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Pyro Paper Planes

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Everything posted by Pyro Paper Planes

  1. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzyechgthjt Before you rate... this mix isn't really a remix, but a "rebirth" as I like to call it. I like recreating songs to be as close as possible to its original source, but bring a breath of fresh air to it. I don't think it's something that would be posted on this site. However, I'd still like your views on my stuff. Also, the song is rather quiet. I have limited knowledge on compressors, limiters, etc. I plan on remastering every song I've created once I've gone to the course for Logic Studio. Enjoy. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) [ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio [ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie) PRODUCTION [ ] Too loud [ ] Too quiet [ ] Low-quality samples [ ] Unrealistic sequencing [ ] Generic/cliche sound choices [ ] Drums have no energy [ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [ ] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range) PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [ ] Timing not tight enough [ ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness [ ] Poorly recorded [ ] Bad intonation STRUCTURE [ ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") [ ] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [ ] Pace too plodding [ ] Too repetitive [ ] Too short [ ] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) [write here]
  2. I've made a piece that would be more fitting for OCReMix, as this time, it's an actual remix! It is a remix of the Main Theme of Metroid, specifically the Metroid Prime games. I have no idea what I'll actually call the name of the remix for now. I'm very satisfied with it. It's probably still too close to the original source, but I think you will appreciate this song. The YouTube version is slightly outdated, so here's an alternative link. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nmnom1lznj3 I hope you enjoy.
  3. A remix should always recreate a song, yet create new emotions for new experiences. Just a Little More (Prime Edit) does just that, and surpasses all expectations. Just a Little More is quite simply one of the best remixes on OCReMix. It's beautiful, and pays respect to the original source, but varies enough to credit its own existence. DarkeSword has achieved a perfect balance. Sometimes I doubt if certain genres can portray certain feelings, but it's tracks like these that I am gladly reminded of how anything can work. I never imagined an Electronic track could turn out so well, in portraying the beauty of isolation and exploration. This song is more than just a song to listen to: It's a song that should inspire other mixers the quality that their own remixes should achieve. It's the pinnacle of an OCReMix song. I thank the author, DarkeSword, for such a beautiful mix to listen to. It is examples like these where I point out that videogame music is an art of its own, that should be paid attention to.
  4. I take it all these songs, you're trying to stay as close as you can to the original source. This is fine, but don't expect it to appear on OCReMix. LoZ Theme: It's very well done, but is essentially the exact same as the King's Theme in LoZWW. There's no point to it in all honesty. Mumbo's Mountain: This was very satisfying to listen to. I love reverb myself, but I think you've added way too much for all the instruments. This occurs in your other pieces too. 0:49 sounds bare. The amount of reverb doesn't help - The song sounds empty here. The ending is too sudden too. However, I still like this mix. Ocean: Interesting concept. A rock remix. The guitar is obviously fake though. It's very difficult to replicate guitar through MIDI. The problem with all of them, is that they're all obviously MIDI-to-MP3, and not enough has been done in the MP3 process. For OCReMix, it needs more than that. Heck, any song needs more than that. However, I'd say it's a good start. You just need to keep working on this, and the actual final process too.
  5. I agree with everyone that you should finish this off. When the theme kicks in, it's very good. Drums are a bit loud, but are still excellent quality. There's not much to say until you finish it off. Please do.
  6. It's definitely a good start. To be on OCRemix, it might need more variation from the original source. But as a piece, just clean it up a little, master it a bit, and it's good for a final.
