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Posts posted by Halt

  1. What kind of drums are we talking about?

    Well, im going to assume, just something simple. Since I only have the FL Demo. for now atleast. Something to get me going and allow me to work of it and start creating some good drumlines.

    Basicly, a little guide on a how to, to start me off, and then allow to go from there.

  2. I have read the tutorial of Zicrons, it explained alot to me, but theres still alot I dont know..

    To make a good drum line you must layer them with not only snares, but hihats and others, but when you layer them, is where im dumbfounded. Since im still in the tutorial, I dont think i can add them to a track at all.

    So what im asking, is what to do? Should I use the Piano Roll to make neumours drum lines? or go by Bars? with the Bars, your so limited, this is why Im asking, because piano roll seems like a better option.

    Im taking this all one step at a time, First stop, Drum lines :-P

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  3. I havent been able to work out much either, but i do exercise daily. the past week and half. I wasnt in school the days we weight-lifted.. college crap, agh.. im on vacation and the weight room isnt even open ALL WEEK, which really sucks.

    So, Ive been sitting at home, in my small town, listening to music, and doing a little toning, situps, push-ups, ect. Not much else i can do when its freezing out side.. You have to love the cold to live in Northen Wisconsin... Too bad I hate the cold, haha.

  4. I always thought this reasoning was retarded. You've got something of a point on the multiplayer experience, but seriously. "I was into it before it was cool, now it's popular so it sucks" is utterly moronic.

    I look at it in this perspective, It is still an amazing game, but SO MANY people obsess over it, theres a video on YouTube, of a kid who created all of the Weapons and made removeable clips for them =/..

    I just plain dont like the community at all.

    The gameplay from Halo 2 to Halo 3. BARELY changed. A few control changes new weapons and vehicles and story line, and the amazing multi is still there.

    Thats why I do not like it.

    Just goes to show how Over-Rated the Halo Franchise is when you get Halo armour in the Fable 2 LE.:|

  5. One of the hardest Bosses in Video Game History. is Mike Tyson, in Mike Tyson's Punch Out. For the NES. I read that in a gamepro, and I can only agree, because it takes impecable timing, and noticing the little things he does before he does ceartain moves.

  6. I haven't played it in a while... Its great fun with friends.

    I don't understand why people rip on this game, its FPS refined and honed to incredibly balanced fun.

    Halo used to be hella fun until it started getting obsessed over, Moronic Fan Boys claiming its the best game ever in matchmaking, playing with stupid 10 year olds who wont shut up. ect. Its a very over-rated game. In the time i have played CoD, I have NEVER come across as many online annoyances as i did on halo.

    Halo, good game. But when people Obsessed over it, it ruined. So, now, i just call it Gaylo. Simple as that.

    I found CoD's online much more fun to begin with aswell.

  7. Mine should be here sometime today. Newegg shafted me, so i went to Amazon, ^^ They sent it out yesterday, and i had release date shipping. Along with Fable 2. I have to keep on track with studying for my College Entrance Test lmfao.

    Gamer Tag: Magnum Rage

    Add me if you like.

  8. See, this is somewhat what i have been wondering, looking through tutorials, and whatnot. i just get confused. Wondering where to start even a project, or what goals to set as im trying to make this a hobby of mine. I would love to be a composer. But i have way to much into computers. Computers are my true passion.

    Id love to come home from work as of now, and work on a mix or my goals. but i dont know where to begin, what goals i should set, or anything. Im Clueless...

  9. I've had problems in the past with Threatfire. I assume it's just me but I've had massive slowdowns with it installed and none with it uninstalled. Is it just my PC or have other people had this problem?

    Im sure its not just you then. must take up alot of memory while running/scanning. Which causes your slowdown. Although, it then again could be your specs. Assuming your running Vista with atleast 2gig, you shouldnt see any problems. AVG gives me a slowdown. vista with 1gig of ram, sucks, but im on a laptop.

    Make sure your specs are decent, if they are. then its most likely not just you.

  10. ... bank heist?

    Do you need a $1000 computer, or could you get by with a cheaper one? Not spending as much money tends to be easier than getting more money.

    Well. I was hoping, not having to lower my specs too much, I Suppose i dont NEED it. but, it would save me money.. Hell, my power supply is 160 alone.

    when i say, "Save me Money" i mean that in a sense of a long-term way. not having to upgrade.

    a few things i need at least. a good gfx card, and processor, that way, i can play some decent games,

  11. Hey, I have been trying to get some money together, to build whats about a $900-$1000

    PC Without a monitor, I havent got one picked out yet. But. I cant even afford to buy it piece by piece. What am I to do about this? a New job is not an option right now.. I have my Antec 900 PC Case, thats it.

    Just looking for Ideas, on how to maybe get the ball rolling, money is quite a problem at the moment. my tax refund is going to the PC. But other then that. i cant seem to grasp enough money..

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