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Pyro Paper Planes

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Everything posted by Pyro Paper Planes

  1. I totally missed your post there. Thanks.
  2. Another fantastic Metroid song has just been approved to OC Remix: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02278/ It has no official name. I highly recommend downloading it. It's a fantastic piano + violin duet.
  3. Question: Is anyone arranging "King of the Koopas"? AKA: The transition between "Wish of the Princess" and "King of the Koopas" is pretty big, and I think it should be co-ordinated.
  4. On another unrelated note, I'm so happy Metroid II got so much support. I actually thought there would only be one song supporting the entire game. How wrong I was. EVERY major track was covered in some way, and they were all equally awesome (if not some of the best of the entire album). Even the freaking Metroid chamber made it in there (huge props to Stemage for that). I don't think Kotaku ever got around to posting the album. But yes, it's still a fantastic turn out. Why thank you. I wouldn't compare your style to Hans Zimmer, but that's because you both have styles of your own. The fact that I'm comparing you to Hans Zimmer boggles my mind. I've seen the video. It's very impressive animation... was that by you too? I wish I could replicate that. In the mean time, I'm uploading my own video to my new YouTube profile (so it's not empty). Actually, one last question: Could you help me design my own website? Kind of random, I know. I've been meaning to do this for some time, and you seem to know what you're doing with your site.
  5. Huh. That's kind of a compliment in its own way, so thanks.
  6. Listening to "Mission Complete: Ending Suite"... is it just me, or does it sound like something played at Disney World? Yes, I'm being serious. It just feels like something that would be played during the fireworks, one of the parades, or even something as simple as Main Street. I personally prefer the first disc. I prefer the metal, ambient, and bonus mixes on disc one; the artists who contributed to both discs tended to have stronger mixes; and the "off the wall" songs are more interesting for me. The biggest loss for me would be Darkesword's Path of Ruin. No Metroid album is complete without Darkesword. Of course, seeing how both my contributions are on the second disc, I might be slightly biased. I suppose my songs could be considered "off the wall". Please note, I still love songs on both discs. The album would not be complete without that second disc. I think I agree with most of your points. I wish I could have talked to you more when recording my pieces, as I've had little experience in producing piano solos. I know for a fact that I probably applied too much reverb, but the pieces just sounded... wimpy without that additional microphone. Maybe it was a fault in microphone positioning, or even a lack in my compositional ability. Then again, as someone mastering the album, you might have been able to "fix" the weak hits. I suppose we'll never know. I'm still curious what edits you did to my files. I wish I could have mixed my piano to sound a little more like Mercury's... oh well. Thank you. Edit: I suppose I should name some of my favourite songs from Harmony of a Hunter. Disc 1 In the Beginning - Great introduction to the album. Earthroot - A solid metal mix. Bioluminescence - A little repetitive, but beautifully atmospheric and hypnotic. Desperation - I have a love-hate thing with this song. It's frantic, and hits all the musical notes for me. I don't know... I think it's the drum loop that's annoying me. Still, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, and include it here. Into the Green World - First of Sam's epic orchestrated pieces. I prefer the other songs by him on the album... the fact that I'm still putting this on my favourite list says it all. Leader's Lair - Cool track. I could totally see this song in a new Metroid game. Ashes to Ashes - I think this has to be my favourite dubstep track of all time. It essentially fixes all my gripes with the genre: It's layered with so many intriguing soundscapes. Kraid's Campfire Ballad - Beautifully simple. Metroid Legacy - Well done overall. MQ2 - It's Metroid Metal. And it still blew me away. **** yeah. Bonus - Mission Complete: Ending Suite - It's like I'm in Disney World again. Beautifully done. I'm in awe. Definitely one of Sam's best pieces. Bonus - Metroid Medley - I LOVE this. Even the original tracks that were all ready 8-Bit entertained me in this mix. Epically long too. Disc 2 Parasite X - One of the most underrated tracks on the album, in my opinion. It's horrifyingly funky. It's like the child of Yoshi's Story, Earthbound, and Paper Mario. Very unique too. Frozen Utopia - I enjoy the mix. I think it should have delved a little more from the source though. Lore Hunter - I can hear all the simple instruments, yet Darkesword can really make a mix of them. My only complaint is that some of the instruments sound a little too MIDI at times. Solitude - I don't mean to toot my own horn, but Melting Sun fades perfectly into this song. And it really grows too. Path of Ruin - That saxophone works so well with the rest of the song. My criticism is the same as Lore Hunter - Some of the instruments are too MIDI. Especially the drums. I don't know what it is, as it usually doesn't bother me to the extent that it does here. I almost enjoy that "MIDI" type of sound... I think it has to be that "drum solo" at 1:56. Everything else in this song is so perfect that I still consider it one of my favourites of the album. If you changed those things, I think it could be compared to "Just a Little More". That's saying something... especially seeing how I really don't care for the original Chozo Ruins track. Omega Cannon - I prefer VikingGuitar's work in Earthroot, but this is still a solid effort. The effects are good too. In the End... - Beautiful end to the album. I have no idea how close this is to the original piece, as I try not to remember Metroid: Other M. In the End shows that perhaps, there was a good track in that game, once or twice. Bonus - The Crimson Depths - It's a Sam track. 