  7. Thank you guys for your comments, I really, really appreciate it. Galactic Warrior: Hmm, you are probably right. This was my first song on Logic, so there is probably a way to improve the sound that I missed. I'll see what I can do. Red Brinstar: Yes, people have commented on the low attack, etc. One of my friends even said that I should never use Synths for a lead instrument... he probably meant to say Synth-Pad. I'll see if there is another instrument I can use to make the melody more distinct. I actually knew of this problem, and thought I could get away with it. I guess not, lol. The reason I kept the low attack (etc), is because of how satisfied I was with the sound of the instrument. I didn't want to lose that. However, now that more than one person has confirmed that the melody is too soft, I agree that I should perhaps change it up a little. Maridia: It's a synth, themed after a woodwind. There's something wrong with the instrument I used. Again, I love the sound of it. But there's two significant problems, the first being unique to this instrument: It randomly plays a note REALLY loud, so I've had to use annotation to decrease the volume at the specific points of where it is loud. When you listen close to the song, it throws the pace off, etc. I have no idea why it does that, but it's very annoying. The other problem, is what you mentioned, something is off synch. I never noticed until I tried to use a mastering template. I have no idea why - The notes are all on time, etc. I have a feeling this could be my best piece, if I can fix it. Alinos: Thank you. I fully agree with your point of authenticity. When you say the chorus, do you mean after the build up, or somewhere else? If you mean after the build up, I was experimenting with the lead choir and pitch effects. It didn't really turn out that well, now I look at it again. Nightmare: Thank you. I will make sure to repost them here when I have reproduced them. I should be taking a course sometime this summer. I might work on remixing other songs, but I love what I'm doing right now. I'll see what I can do though. Again, I truly appreciate these comments and criticisms. They really help.
  8. I hate to bump messages, but... not one single reply? Maybe it's the title name... anyway. I'm not sure if bumps are allowed. If they aren't, sorry for the bump. I would just like a few opinions at least.
  9. Hello. I've been a lurker here for sometime. However, I've had a lot of encouragement to post something here, and show off some of my work. I've been meaning to for sometime, but have always been daunted by the quality of the mixes on this site. That's not my main problem though. The thing is, while I love remixes, I don't strive to do that in my work. I prefer to recreate songs, to breath new life into them. My work, for the most part, rarely strives to be different from the originals, if at all. My songs are mostly "What if a song composed for the technology back then, was composed for today? And what would it sound like?" Nonetheless, I've decided to go for it, and post (the work I'm proud of) here. For now, I'm going to stick to the Metroid songs, as I believe they are my best work. I use Logic Studio to create these songs. If you would like me to post more information on how I created these mixes, feel free to ask. The Prelude (Fusion Mix) Galactic Warrior Red Brinstar Red Brinstar (Echoes Mix) Maridia Alinos Nightmare All of these mixes are not final, but are close to it. For the most part, all that needs to be done is some mastering, and maybe one or two minor changes here and there. Right now though, I have very limited knowledge about mastering a song. For now, I have simply increased the volume of the exported song by 80% (with the exception of Alinos, which uses a mastering template. This happened completely by accident, yet it improved it in every way, so I kept it in.) I know increasing the volume is not the way it should be done, but until I know how to master a song properly, I plan on keeping it simple, and easy to change for later. I plan on going to a course for Logic Studio, which lasts 1-3 weeks. By the time I'm done, I should be able to repost these songs with the final touches added to them. I could post the checklist here, but I'm not sure if it would be helpful. My goals are different to OCReMix. I plan on the songs appearing the game being made by my friend, Metroid: Net Mission. However, if you have any comments, I would like to hear them. Any other songs I compose will be posted here. If you are interested in more of my songs, I have posted a few more on my youtube profile. However, I must warn you, that I feel they are not quite up to par as the mixes posted up above. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy my music.
  10. Hello, I need help deciding which keyboard to purchase. I currently already own a Yamaha Clavinova, and while it sounds amazing, it is floppy-card Only, and it isn't very portable either (aka won't be able to leave the house). I would be using it mostly to record my ideas down. I currently input each note by note, but everything sounds too... robotic. Perhaps, if I actually record myself playing on a keyboard, the instruments might sound more realistic, due to the variety in velocity and timing, etc, something I'm not sure how to do when I'm doing note by note. When recording, I am usually at home on my Mac Pro. Here's the thing: I might be performing live, but I'm thinking of just using an audio program, such as Logic Studio (or Mainstage, which comes with the suite), to provide the sounds. (It's very likely I am going to have Pro-Tools soon too). Should I purchase a keyboard with no sounds, and simply combine the use of my keyboard and software to perform live? Or should I be looking for a keyboard that not only connects to the computer USB/Firewire, but also has realistic piano sounds? My budget, while it isn't too constricted, I'd like to of course, not waste money. I think ~$500 might be adequate, but I might be able to spend more, etc. I think these three keyboards might be right for me, but I am not sure: http://www.zzounds.com/item--ALEQS62 http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOAXIOM61 http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOKEYSTAT88 If anyone has any advice on which of these keyboards I should get, please let me know. If you feel I am looking at the wrong area (which I might be), please tell me. Thank you!
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