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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. speaking of killing bears, did anyone ever mention vimk and chili becoming admins? because that was weeks ago and I totally forgot to post it.
  2. I said on voice: "Hey guys, looks like there's a new tf2 update. I'll go check it out and update the servers if needed" Additional downtime was due to server segfaulting
  3. You (should) never see dev textures on _b maps. The original nightfall was alpha grade, rushed out for the contest. Stage 3 has been redone, and it's textured now.
  4. all I know is koth_dis<tab>
  5. Yeah, powerlord moved the fastdownload maps folder, and I didn't notice until after it kicked everyone Anyway, uploaded koth_disneyland_b1 and updated plr_nightfall to b1
  6. Tracked down the exploit they used and now using a modified version of customvotes.smx that doesn't contain !votemenu. All of [sex] was banned and a couple other guys. If anyone knows for sure who was instigating the bannings (The logs don't) then I can narrow them down.
  7. This is my experience as well. But the rocket launcher has taught me that all I need to do is shoot NEAR someone and they die. Such is not the case in CS.
  8. Oh yeah, concerning alltalk. Generally alltalk is frowned upon in CS:S iirc. But you can vote it on, which should pass easily in low pop. Or if enough peopel want it on, we can do that I s'pose.
  9. Maybe I should get around to setting up SourceTV like atmuh asked 10 eons ago.
  10. New servers really need to avoid customs, since they drain servers. When there's a consistent nightly player base, we can start talking about customs.
  11. Current mapcycle is cs_italy de_dust de_aztec de_cbble cs_office de_chateau de_dust2 cs_havana de_prodigy cs_compound de_train de_tides de_port de_inferno cs_assault de_nuke cs_militia Though you should get to vote on the next map. Unless I cocked up the configs. Anyway, what do you want added/removed. Need to have at least 10 in rotation.
  12. I've increased the map exclusion length in mapchooser, so you now must go 8 maps before you can play dustrushwater again edit: Also added most of the maplist to the voting list, so there will be more variety without needing to nominate.
  13. I've scheduled some events out for tuesday and thursday in the steam group.
  14. Currently the ocr tf2 admins are also admins on the css server. As for exploits and such, we're running KAC, so we're fairly safe there. Be aware that KAC bans for LSS. I doubt anyone uses it, but now you know.
  15. Ok, against my better laziness, I've installed sourcemod on the CSS server. Configs are generally cloned from the tf2 server, so something might be weird. Reserved slots also copied over, so yeah. You can rtv now. enjoy.
  16. Oh, yeah, missing info. I had switched mapvote.smx out for mapvote_extended.smx since it had some nice features. like not binding to the 1-3 keys, and giving you a heads up when the vote's about to start. But it also had a cool feature of crashing the server. so back to mapvote.smx edit: Added up-front payments as well, for those who prefer that method.
  17. it used to because viaduct was our starting map. habit afterwards I think. But we're not really using a mapcycle anymore so it's moot.
  18. I tried using mapvote_extended, but the developer seems to be busy, and it causes the server to crash on vote ties. So back to the stock plugin.
  19. You are under the false assumption that I know jack about CS:S's gametypes. Tell me what you want, i'll set it up.
  20. All I know is I die really fast. I'm guessing my kamikaze habits from TF2 and UT are going to be problematic.
  21. Server up. No sourcemod or anything yet, but we'll see how interest goes. I say we set up a date and time, maybe tomorrow at 8:00 EST? Probably going to be a big skill gap between some of us (Miyako killed me something like 20 times during server testing), but it should be interesting. A nice change from tf2 at least, given the teamwork focus.
  22. Experiment went well, so I've updated mapchooser.cfg to pop up a vote at the end of every round
  23. So yeah, we have a Counter-strike: Source server up. Depending on use, it may be temporary or forevar. We'll see. If you play CS:S, try seeding our server. I'll be scheduling events in the steam group as well. Server:
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