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Pyro Paper Planes

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Everything posted by Pyro Paper Planes

  1. Hey guys, so I've made the order! I went with 14GB of RAM. It was the best price vs. performance ratio. If something requires more RAM than that, it will probably be bottlenecked by the CPU anyway. I also went with the software I posted up above. It says it'll arrive in one day, and I'm using FedEx, so I wonder if it will arrive tomorrow or Wedneday... both will be lovely distractions for my midterm on Wednesday. :3 Thanks again guys. You really helped me out, and you are all totally this guy:
  2. Should I be purchasing another external hard drive as backup for the new sample hard drive? And I assume I can use the MIDI notes within Logic to use with the instruments?
  3. Yes, when I got the Mac Pro, I didn't know too much about computers. Now that I've been around them for a while, I have a better understanding of them. I am a self-taught pianist, who's been playing for ten years. I might not be able to play a piece as well as someone who's been trained for ten years, but I can still hold my own. EW sounds like it's perfect for me. And as for RAM, I'll stick with the 14GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM. That should be more than enough, according to the system requirements.
  4. Fair enough. If I go with the 2GB sticks, I won't be be able to upgrade the system without taking RAM out of it. That, and DDR2 RAM will probably get more expensive from here on in. As you say though, 14GB is probably enough for this model of Mac Pro. So I'm guessing I can't simply import this library into Logic Studio? And no, I'm not familiar with Keyswitches or MIDI CC values. I do have experience with note velocities and automation though. I hope PLAY isn't as glitchy as they say it is for Mac. And PLAY is compatible with MIDI, right? if I'm to sell my work, would I be increasing the price due to I'm using a more advance studio, or simply use this to my selling advantage? I also have a Korg M3. I assume I can use it with PLAY. Actually, that's something I need to try with Logic too Man, I have way too many questions, lol.
  5. Okay, so EWQL just came out with Hollywood Strings. I don't plan on getting this for the moment, as it's expensive. It's a beautiful library though. The point is, I'm looking at the system requirements... and ohh boy. Recommended 8GB, Optimal 16GB... of DDR3 RAM. And an SSD Hard Drive that at least 310 GB of space. Combine the slow RAM of my Mac Pro with the slow CPU speed... What I'm asking is this: Should I add 24GB of RAM to my Mac Pro for the meantime, and hope to run it later? Or should I simply forget about it, stick with 14GB, and worry about Hollywood Strings in three years time? I think this might be a good time to mention that I'm a first year university student. ;>_> Thankfully, I CAN afford all of this. But yes, what are your opinions at the moment?
  6. Thank you so much for your help. I really wish there was a way to make up for guys like you. I'll get the 12GB of RAM, and the EWQL Complete Collection, with the following software: - Symphonic Orchestra Platinum Plus - EastWest/Quantum Leap Pianos - Symphonic Choirs Bundle - Quantum Leap Gypsy - Quantum Leap SILK - Ministry of Rock - Stormdrum 2 Thanks again.
  7. That's the strength I'm looking for in EWQLSC. I like unintelligible lyrics. Is there a single vocalist voice in there too? I have to admit, I'm not very good at modifying instruments. I find they usually sound good as they are. I might mess a little with the reverb, but anything else, such as EQ, I usually leave alone. Hopefully, there's a university course that can help me with this.
  8. What version would you suggest if I'm getting the EWQLSOP+? Blimey these acronyms are getting long. ;>_>
  9. I think I'm going to go with the 6x2GB pack, giving me a total of 14GB of RAM. Any more RAM is probably redundant for my model of Mac Pro. If I ever need more RAM, I think I would probably be better off getting an new computer than anything. I compose full projects in Logic Studio, using solely the EXS24 instruments that come with it. I find that 10 instruments open at a time, with space designer, tends to overload the CPU quite often. I mean full orchestra sounding instruments, such as Brass Section. I have a feeling though that it's actually due to the limited RAM, and not the CPU itself. When I check the Activity Monitor, I have no free RAM left. Otherwise, I play TF2, and that's pretty much it for intensive programs. How expensive is VSL? From what I can tell, it's $2000. I think I might purchase that on a later date.
