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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Okay, in really early stages still (not nearly finished) however I kinda liked the song itself and thought I'd throw it in FL and see what came out. Yeah, was not my inital intention to make it a ballad but heck- I like the bass ^^ I know the sax sounds a lil' lame so I'll probably end up recording it myself.

    Yeah, it would be awesome if you could tell me what what you think- especially on the arranging side, what would be good to do next?

    Here it is!


  2. Yay! Great Sea = win. Yup I agree with both progressive and Hylian Lemon however, for own personal taste, really think you should flesh out the whole thing towards the end. It's probably not the 'scene' you're going for with this but I really like the I, V, Vminor, IV riff (if you catch me there) and would love to hear it enphisised a lil' more. 'Part from that, like it ^^

  3. Please don't say things like this. I enjoy it as well but there is a very low chance this would be accepted just based on how it was made. OCR hates presets, which this has plenty of; i've heard that guitar a billion times, along with the drumkit. the breakdown section is a very nice exception to this.

    Don't get me wrong I actually really like what you've done, the arrangement itself is pretty creative. But the presets and the chippy low-fi sounds kill it. Put in some good instruments, get a new drumkit, and then come back with this and the nuances can be fixed.

    Yeah, of course I know what you mean, but I am limited by what I've got. This is pretty much the highest quality I can do, I disagree with the chip sounds- cuz c'mon- how original can a basic (non-sinusoidal)waveform actually be?

    I know you're right- but heck, I may as well try with what I've got. If you could suggest any VSTs or Samples/Soundfonts that would really help.

  4. Rozovian- Ah ha! Gotcha. Yup. Will be done ^^

    Rokin2Mordor- Wow, I'm nervous already! Y'know, I may just do that soon... Thanks!

    SplinterofChaos- 0:47-0:51- yup see what you mean, yeah, I think I'll vary that a lil' more (it's my favorite bit)

    Awesome thanks very much. I'll resubmit what will hopefully be the last time ^^

  5. Hey, what the hell, why not? Here's the update then. I tried to fix it all up as Rozovian suggested.

    So here it is!


    Oh yeah and:

    Could use more bass, everything sounds a bit hissy and weak without enough bass..

    I can't put more bass on! The bass is following the guitar mainly and does diverge but adding in a more complex bassline makes it generally jumbled and messy. I've tried it. Any other suggestions?

  6. Sample loop effect, the sound a sample has when it's looping a too short loop and where the sound doesn't change over sustained notes. If you listen closely, you should hear a very annoying repetitive tone to it, something synths rarely get and can easily fix, and something non-looped recordings never suffer from. Listen to it sustained at 1:37, it's noisy in a bad way.

    Ah-ha! I gotcha! I see exactly what you mean now- thanks. That's due to the annoying reverb I put on it- it sounds like it loops itself over. Okay I'll edit that one out. Hrmmm I'll need some kinda volume automation instead...

  7. it's got a weird sample loop effect on it that's not pretty.

    Sorry, I'm probably being really stupid here (I'm still a newb) but what exactly do you mean? One of the filters I've applied? I think I've got a chorus and some distortion on the lead guitar... Apart from that I think I've sorted the rest...

    (God knows why I had that static at the beginning... I actually don't remember putting it in- especially panning to the left.)

  8. I actually really like the mix itself, and I freakin love 8-bit. (Yeah, I'm not going through all the melodies you've used ¬___¬) Oh and the cadence at 3:25 is the best bit ^^

    I know it's only rough but are you planning on varying it a lil' more? Like building it up more? It's all overly a lil' similar. Also I thought the timps were a bit out of place soundwise- does that even make sense- you catch my drift?

    Please update this, the Great Sea is my favorite evar Zelda theme.

  9. WAHOOO!


    So very vastly improved!!

    The fade-outs are well placed, the guitars are very much improved, the chiptune effects and themes are an added little touch that I definitely approve of.


