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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Are spaceships cool?


  2. Yes, but I can't remember either passwords for both accounts. I'm online on MSN sometimes though.

  3. Awww... ^w^ Would've been creepy indeed.

  4. Are spaceships cool?


  5. Sweet. I'll let y'know when I have something to show you then!

  6. In a lil' bit, 'kay? ^w^

  7. Are spaceships cool?


  8. Jade, I am sorry but there is no way I can get this done. I've pretty much been on an OCR hiatus since September, ask anyone, I've not been frequenting anything. I am so damn busy. (I warned you. I'm really very sorry.)

  9. I can't resist. You deleted a message on my page... I'VE GOTTA KNOW WHAT IT WAS! Was it a confession of love?! A death threat?! A secret code that the government blocked?! Damn... You were trying to warn me about something weren't you? Oh god...

  10. Are spaceships cool?


  11. Delicious username. Your sig needs to be some form of body lice to top it off.

  12. Okay, not kidding, you are seriously on everyone's recent visitor list. Seriously. If it's not you it's Emunator.

  13. Cool. Got that in mind. ;D

  14. Are you Chef Kawasaki now because of my song? It is isn't it? You big fanboi u.

  15. Well why does your name crop up...?!? Hrm... Something's fishy here...

  16. You remixed my composition- you are automatically awesome.

  17. Of course sugah. Only if you're friends with me again- for some reason OCR says we're not. So... Do you hate me or are we more than friends now?

  18. That's like saying "everyone is afraid of sharks because David the shark has a really scary face. Even David is an excellent shark and technically no one under the age of 18 is allowed to hang with Dave anyway, everyone hates sharks because of him. Therefore I hate Dave the shark for everyone else's misunderstanding".

    I can't believe you hate Dave dude. It's not his fault, he was born that way.

  19. Hold on... Are you who I think you are...?

  20. halc u guna maK A MIX OF THS? cUS THAT WULD b (caps lol) gud 2. i use mah presets ya?

  21. I dunno, ask him. And yeah, Dave the shark and all that. Dave's a pretty revolutionary shark too.

  22. Proto lets out a SIGH, in reference to the fact he must DIE, and to sleep he must go (or at least he must TRY). "You must get to sleep?" I hear you ask WHY, well because Proto must wake early, before the sun meets the SKY. "But Proto! Come on MSN" I hear you CRY, alas sorry dear Will, I'm gunna have to say BAIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Urm. Wow. I'm glad you remember that. Hrm. You know, I might go back to that and redo the production 'n' stuff. Haha.

  24. I know, you said the exact same thing earlier and I gave an example of why that logic was flawed.

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