  10. If I could replicate the quality of the Metroid Prime's choir, I think I should be good. Here is an example of a choir intensive song: Will it live up to that quality? Or will I need to invest in something else? I assumed the bundle comes with the DVDs too. Is there really no way to reinstall the content? Also, I'm worried my specs are not good enough. Is 14GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM enough to compensate in my case? Or should I go full out, and go with 28GB? Is it worth $1000? Should I maybe get a small SSD Hard Drive for the OS? My worry with that, is Logic is tied to the Hard Drive with the OS on it. I would need to get a 64GB SSD Hard Drive I suppose. How's PLAY? Is it really as difficult as people say? I'm assuming the library is NOT compatible with Logic Studio in any way?
  11. I will be going with the Platinum Pro in that case. I will be getting SILK too. It's unfortunate, but the Mac Pro 2008 was created before the DDR3 upgrade. What gets me is the fact that right now, the DDR3 RAM for the newer model is CHEAPER than the DDR2 model. At least, according to Other World Computing. I'm considering purchasing RAM from this site instead: http://www.datamemorysystems.com/_memory-information/8GB_Kit_DDR2800_FBDIMMs_Apple_678-1x2.asp I have a Seagate Barracuda 750GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s . The beauty of this EWQL deal is that you get a free hard drive with all the samples installed. Western Digital Caviar Black WD1002FAEX 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0 Gb/3.5 to be exact. Heck, that's better than the one that came with my Mac Pro! I wonder if I should reinstall Logic's audio library into that hard drive... I don't think it will make much of a difference though. Edit: I'll probably just purchase 6x2GB of RAM from Other World Computing. I know it's a reliable site, and 14GB should be more than enough. Edit Edit: Should I go with the Symphonic Choir Bundle?
  12. @Dannthr: Would you suggest purchasing RA or SILK? I'm going to guess SILK, and if I'm missing certain instruments, I should simply purchase another pack that has what I require? Also, for Stormdrum, that's a mistake on my behalf: It will be the Pro version I'm getting. If I have a total of 10GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM, would my Mac be able to handle Play? And will any of this be compatible with Logic Studio? @IBBIAZ: Does the Platinum version of EWQLSO not include the close microphones? I don't think I can purchase the Vienna Symphony Library in this package. I will purchase it separately if you suggest it. Are there any packs in particular you suggest? Thanks again guys.
  13. Hey guys, so I'm in the market for upgrading my instrument library. I use Logic Studio on my Mac Pro [2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2GB 800MHz DDR2 RAM - I plan on upgrading the RAM soon]. It has done me well for the past two years, but I think it's time I expanded my library. I'm considering purchasing the complete pack. Taking your advice, would you advice getting the following pack? - Symphonic Orchestra Platinum Plus - EastWest/Quantum Leap Pianos* - Symphonic Choirs - Ministry of Rock - Stormdrum 2 - Quantum Leap Gypsy - Quantum Leap SILK *Do you need to purchase the Gold version for this to work? I noticed the previous poster included RA in his pack. Would you consider replacing one of the packs with RA? I'm guessing there aren't any educational discounts on this offer. No matter, 67%, free hard drive, and free shipping is a freaking steal as it is.
  14. [My question has been answered in this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=724671&posted=1#post724671]
  15. I am getting ahold of a microphone + cable this weekend. I will have your mix sometime next week. I can send a demo of it this week if you want, but it will be EXTREMELY distorted due to I can't put the volume of the USB microphone down (and I need a loud piano to figure out what I'm playing). Also, incase people didn't read my PMs, I would like to claim "Samus Farewell"... I realize this is a mix of two songs, and isn't that important a track. But I think a piano mix would be a nice semi-finish before the credits. That, and I think we need something between Samus vs. Metroid Prime and the credits. It seems people are arguing over tracks we've missed, or what ones to do. At home, I have the official soundtrack + every track that's missed there and is in the game (excluding one of the ambient chozo ruins themes: I can't find it in good quality). Of course, some tracks are not important enough for a remix. I will post the tracks in bold that I recommend. Tracks in italics have a longer version earlier/later on in the soundtrack. Tracks with a * are played in previous Metroid games. [LINKS ARE COMING SOON] DISC 1 Title Screen* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qip3QFz_i0o&fmt=18 OR Data Selection Menu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szP9V3JQYCY&fmt=18 Distress