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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. Problem is: tf2 servers are fucking expensive. Dedicated servers are MORE expensive now than they were when we signed up due to cloud stuff catching on. and tf2stats still needs a home Also my wallet.
  2. Fixed. Was not aware it was down.
  3. Going. Maybe I can get my flag from Brush finally
  4. Your best bet is going to be PHP/MySQL. ASP.net is an option but it limits your hosting a lot more, and many hosts charge am premium for ASP.net. You'll also find fewer ASP.net developers than you will PHP. As for the actual system, it's fairly straightforward to code. It's mostly just busy work... there's nothing radical or difficult about it. How much you end up paying for such a project would depend on the coder you go with, and how much polish you need in the code (admin systems, etc) I use a flash streaming script on http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/ and it works just fine. Very easy to implement. However a large quantity of people streaming those 100+mb files WILL be taxing on a server, so you should factor that in and either relegate the files to a separate server, or serve them with something lightweight like lighttpd. tl;dr version: Yes, it's doable. It's a fairly decent amount of code though.
  5. patch 1.6 is out. I set up a temp server at kagami.fireslash.net for various unrelated reasons, so if you want to play with the patch you can do so there until the real server catches up.
  6. What video card are you using.......... edit: Oh, the project is compiled to require DX10. Working to correct this. edit 2: Ok, fixed and uploaded. Try now :3
  7. I recently participated in Ludum Dare #20. Here's what I came up with. Void Runner: http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/devel/ld20_reach.zip If you've played Ikaruga, you're probably familiar with the rules. Instructions z - Shoot! x - Change polarity! c - Fire big-ass gun! Arrow keys - Not dieing! Hitting like colored projectiles charges your energy bar, for more powerful special attacks! Note that Blue projectiles can't be absorbed. There are 3 bosses, and the levels are technically infinite and self scrolling, but you'll prooobably never beat the third boss. If the game crashes, you probably are missing XNA4 and/or .NET 4 XNA 4.0 redist: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a88c6dec-aeae-42cd-a108-d35c013c3b97 .NET 4.0 web installer: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9CFB2D51-5FF4-4491-B0E5-B386F32C0992 Timelapse:
  8. Donation sent. :3 I didn't even realize this was going on until now
  9. In an effort to reduce lag spikes, I've hard set processor affinity for both tf2 servers and mysql. Hopefully this solves any lingering problems.
  10. I was having problems with the rom set I was using not lining up with MAME. As above mentioned, MAME is very annoyingly fickle about rom vs mame versions. Also I've not had any issues with HyperSpin crashing or hanging, but it's fairly intensive so you might want to check your video card and cooling and etc. I'm using the latest arcadeVGA (ATI HD2600 I think) for reference, but I was using an 8600GT before that and neither had problems.
  11. I'm waffling between getting a large adhesive print done or letting one of my art friends having her way with it. Right now I'm more worried about getting all the software set up and the hardware mounted somewhat securely. At the moment only the Genesis emu works properly.
  12. So last week I picked up an old Fighter's History cab for $100. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but thing wrong with it is lazy wiring (and missing side art) However, the game itself is awful. It's basically a SF clone, and an awful one at that. So, add an old computer, some emulators, Hyperspin, and a lot of creative wiring to produce: EMULATOR CABINET. I just finished it up last night so I only got the Genesis emulator set up before it got a bit late.... But you've not played Genesis games until you've played them on an arcade cabinet. It's a magical experience. So on to the nitty gritty details: I replaced the game board with some misc PC parts I had sitting around, threw windows XP on, and installed Hyperspin to make things a bit easier to navigate. The video card is an arcadeVGA from Ultimarc (Basically a modified Radeon HD 2600 that supports arcade monitor resolutions and refresh rates natively). Input is handled via a J-Pac, and sound is through the original cabinet speakers, amplified with the amp from a Genius SW-V2.1 1250 computer speaker system The setup was pretty easy to wire really, the hardest part is with the software setup and fixing all of the awful wiring in the cab. Overall cost: ~$300 total. Totally worth it.
  13. Friend code: 0473 7789 3999 Games: Street fighter (In the mail). Probably going to get ridge racer too since amazon keeps giving me free monies!
  14. Got a 3ds. Enjoying the little AR games and such so far. SSF:HD is still in shipping :\
  15. I'll be curious to see what Nintendo can do with firmware updates to improve battery life.
  16. For it's time, Quake was somewhat oddball music wise. At least in my opinion. Most FPS games were going for upbeat, Quake chose Trent Reznor's special blend of atmospheric.
  17. hinges and shoulder buttons are both very common issues with the DS Lite. To a point where it could be considered a weakness or even design flaw. I'm just hoping the 3DS hinges solve this issue.
  18. I'm pretty sure the software wasn't region coded to begin with... you can't retroactively region lock software without coding since you don't know what to lock it to
  19. Just a heads up, I've changed the donation target away from xfactor's crappy clanpay crap... turns out they don't deduct the sum from the monthly bill unless its paid in full, and getting $150 in there isn't likely any time soon.
  20. 1 hour ago: Who is this Flexstyle guy? Well free album, whatever. Oh wait there's a PrototypeRaptor remix! Ok I'll bite *downloads* Now: OHMYGODTHISISAMAZING
  21. They're as right as the game lets you be. Read the comments/description
  22. I love this album so much.
  23. KF is unreal engine based, so it's not surprising it doesn't show in the steam browser.
  24. We have a killing floor server now. Due to a recent massive spike in popularity, we now are running reserved slots! If you donate for the tf2 server, your good; just contact me, powerlord, or frogg when you're on the server so we can get you set up. If not, read below Reserved slots by donation Set up your subscription here, then contact powerlord, frogg or myself when you're in the server to get your slot setup. If you prefer to pre-pay, you can pay through paypal directly to my monthly bill: http://www.xfactorservers.com/clients/grouppay.php?hash=5cef4-d5ce6-156da-84e86-402e7-33ce0-b5 Pre-payments of $12 or more are good for 6 months. You're welcome to donate more, but additional donations won't span any further.
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