'Nuff said. Bonus - What's Past is Prologue - Oh crap. I totally copied this song in a composition I wrote a year ago without realizing it. Or at least, the first two notes... moving on: Great last track. Makes me question why this song wasn't in Other M. Or, why the soundtrack didn't live up to this song. The rest of the album is great too. Danger in Old Tourian is perfect for a quiet track. The Mission's Briefing almost sounds like something from Mass Effect (just needed a few changes to be part of my favourites). On a side note, it's somewhat humorous how many people used the Metroid Theme/Super Metroid Theme as cameo tracks. If I had known so many people were going to use them, I would have picked a different track (I did have a little wave to Phendrana Drifts with Melting Sun...). So, here's a question people: If you could wish for a track to show up in Harmony of a Hunter (that wasn't arranged), what would it be? Personally, I find it tragic that Maridia I didn't make it... especially as that was the first track I signed up for... Avien filled that gap for me though. Otherwise, the only tracks I miss would have to be "Samus vs. Mother Brain" (which is an awkward song to arrange to begin with), "Samus vs. Dark Samus" (which was originally part of the "Hostile Shadows" suite), and finally "Galactic Warrior" (I'm amazed this didn't show up once in any of the songs).
  7. I'm going to submit my mixes now to OverClocked ReMix's judging panel. Wish me luck!
  8. All right, I'll post a working version sometime soon.
  9. Thanks. I originally had the "improv" filled with the second part of the battle, but I just didn't like the sound of it. It didn't fit the mood of the song. I'm not entirely sure if the improvised part is too long, but I love it so much, and I couldn't bring myself to cut any of it. I'm in the process of experimenting with the "reverb" microphone. Personally, I love it. It does take some of the "one-to-one" impact of the song, something most piano pieces aim for. I like it the reverb though, it adds... a layer to it. I'm not sure how to describe it. Does anyone have any more feedback for the song? If not, I guess there's nothing left to do, other than submit it for moderator review...
  10. I agree. I'll experiment with reducing the "reverb" microphone. I realize most piano pieces aim for a "one-to-one" feel. However, I wanted to aim for a more "layered" feel. Regardless, I will post a no-reverb version soon (unless it sounds awful). Edit: After experimenting. the "impacts" really don't come out well without the additional microphone. I don't know if it's due to the placement of the Player Microphone, but it just doesn't work. Anyway, unless anyone has any qualms with the mix, I'm going to submit the mix for moderator review. Thanks to everyone who commented.
  11. Yikes, not sure what happened to the link. It was fine last night, and the other link is still up. Here's a fixed link.
  12. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2q75u0oi7a4vwc Backup Link: Source: I can remember that, as a child, when I first sat down in front of a piano, the only song I wanted to play was the menu theme from Metroid Prime. Of course, I expanded my musical horizon over the years, but the Metroid series never quite left my heart. And just as I have grown, the Metroid series still lives on as strong as ever. It's hard to believe that the Metroid series is now 25 years old now. So, for this special day, I decided to celebrate by arranging this piano solo, in dedication to the childhoods of the many who loved (and hopefully still love) the Metroid series like I do. The track was close to being scrapped more times than I would like to think. Originally, I found the piece too repetitive. To complicate matters, the original track has a complex rhythm and beat, which made it very demanding to perform on a consistent basis. Even after all my work, I wasn't very satisfied with the final mix, feeling that it went on just a little too long for its own good. However, with a bit of convincing from the community, and a lot of magic from The Orichalcon's mixing abilities, I'm very proud of how Lone Star has turned out. Special thanks must be given to the project leaders of "Harmony of a Hunter" (especially Darren), and to my friends, as the song would never have been finished if it wasn't for their help and kind words.
  13. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?mrvvqambhojppgn Backup Link: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbzZqgZiLBo One aspect I enjoy about a remix is how it can not only stir old memories but also how it can put them under a new light. When I was invited to contribute to the "Harmony of a Hunter" project, one of my goals was to produce a song that completely contrasted the style of the original song. I decided to choose one of the more recent popular tracks in the series, Samus vs. Rundas. To write such a contrasting piece, I decided to go with something I'd never done before: a piano solo. I'd always wanted to release a piano solo, but I was never too sure how to go about it. I would always put it off for a later date. With the newly set deadline of the 25th Anniversary and "Harmony of a Hunter", I sat down and began to work. I went through several iterations for the introduction. One version even sounded very similar to JigginJonT's "The Flooded Plain", a piece that was very influential to me. I ended up restructuring the first three chords of the original theme. At the beginning, I had included the second phrase of the battle in the arrangement. I could never quite get it to fit with the rest of the song. It just didn't work with the emotions of the rest of the song. I ended up with this little improvised part that I loved so much, that I decided to replace it in the final song. And there you have it. I present a song that's dedicated to the memory of Rundas. Enjoy.