Signal* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdyg_y6RA0I&fmt=18 OR Samus Aran's Appearance Fanfare* Derelict Space Station http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCjbgQK0r2g&fmt=18 Frigate Orpheon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRWW2pZWk9I&fmt=18 Item Acquisition Fanfare* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyFeGs5xeV0&fmt=18 Save / Map Station (Research Lab) Samus vs. Parasite Queen Evacuate Immediately Ridley Appears [cut version of vs. Meta-Ridley... can't find a link] Tallon Overworld* Chozo Artifact Temple Chozo Artifact Acquisition Fanfare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlfb1SXOEwg&fmt=18 Elevator [it could work as a transition track] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVm6sGeLjRk&fmt=18 Chozo Ruins (Ruins Entrance) [can't find link... it's similar to Chozo Ruins Depths] Chozo Ruins (Depths) Samus vs. Hive Mecha/Incinerator Drone Event Triggered Secondary Item Acquisition Fanfare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLA1KPykP5Y&fmt=18 Samus vs. Enemy Rush Chozo Ruins Puzzle Theme Samus vs. Flaahgra [Remember to perform the full version!] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLm6VN7kIro&fmt=18 Magmoor Caverns (Burning Trail Entrance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNTBOnI1x2w&fmt=18 Magmoor Caverns* Phendrana Drifts (Shoreline Entrance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an7tqOtycsk&fmt=18 Phendrana Drifts OR Phendrana Drifts (Chapel of the Elders) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5ny4otU1Q8&fmt=18 Ice Puzzle Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu2C2tHTdkY&fmt=18 Space Pirates Research Lab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjSHmnXEitA&fmt=18 Samus vs. Space Pirates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MOq2jm-P6I&fmt=18 Samus vs. Thardus DISC 2 Tallon Overworld II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV0OKOa5WiA&fmt=18 Samus vs. Chozo Ghosts Chozo Ruins (Halls of Elders) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXjDzjazi4&fmt=18 Missile Station http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igR-1we7GI8&fmt=18 Phendrana Drifts (Edge) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bglDMA_vhBc&fmt=18 Crashed Frigate (Ventilation Shaft) Crashed Frigate Phazon Radiation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZC_L2yZtdQ&fmt=18 Phazon Mines Phazon Mines (Elite Quarters) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqpjFoj2-zk&fmt=18 Samus vs. Omega Pirate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm8qiN1Uw9c&fmt=18 Samus vs. Meta-Ridley* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz15YmBFdMs&fmt=18 Meta-Ridley Defeated [not sure whether to italicize this or not...] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iykb8GUnPz4&fmt=18 Impact Crater Core [may I suggest adding Tourian to the mix?] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiWadnKIzuQ&fmt=18 Samus vs. Metroid Prime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGAyC3aFF5o&fmt=18 Samus vs. Core Essence of Metroid Prime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYl24QEYhrQ&fmt=18 Samus's Farewell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK4w4YyCsGs&fmt=18 Credits Mission Final http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW8kqMQocUk&fmt=18 ...as you can see, this is a HUGE soundtrack. And it only gets longer from here (although in all fairness, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption have far more pure ambient songs, which would prove difficult to remix). I don't think we should follow this order 100%. For example, I think the Chozo Ruins can go before Hive Mecha. Chozo Temple to Hive Mecha would be a weird jump. Of course, it's idiotic to try and cover every song. Thus why I put up my recommendations. Even then, I think there might be one too many tracks. So I have a few recommendations: For one, fanfares. Either they should not be present, or should be allowed to bipass the "2 minute" rule. I think Samus Aran's Arrival Fanfare is too important to skip. Secondly, I suggest certain tracks be merged, as they are played later, but are important to the start of the adventure. Tracks such as the Data Selection Menu, I think, could be merged with Distress Signal, or again, be allowed to bipass the "2 minute" rule. We don't won't to bog down our soundtrack, and we have enough work as it is. In fact, for Data Selection Menu, we could perhaps use a snippet of the credits remix? Thirdly: I highly suggest that we do NOT use multiple remixes of the same song, for multiple reasons: The project could be bogged down in a "Ridley Remix" project; This soundtrack will be huge as it is. If we must, I suggest putting repeats on a "bonus disc", if we have the time. That's what previous projects have done, and I think it's worked out quite fine for them. One final note: As I posted, some tracks were slightly edited after their beta phase. I have provided the link to them for inspiration.
