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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. Valve has been working for a while on tweaks that would make idling unrewarding. Maybe they've implemented them.
  2. Idling has skyrocketed again
  3. tf2stats only gets ~500 unique visits a day. most of which just checking their own profiles or maps. OCR gets a lot of traffic. A bunch of people were directed from OCR to your profile specifically.
  4. This inspired me to add a couple of graphs under the "view details" section of each class. Enjoy.
  5. Have a teammate hit the pumpkin. Unless they do FF damage.
  6. That was already linked in the first post. BRUSHFIRE. BANNED.
  7. I tried, but I kept running out of rockets before I got to the top
  8. The Game Get it on steam, for free! http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/ Servers Main (BLU): blu.ocrtf2.com:27015 Event (RED): red.ocrtf2.com:27015 Links/Locations IRC: irc.esper.net #ocrtf2 (Also consider joining #ocremix ) Steam Community Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/overclockedremix HLStats: http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php Sourcebans: http://www.ocrtf2.com/bans/ Social Group: http://ocremix.org/forums/group.php?groupid=1 Reserved slots Info pending. IF YOU PAY FIRESLASH FOR A RESERVED SLOT, YOU NEED TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IN GOOGLE CHECKOUT Commands for admins/reserved slot holders http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Admin_Commands_(SourceMod) use !admin or /admin (silent) in chat, or sm_admin in console to bring up a menu with these options.
  9. Congratulations to The Bark and ParanoidDrone for their promotions to Brushfire's whipping bo-- err, Admin!
  10. I've been digging k-pop mixes for a while now. I've just noticed Robotaki (who posts here) has been busy on a few as well.
  11. My reactions were: ... wtf oh hey, that's kind of neat ... WTF?! meh... I think this has potential if it's internet connected, and lets you download and run classic games from all old consoles, but as just a box full of sega games... it's kind of lackluster. Especially for the price. For an 80s gamer like me, I'd LOVE to hook up all my old consoles in the closet, but simply can't due to room/connector/outlet limitations. A single, small, easily updated console that could play everything from those old consoles would be fantastic. I'd gladly pay a few bucks to play Chrono Trigger and other classics on my TV again without dealing with buggy emus and modded consoles.
  12. We updated panic to _b2, which fixes many of the complaints with it. All customs will drain the server, that's just the way it works. We run them anyway because the valve maps get kind of stale after a while, and it's nice to mix things up. I also agree with Darke.
  13. cp_waste last night First two rounds were a roll. then we started to mesh well and things were awesome for the rest of the map. Some of the best 5cp action I'd played all week. It often takes a few rounds for a team to figure itself out.
  14. My general guidelines for a /votescramble: Push maps - Score is 3 0 and the losing team hasn't pushed beyond mid OR 5 0 otherwise. I find often it takes a few rounds for a team to get it together (Such as in waste last night. Two rolls, then we pushed back and had some great matches after that) A/D maps - Winning team caps all stages/points, losing team fails to cap first stage/point. Just because you got rolled one way doesn't mean the reverse isn't true. Sometimes both teams suck at defense. CTF maps - 2 0 shutout. PLR maps - 2 0 shutout. I suppose the point to posting these is to point out that just because your team is losing, doesn't mean teams are unbalanced. It's impossible to get a perfect team balance every time. The key is a setup where neither team is being flat out rolled. If your team is putting up a good fight but consistently losing; Teams are balanced. I should also remind you that I play TF2 because it's fun. To that effect, it's easy for me to lose sight of the scores or rounds. I'm sure other admins run into the same problem. Don't be afraid to call out for a scramble if you think it needs done.
  15. That's why there are only 5CP push and ctf maps in it. I'm only testing the concept, need to get some feedback from people.
  16. Effectively, the result of a map (RED or BLU's victory) changes the map, and furthermore decides which map is next. RED and BLU are fighting for control of the world map, giving purpose to the individual matches on each map.
  17. So, I'm testing something out on RED. Basically, if you can imagine TC except on a larger scale, that's what I've written. Tracker: http://www.tf2stats.net/war/ Hop in and seed it if you get a chance, the plugin needs some testing. Let me know if anything weeiirrdd happens.
  18. The knife has an adjusted point weight, all knife kills are worth more points than most other weapons. A backstab also awards 'backstab kill', which is +2 points, easily negating the loss. Similarly, headshots award +2 points, negating the crit penalty and still awarding a point. Again, hlstats isn't punishing you for pulling off a kill with the assistance of a crit of minicrit. It's simply adjusting your award for the kill since the kill was easier than it would have been without the crit. In the case of buff banner/jarate, you're still being rewarded because without the assistance of these, you pmight not have earned the kill in the first place. You also probably took less damage, increasing your odds of completing another kill you wouldn't have otherwise.
  19. You lose points for crits in the same way that the blutsauger drains your health It really just means you get less. hlstats feels that a kill without any crit assistance (mini or otherwise) is more valuable than a normal kill for the process of player rankings. hlstats isn't scoring how well you did in that round, it's scoring how well you perform in relation to other players.
  20. 2fort has been replaced with ctf_well sawmill has been replaced with cp_yukon_final
  21. Ok, so I bought this game thinking it was going to be a terrible, over-sexualized, no-plot dumb fest. I was wrong. It's fantastic.
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