PS3 but the Wii is so much cheaper I wonder if I might get more play value out of it. But then there's the Blu-ray...it's a difficult choice. Here's my library of 360 games for comparison. Which road is the right road?

    Halo 3

    Halo Wars

    Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts



    Mass Effect

    Gears of War 1 and 2

    Fable II

    I'm not all about shooters, I like RPG's, platformers and some fighting games too.

  5. C

    It definitely is more fun to me to do both, because some games evoke different responses in order to get the most enjoyment. In an RPG it is often more fun to overwhelm a boss because your character is so high. In a hack and slash, it's more exciting to rush a group of enemies and depend on your skills to keep you alive (especially fun if you're a stud and no one can touch you 'cause your so damn good.)

    I don't think there can be one answer for all games.

  6. Hey guys,

    Glad to see so many people with focus on exercise. I work at a GNC (not that that qualifies me for much) but I can recommend some things for people who want to achieve changes in their body.


    Multivitamin- stay healthy, feel good, absorb 30 percent more protein than otherwise.

    Fish Oil- brain, skin, heart, joints, etc.

    If you take protein, don't forget a serving about twenty minutes after your workout.

    People Looking to Slim Down

    Watch saturated fats more than carbs (but don't go carb crazy.)

    Take in GOOD fats (polyunsaturated is the best). This is in things like nuts, fish, flaxseed, safflower seeds. A good source is CLA (conjugated linolineic acid) that is made from safflower seeds. Good fats help you burn bad fat.

    More focus on cardio and workout stressing 12 to 15 reps per exercise.

    Perhaps a very lean protein like Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard Whey.

    People Looking to Buff Up

    Strong protein (perhaps MRI's Pro-NOS.)

    High protein diet.

    Creatine if you're comfortable with it.

    N.O. supplement if you're comfortable with it. (Nitric Oxide, boosts blood flow and oxygen delivery.)

    Concentration on reps between 8 and 10 for exercises (you should feel a definite burn on the last two or three.)

    I can also recommend P90X: I'm on phase two and I love it. I'm 6'3 and was 200 pounds with 18 percent body fat, I'm already down to 191 with 13 percent body fat with good muscle gains. If you're not quite ready they do make a P90.

    Keep up the good work guys!

  7. I buy all my consoles at either Wal-Mart or Target. Personally, I don't want to get into anymore arguments with the guys at Gamestop or Best Buy over faulty screens. I had to take back 5 DS's in order to get a DS that did not have a dead pixel or a dead speaker and fight the guys at Gamestop over it several times. The flunkies at Wal-Mart just accept the product back without question.

    I don't like Wal-Mart from the standpoint I don't like how they are always crowded, laid out like a warehouse, and their employees are typically less friendly that the self-serve check out terminals. But I honestly don't care about their corporate or employment practices. I'm going to file that under "not my problem." Mom and pop can kiss my ass as can their employees who aren't forced to work there.

    I never had a problem with Gamestop until I attempted to buy a used game from them. God, don't ever do that. I wanted to buy Metroid Prime: Hunters.

    The first attempt I came home with the DEMO, not the game.

    The second attempt yielded the actual game, but the whole thing was in Japanese.

    The third time it was finally the right game, but my DS wouldn't read it.

    The fourth time I told them to give me my *#&$ing money back. They didn't argue.

  8. Rozovian's right, you're definitely going to have to introduce the source earlier. As for where to go from here, listen to some remixes on the site of tunes you are most familiar with; many of them are good examples of how artists extend and/or manipulate the original melody. You already have one section paying homage to the original, now mix in some of your own interpretation.

    Good so far with plenty of room to grow.

  9. A) No question.

    Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2 anyone? I lost hair on number 2. Same goes for the first few Megaman games. Today, it's more about figuring out what the goal is and how to achieve it. Once you know it's just a matter of time. In the good old days, you often knew exactly what you had to do, but sometimes it could take days to pull it off.

  10. Not really sure about a Super NES game right now... hmmm... Maybe.

    Alright, here's what I'm thinking of so far. If anyone has some additions or recommendations against what I'm listing, post 'em!

    (I already have Z: OoT and Fallout 3 btw.)

    1) Dark Cloud 2

    2) Xenogears

    3) Vagrant Story

    4) Elder Scrolls IV

    Any more must haves? I'd really like to have some on DS or PSP that are top-notch. (Already have Phantom Hourglass and FF3.)

  11. I am replaying Chrono Trigger, this time on the DS and I'm determined to beat it. I got bored the first time around too.

    Anyway, if you are looking for good RPGs I can help you on a few platforms:

    DS: There are a lot of RPGs here, including re-releases of the original 4 Final Fantasy titles. For something completely different, The World Ends With You is stylistically unique but (I found) challenging to grasp.

    N64: Limited options here. The best in my opinion is Paper Mario. Some people like Quest 64 but I got tired of leveling up to beat it. Hybrid Heaven is an interesting blend of fighting/adventure/rpg.

    PS1: Final Fantasy VII-IX. Seven is ridiculously popular, not without reason, I found eight more appealing for its story, and nine has great characters. Chrono Cross is another option, with great music (see ReMixes here) but a pretty convoluted story. Vagrant Story is in my must-purchase file. Here is a pretty decent list.

    X360: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I played this on PC and clocked way too many hours to state without embarrassment. This game is huge. It will swallow your summer (or whatever season you play it). Plus, there are a bunch of add-ons and hundreds of mods. Fable is quite popular too, from what I understand.

    If you are looking for another Dark Cloud (action RPG), I would suggest Vagrant Story. Of course, if you are looking for the biggest bang for your buck, go with Oblivion.

    Thanks very much.

    I've heard Oblivion a few times now, that's one to consider.

    Vagrant Story? Never heard of it. I might give that a try too, if you say its similar.. Thanks for your time.

  12. Yeah I know about the sequel, gonna get it soon.

    Loved Mass Effect and Fable II.

    Platforms are specified in first post.

    Keep 'em comin guys, it would be great if I could have four or five on my mind to purchase soon.

  13. To any and all RPG connoisseurs:

    I need some good RPG's to help this summer pass by. One of my favorites of all time was Dark Cloud. Can anyone list some RPG's that are similar or even better? I tried Chrono Trigger for DS earlier, and about halfway through it just kinda fell short for me (I never played the original, so I had no memories to keep me going.) Right now I'd take anything for PSP, DS, N64, PS2, PS1, or X360.

    P.S. Keep the Chrono Trigger bashing to a minimum :tomatoface:


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