  16. Not sure if I'm too late here.... I am willing to contribute to the project. I have composed several Metroid mixes over the past year or two. Most of them are more like reproductions of the old Super Metroid songs. I do, however, have a few original mixes of certain songs. Such as... I have more songs in the channel itself: http://www.youtube.com/user/DaDude261 Most my other mixes wouldn't be considered original enough. It's a shame this is a Metroid Prime project, as I have a fantastic Maridia mix on the way. No matter, is there anything I can help in? I will admit, remixing Metroid Prime for me is difficult, because everything is perfect, nothing needs changing. I play piano, but have a lack of recording tools at the moment. All they keyboards I use at the moment are electric. I have a Korg M3, which sounds very nice, but I am unsure at the moment what settings to use to make it sound as good as a real piano.
  17. Very nice mix. Molgera is one of my favourite tracks in Wind Waker. Heck, it's one of my favourite Zelda songs, especially battle wise. I love the quietness to it. The chords, while different, suit the melody in a new (and oddly fitting) way. Good work. May I ask, what software/hardware do you use?
  18. I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me. I've decided on a keyboard: The Korg M3. So, unless you think I'm making a serious mistake, I'll call it a day. Curiosity: Does any remixer here use a Korg M3, or something close to it, such as the Korg TR?
  19. Thank you so much for your help. One quick last question: What is your opinion on the Korg X 50? That was one other recommendation I got. I think the M50 might be more suited to my needs, but I'll ask you just in case... It's looking like a Korg might be my answer... I will definitely check out the Yamaha though. As for amps, I will give Roland and Hammond a try. Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it.
  20. It was a recommendation. If you have a better idea of a keyboard, please let me know. I only have a semi-decent knowledge of keyboards. I forgot to mention that if it could have good "electronica" synthesizers, that would be nice.
  21. Hello. I have a Yamaha Clavinova CVP-69A. While it has been a great keyboard, it has limited portability, has limited computer connection options, and the configuration options of the piano itself are rather lacking when compared to keyboards of today. However, it's natural piano sound is amazing. I am looking for a keyboard for live performances, and (if possible), minor connectivity to my computer. If I can play a note, and the computer recognizes the note (and what velocity I'm playing at), that's all I need. I own Logic Studio, and a MacBook Pro*. I would like the keyboard to be able to support itself in a performance, and for the samples of the instruments on the keyboard to be good (specifically the piano sounds, but other (good) samples, such as guitar, would be appreciated). It would be great if I could connect the keyboard to my MacBook, and be able to play the samples from the Logic Studio Suite itself in performances (ie using Main Stage). However, I am unsure if such a setup would be stable enough. For example, is there a chance of the system overloading, and freezing all the sounds of the piano? I am not looking for something overly complex. Something that has thousands of little editing options, such as EQ, are not required. Minor functions such as a pitch wheel and reverb would be appreciated. The keyboard must be able to be transferred in a standard car. To simplify, it must be portable enough to be carried by one person, and easy to transport with two people. (Aka NOT this: http://www.reidys.com/images/products/7103.jpg) I have had a recommendation from a friend to go with the Korg PA-500. It seems very nice. Does anyone have an opinion on the said keyboard? How does it compare to a Korg TR76? And are there other brands I should be aware of, such as Roland? (Link of PA-500: http://www.zzounds.com/item--KORPA500) I will also likely be purchasing an amp to go with the said keyboard. Are there any recommendations for that too? Price is not really an issue. I suppose if I was asked to put a limit, I would say $2000 (amp not included). *Specs of MacBook Pro: 13" 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, nVidia 9400M. Thank you for your time in reading this.
  22. ...I swear I did that before, and it changed the order of the threads, not the posts. Regardless, thank you for the help.
  23. That only has the order for threads, not posts.
  24. I'm not sure this is the right place to post this... Is there a way to change the order of the posts, so newest posts are last, instead of first? I could only find the option for topics. Thanks for the help, sorry if this is the wrong place to post it. I have a feeling this option is somewhere very obvious...
  25. Well, I simply copied the list from the FAQ. Thank you for your comments. I will check that remixer out. Should I perhaps change the Chinese violin altogether? The only reason I used it is due to the lack of a harmonica instrument in Logic Studio. I loved the sound of the instrument, but it's attack (and the echo effects) were very stubborn. I could always lower the velocity of the notes you specified. It means it will be harder to hear those notes (if at all), but at least it won't sound fake.
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