  14. In the Beginning..., by Mercury Adept Soft, sorrow tones, with a uplifting end, a grand summary of what's to come from the rest of the album. Mercury is a very skilled pianist, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout the song. The song just flows, and works surprisingly well with the other ambient tones in the song. And the star of the show, the piano, sounds perfect. What a way to start the album. Danger in Old Tourian, by DoctorM64 Thus we come to a remix of Crateria of Super Metroid. A great renaissance to arriving on Planet Zebes, the mix starts of with the very same ambience Super Metroid achieved. After a minute or so, the mix fades out, and in come the Space Pirates. The mix stays very close to the source material instrumentally, yet it's intertwined with lot's of little backdrops of noises, which makes the overall song tense. It might not be a threatening piece, but I never thought of the original song as threatening to begin with (at least, not until Metroid: Zero Mission). It might be slightly receptive, but it almost adds to the feeling that perhaps, Samus might be going a little crazy... Earthroot, by VikingGuitar Our first metal mix, and our first VikingGuitar song. I had only heard this guy's work once or twice before, and I was already excited. Let's say, I was not disappointed. In fact, I'd say he managed to blow my expectations away. What we have here is a very solid mix of Red Brinstar. The song is just pure energy. Just when you think you're coming to a slow break, it throws you back into the fray. The song might be pretty traditional in its techniques, and might not be for those who dislike metal. For those who do like Metal, you're in for a treat. Bioluminescence, by Theophany A remix of Metroid Fusion? Of Sector 4 AQA Depths? In my opinion, it's one of the most underrated songs in the Metroid series. Right, onto the remix itself: Theophany starts the mix off with a calm, eery undertone. Little drips and creeps constantly sway from side to side, and it certainly leaves an impression. And then the power comes on. The wailing strings and tragic choir continues strong, while the pulse of a steady electronic beat is introduced. Almost as if the listener is on a lifeline. Two very contrasting genres, that work together as one. I wish more songs in life would incorporate this style, and applaud Theophany for doing the original source proud. Infectious Fear, by The Fishhead An interesting take on Sector 1, contrasting heavily to the original source. I would only be able to classify the song as a "Fusion Drums 'n' Bass". The tempo changes bring a nice variety to the song, keeping you on your toes. The Fishhead also manages to avoid many of the stereotypical "Drum 'n' Bass" sounds, such as the bit crusher drums. Overall, a satisfying mix, and the first of many to come from The Fishhead. Desperation, by Mozzaratti Orchestras, Guitars, Synthesizers, what does this song not have? Seriously, I'm amazed at how often the song changes it up. It almost sounds like something from Metal Gear Solid, and that's a good thing. You can feel the build up, even with the constant energetic pace. And at such a pace, the song is over before you realize it's over. That's not a fault of the length: The song is just very good. I'll give my thoughts on the rest of the songs later.
  15. So what's everyone's thoughts on the album! It's finally released! It's sounding even better now that I've actually downloaded the album itself. Some of the songs on this album are amazing. :3
  16. The album can now be downloaded from here: http://www.shinesparkers.net/harmonyofahunter/download.html
  17. I have to agree in a way, now that I've heard the album. I LOVE it, it has this special vibe. It feels like an anniversary album. :3 I'll talk more in the morning, after I've had a little rest.
  18. I totally missed the premiere on Radio Nintendo! Well, fortunately, it's hear for those who missed it! http://radionintendo.com/podcasts/Metroid's%2025th%20Anniversary%20Special.mp3 For everyone who wants a first listen to the project, and to find out some other interesting facts, just listen here!
  19. That's what I meant. :3 Does anyone know how to set it up?
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY METROID!! It is now officially 25 years old as of today! So here's to Harmony of a Hunter! Also, the project has just been posted on The Escapist. :3 Edit: Ignore my IRC comments.
  21. Ouch. Did you at least listen to the dude's music? Sure, what you say "might" be the truth, but you didn't have to say that so harshly.
  22. I've sent you a PM of my interest in "Her Greatest Wish!".
  23. I find it humorous that right after I've finished both pieces, OS-X Lion and Play V3 comes out. While I admit that using V.0 of software is generally a bad idea (and that Lion would probably not have contributed to my work), Play V3 FINALLY supports 64-bit drivers with OS-X. This helps with the overloading issues immensely, especially seeing how my system has 14GB of RAM. Oh well. Finally, it's a shame to see no love for Lower Maridia (ESPECIALLY as that was the song I was initially working on before I realized it was taken). I shall see if I can come up with a mini version of the song or something some time this year.
  24. Wow, it sounds fantastic so far. What samples do you use?
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