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Posts posted by Halt

  1. Used Windows media player for a while, Then went to Zune, and switched back when i realized the quality sucked compared to Windows Media Player. Something about Zune, makes the quality shit. I dont have to turn up my speakers nearly as much with WMP as i did with Zune.

  2. Bob, the answer is very simple. Its Preference. Some people would rather listen to music non-related to games. The reason it appeals to most gamers, is the fact we have probably played the orginal game at one point in our life, therefore it has value to us. To the non-gamers, most proabably wont like it unless there techno fans. Its just preference. Some like Rock, some like Rap. Some like OCR. Some dont.

  3. Firstly, if you don't know how to read notes, or compose, do you have any interest in music at all? Have you done anything musical in the past? If not, maybe music isn't your thing, and even if it is, I wouldn't suggest starting remixing/composing as your first venture into music.

    Well, I played a little bass bout 2 years ago. Drifted away, from music for a while to explore other things. I have always had an interest in music. just been a bit busy with computers and socialy busy. I heard of OCR when i heard VotL. Made me think. I dont have the money for a bass. I would love to make things like this.

    Besides my passion for learning about Comp Tech.

    So I have had SOME, Experience. I just drifted away. it was maybe even 3 years ago. Im not even sure. i was young. i beleive i was 13, tryed Electric couldnt get the hang of it after a 10-12 months. So I Tryed Bass. I like it and all. Then I got hooked on Computers. im planning on buying a keyboard. Plus my brother plays Electric, Acoustic, Bass, Drums. Keyboard, and can sing. I could have him help me with learning how to read notes possibly.

  4. If you don't plan on making loop-based music, here's what you do, basically you give the whole loop-based pattern system the finger.

    1. Set the switch at the top to 'pattern' instead of 'song'

    2. Go to channels-> add one-> whatever you need, try BooBass or something, or a VSTi you like. A new icon with the channels name should pop up in the step sequencer.

    3. Right click on the channel you just added-> piano roll

    4. Start writing!

    5. If you want more instruments just repeat step 2-3

    Yes it will still loop, but you can write your entire song in this one pattern.

    Thats what I dont want. I dont want to write it in one pattern. to me, thats just Bleh

    ill try it out anyhow,

  5. All due respect, but if you can't figure out FL, then you sure as hell better not try sonar or cubase.

    Also, you can't expect to be a master after toying around with a demo program a couple days. One of the best ways to learn the program is to start out slow, and not worry about making a "mix". Besides, you can't save your work in the demo anyway, so there'd be no point. And if you did somehow make an incredible song, you'd be screwed because you couldn't save your project file.

    I recommend just opening up the "Cool Stuff" folder and browsing through the demo songs. Make sure both your step sequencer window AND the playlist windows are open. Step sequencer is on the left where you can click in the notes. Playlist is typically on the right - where you can draw in the gray blocks. The point of FL is to create patterns OR loops which you then use to construct your song. You can make a pattern as long as you want to, or as short as one measure. Loops are great, because you end up repeating certain things quite a lot, especially in electronic music, and FL makes it easy to reuse melodic and rhythmic patterns.

    Just play around with it, and expect to start out slow. If you're frustrated after like, a couple days, then I politely suggest you might not have the patience to be an effective composer/arranger/remixer.

    I have been irratated alot lately, I just didnt want to take the time to mess anymore tonight. wanted to get it fixed and just make a simple mix. not planning to save. and i have tryed to make sure its not looping. and i failed. =/ ill look through manuals and whatnot.

  6. If anyone didnt notice FFXIII vs. is still exclusive... and from what Ive gathered FFXIII for the 360 seems like it'll be some time behind... Either way, if its going to be as good on the 360, Id likely get it just for the gamerpoints.... damn achievement whoring...

    I honestly dont care about Acheivement points. I play my games for the shear enjoyment of them. I will buy FF13. for the fact I love Final Fantasy. ;]

  7. My younger sister is entering the local county college this fall semester, and is thinking about pursuing a degree in some sort of graphic design. She's not sure what exactly. She's not even sure it's actually what she wants to do; she's dabbling, really, but is leaning towards GD. Anyway, she needs a laptop for college. Everyone she and my parents have talked to have told her to get a Mac laptop because she's leaning towards graphic design, and supposedly Macs have better applications for graphic design, both still and video. However, my family is also on a budget. They need to save as much money as they can, and Macs tend to cost more than PCs.

    So my question is this: given that she's just going into the first year of graphic design, and that we need to save money, should she be looking at a Mac or PC laptop?

    Defiantly a Mac, macs are great for apps. programming, graphic design, basicly anything but games.

    If your on a tight budget, then you best make sure its reccomended by the school. Call up the school see what they tell you. then go off that for your decision.

    (I would reccomend a Mac myself.)

  8. Please, take a couple of English classes. You make it hard to read your posts, and when we do decipher them, they are not worth the effort.

    Also, if it's a secret game, we would not know about.

    Also, the FF7 on PS3 was BS. The PS1 could show videos of that quality, it's all about them being an actual movie. That demo was simply a tech demo, and it was done to use the mindless FF7 fanbase and make them drone about how good the PS3 was gonna be.

    I will try to make it easier for you all to read my posts. I was never one for english, I will try to improove, so its eaiser to read my posts.

  9. Im Stating facts from what i know. SE has a press conf in 2 weeks and theres video footage of FF7 on the PS3. if its not ff7 what else could it be?

    There prolly wont be a remake anyhow.

    im not trying to. But whatelse. Can it be?

  10. If it's not Final Fantasy 14 they're pretty much doomed.

    Back in 05 there was ps3 video of FF7 on the PS3. Plus. SE is having a Private Press Conf in 2 weeks. =/ Makes me wonder. if there is a Remake, Which i doubt, But hope. BUT if by chance there is. I dont know what ill do. If its like another MGS, i will be pissed -.- I want the game to be something that will make me buy a PS3. not a game that will make me say "Cool, looks fucking awsome" I want it to make me say "Fuck yeah, im buying a PS3.

    Come on Sony. Give me a damn reason to buy a PS3 -.-

    It better not be bad.. It just better not. :l

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