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Everything posted by FireSlash

  1. The bucket fix is a source hack, which will by nature be removed when the jar updates. hey0's mod probably will break though. But disabling it is a matter of simply starting it directly, vs using hey0's launch script.
  2. All were made legit except the last one, and all i did there was spawn a bunch of TNT to make the clearing faster. Though in the end it didn't save me much time because I often has to replace the floor when the TNT blew a larger area than I wanted.
  3. Nobody's posted Super Crate Box yet?
  4. should be back aghain. use kagami.fireslash.net until your DNS updates, otherwise minecraft.fireslash.net when it works.
  5. Minecraft server is migrating back to it's old home. IJ's box handles far too much traffic. I'm adjusting some settings to hopefully reduce the load while we look for a better long term solution. Should be back in an hour or so, depends on how long it takes me to get the data files off, since right now IJ's SSH is responding at one character every 30 seconds...
  6. For those lucky enough to log in (Seems ok right now!), the server's address has changed to: minecraft.fireslash.net and has been migrated to a new box owned by IJ where it can do no harm to the tf2 servers. It might take a little while for your DNS to update though, so in the mean time you can use
  7. The day before patch, I'm going to be handing out fucktons of TNT. I say we all place it everywhere (but don't set any off) and just cover the damn map in the stuff. If one block is within 5 of another unobstructed, they'll chain react. So you'll just get explosion after explosion as the map goes up in smoke. Also if you stack them, the first explosion will actually launch the stick above it like a projectile across the map, adding to the fun.
  8. If you want, I can use admin hax to clear out the entire temple area in about 5 minutes. But from there you'd be on your own
  9. We brought this up in-game, but figured I should open it to a wider audience Once the halloween update hits, I'm considering rerolling the world. There are a few growing reasons for this 1) TNT has fucked up a lot of shit 2) Biomes will not affect existing chunks, only new ones generated after the update (Basically, only places nobody has ever explored before) 3) A lot of our mass transit options will become obsolete (at least in their current forms) with Hell 4) The place looks pretty damn ugly in some spots now, due to attempted repairs and unused constructions However I open this up to you all, since all of us would lose our existing work. The new world would be whitelisted from the start, to prevent greifers from TNTing everything. As for the current world's whitelist, we have a decent number of people from mega64 who aren't asshats, we need to compile a list of everyone who plays right now, and a solution for adding new people.
  10. I should point out that the minecraft server is now officially outstripping the server. I have a backup plan, but if possible alternative hosting would be ideal. In the worst case the server might go down for a bit while I sort out that backup plan. It depends on how things go from here.
  11. Just a heads up, it appears there may be some issues with the update and old saves. There's a lot of mixed information out there right now, but be prepared for the possibility.
  12. Server crashed at some point yesterday. I lost a full day of work. Maybe it was just me though.
  13. ok, updated binary. Also there's no support for passwords in the client yet. so no on password protection.
  14. Vanilla install right now. Looking for someone with a bit of linux console experience who'd be willing to maintain the server (Update server binary, manage admins, install mods etc), since I don't play.
  15. ATTENTION RESERVED SLOT HOLDERS If the server is full, you will need to connect to it VIA CONSOLE. Open console type: connect This is for a few reasons. 1) it prevents people from being auto-kicked when the server is full (because it shows 24/25) 2) Allows people to use the "Join when a slot opens" feature 3) Prevents people from constantly being offered to blacklist the server
  16. there are several minecraft server distributions. so if one doesn't work well, i can use a different daemon that being said the machine's a quad core with 8 gb of ram, and last I checked we had 6gb free and even during heavy use load was 1.2 at worst
  17. I've been informed that there's interest in an OCR minecraft server. I'm willing to run one on the same box we use for tf2 servers, but I need a ballpark headcount of who'd play there over the official server to see if it's worth the resources.
  18. Or we could just dump the CS:S server and use that. nobody seems to play anyway But I don't know if the mod is available for download.
  19. I NEED this.
  20. Been listening to this since you uploaded it. I <3 it.
  21. Someone has to like chthonic's crap... pleasedontkillmei<3you
  22. Quick powerlord remove free_hax_for_reserved_slots.smx!
  23. Both our teams lost to atmuh's merry band of point-cappers
  24. 2 weeks......
  25. because I love atmuh so much, I've updated the code for http://kagami.fireslash.net/demos/ to sort by date descending. and some other misc visual tweaks.
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