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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. http://www.500mb.us/pkm.php

    It has the shiny Beast trio for download... with some minor tweaks.

    It's a good way to get the really rare and obscenely difficult event pokémon. It does work, I've tried it out.

    8-OWhy did I not know about this?

    BTW, do Pokes obtained using this method go all "bad egg" on you if you migrate them to other DS games or the Wii? I don't use AR because I don't like to cheat, but there does come a point where I get pissed off because they make it so damn hard to get some of these beasties...

  2. The new volume adjustments really help the layering effect in the opening buildup, so that's a definite plus. I can't speak for anyone else, but by far my favorite section of the song is 2:22 to 2:32. Is there any way you could expand it? I know you've already expanded a very small sample quite a bit, but I'd hate for the best part of the song not to get the lion's share of attention because of being only ten seconds long.

  3. I don't see how they'll be able to move past something relatively simple (like boxing) to something complex (Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat) though. We've all become accustomed to performing slick moves that would be impossible for the large majority of gamers to mimic in front of their TVs. Or did you mean something entirely and solely based on martial arts?

    I sincerely hope I'm proven wrong (what could be more fun that performing a special move with your hands and watching it on screen?) but I think it presents way too many challenges to pull off efficiently.

  4. I really can't say why Chrono Trigger fell short for me. I DO REALIZE how similar it is to other titles I have professed a liking for, but for some reason, I just got bored with it...I loved the music though.

    You're the second person to mention Phantom Brave, so I might have to check that out as well. As of now, I have Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Tales of Vesperia, and Bowser's Inside Story all on my list.

  5. Alright, after looking through a ton of reviews and all the posts, I'm pretty much sold on Dragon Age, Bowser's Inside Story, Tales of Vesperia, and Elder Scrolls IV.

    Some that I'm still considering are Disgaea, Etrian Odyssey III, Rune Factory, and 4 Heroes of Light (maybe Golden Sun).

    Can anyone recommend/bash Star Ocean? I've heard many differing opinions...

  6. Please don't get Golden Sun if you didn't like Chrono Trigger. It turns up the JRPG cliches by a factor 10 and is needlessly verbose.

    8O Wow. Thanks for putting it that way, because I had been considering Golden Sun. I'll watch it more carefully and wait until after I can read a few reviews to see if I want it.

  7. Alright, now I'm gettin some ideas!

    To answer a few people and give some more info:

    EVERYTHING I've heard about Fable III has warned me to stay away from it, especially the clunky battle system. Maybe later, but def not now for $60.

    I already own Diamond and Soul Silver, forgot to mention them.

    Have been considering Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls IV, so I'm glad to see some people recommend those.

    Reasons I disliked Fallout 3 and Chrono Trigger:

    Fallout 3 was fun for a while, but I really hated how you were almost forced to rely on the VATS, and for me if felt like it hardly ever came through. The standard battle system just wasn't crisp enough to rely too much on FPS skills. (Unless I missed something.)

    I really can't say what turned me off about Chrono Trigger, but my suspicion is that it has something to do with never playing the original. It just seemed to plod along to me, and the battle system just wasn't intriguing. (Even though it's quite similar to some RPG's that I love.)

    The two games I'm most on the fence about are Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and Tales of Vesperia. They just don't look like my normal cup of tea, but I've read glowing reviews on here and other sites. I'm ALMOST over the edge to where I'm considering asking for them. Almost, so feel free to give me a push.

    I have heard horror stories of the grinding in Disgaea, so that's kind of a turn off.

    For a good part of today I will be going through all the recommendations that have been made, thanks to everyone who has replied, but please keep them coming if you can!

  8. Alright, the holidays (and my birthday, incidentally) are right around the corner, and I need to know what to tell people when they ask me what they want. I'm really wanting some good RPG's for either the 360, the DS, or the Wii. Here's a sampling of my tastes:

    I own and love Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy III (DS), Fable II, and probably a few others I'm forgetting, but they should give you an idea.

    I tried Fallout 3 and Chrono Trigger and they didn't hold my attention very well.

    I would be very grateful if you explain why you think I'll like your picks so I can base my choice on that and not on "OMG best game evar get now."

    Appreciate it!

  9. I made the mistake of playing at night the first time I played through Ravenholm in Half-Life 2. A seriously, seriously unholy level where you meet two new kinds of zombies that make the old variety seem like a joke. Just watching the Black Headcrab Piggyback Zombies walk around creeps me out.

    Oh, and the first black headcrab I saw: I threw a gas can at it from a high window, setting it on fire, and nearly soiled myself when it leaped about thirty feet through the window into my face.

  10. Anyone try a SOLO legendary run yet? Heroic was challenging (not terribly hard), and I think that I could handle most of the game on legendary but there are a few parts that are keeping me from even attempting it from the fear I might stroke out. Such as the very end when you are supposed to take over the huge cannon, and there are about five elite zealots guarding it.

    Controller. out. window.

  11. ^ Sure, I'd be willing to. I'd like to unlock it as well. Just one problem: I have never used the online function of my DS. So, if you'll tell me how to get my friend code and what else I need to do, we can help each other out. You can PM me or leave it on here.

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