    I can help but get rockin'-with-Dakken* when I hear the shredding at 00:26, and I LOVE the counter-meoldy(s) piece you used!

    The ending needs a little tightening up, I keep thinking there should be more of riff roar or maybe a classic GnR style whine to finish the end.

    Still, a vastly improved bit of work over the original.

    -Headbanging furiously.-


    *I've never actually listened to Dakken. I was strictly using the phrase to empasize that this is a kick ass piece of rearrangement.

    Freakin' ace! I'm (very) glad you liked it! I hadn't actually finished it... erm looped. >___>

    Ooh, mind you I am very much liking the whine idea. Mind if I steal? (like I stole the counter melody thing, thanks for that by the way)

    But yah, ending anytime soon.

  10. Okay I've had a bit of time to work on this again so here's the update:


    I'm about halfway through the actual structure of it and I think it's pretty much gunna write itself 'till the end but any groundbreaking ideas overlywelcome. Gwah, the main problem is still the Slayer Guitars. Hopefully it's a improvement (probably only slightly- working on it). Panning reduced. Length increased.

    Oh and thanks chthonic, the Love Filter is actually freakin' useful!

    I tried to throw in some counter melodies towards the end (hopefully you'll recognise it as the Tetris A theme- everyone I showed really didn't get that)

  11. Oh, well excuse my blatanly appaling sense of humor then.(I do that way too much -___-) Yeah I am seriously thinking about it, the guitars have always sounded 'thin' but lemme work at it myself for a bit and if I'm really really stuck then that would be freakin' ace!

  12. Okay- I've been kinda busy lately so I haven't really worked on my mix 'till today, but heck- thanks for the comments!

    Rokin2Mordor: Yeah I know, drum panning's been changed, the guitar thing's a problem I'm quickly solving and heck the counter melody thing works! Thanks!

    Chthonic: I'm messing around now with effects on the guitar- howeeeeever I'm not gunna give away all mah credit yet 'till I'm really stuck.

    FinalTrigger85: Thanks very much!! Yeah currently working on all that stuff. (Especially length)

    Okay- should update real soon.

  13. The mild key clashes are intentional actually. Kinda highlights the fact the source has this chromaticism thing going. (F#Major in the key of C!?) Yeah and close to source too. I might try building up the texture actually... It's kinda marchy do maybe I need a rolling snare... Hrmmm...

  14. I dunno... I wondered how well received a 'chiptunemix' would be (with non 8bit instruments too- it would get a lil' boring otherwise I guess) so wondered whether or not it would be worth it. Yeah- I guess you're right about the bass- I'm gunna mess about with all the tracks anyway.

    I would very VERY much like to see (hear) four bit... Freakin' ace...

  15. Thanks for the advice, just need a bit of time to think about where to go next...

    Yeah- see what you mean about the guitars. I'm still getting use to that FL's pluginny thingy- it's slowly sounding better so the lack of quality is a lil' learning on my part. Yeah- a bass part wouldn't be too hard to write, does sound a bit thin actually...

    However- are there rules on good drum panning? Personally I thought the panning was alright... Ah well, I'll tone it down and see what happens! n___n

  16. So yeah, haven't really done anything in a while (more like ever) so thought I'd upload this. Okay, yeah, I know it's the same source before, it's just coincidence I 'spose. Anyways- here it is, a remix of Gameboy Tetris "Song B". (It's actually some Russian folksong or something if I'm right so I hope it counts on OCR...)


    Feel free to criticize as much as you like. I'm still pretty much a newb and would love to know how to better myself. ^^

    I hope you enjoy it anyway.

    (Oh, and it's not actually finished- it just loops towards the end)

  17. Thanks very much. Urm, the programs I'm using... Sibelius to write the stuff out, a soundfont programme then some audio editing software to wrap it off. I know it's stupid, but I'm a lil' new at this and don't really know what programs to start off with...

    ( Oh and glad you liked the chiptune, I freakin' love NES Square n__n )

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