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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. It's kind of annoying how it builds in tension and then doesn't go anywhere with. It keeps teasing that its going to explode into something mind-blowing 'til 1:17 and then it just slinks away.

    My advice: let it step up like it seems to want to.

    Agreed. It would be awesome to have a thicker soundscape further on- maybe filling out with strings or something coupled with a louder, more progressed, rhythm on the drums. Also you should do an epic drum fill into the new section. This would be cool with a kind of metal style guitar 'chugging' rhythm thoughout. I know you've kinda done that already but rather than have it in bursts, have it constant (not overpowering though). Oh! And a thick, church organ sound might go well too.

    Basically this could get on the repetitive side real easy, you need some more variation. Hope my ideas are of any use, looking forward to see what you do!

  2. Pretty awesome. Like the start and the breakdown at 1:50 was sweet, however I really think there should be more "power" when the song starts to build back up again. It kinda needed it. Liked the ending a lot until it just cut out- you build up to something with the stabs at 3:35 but then just lose all that energy that was built up by the synth lead. Even adding in a final hit and chord would just give it that finishing edge.

    Overall pretty enjoyable, well I liked it anyway. ^__^

  3. On the IV/EV subject, it's the main thing that kept me relatively turned off to Pokemon (though you guys did motivate me to play through Platinum). Too much work for too little ingame reward outside of online battling. I'd like to see more depth added to the single-player experience (where EV/IV training is basically not important at all).

    Y'know in a way I agree with that. While competitive battle has been fun- and very rewarding if you know a group of people who do the same- I sorta miss the days when you cared only about the "single-player" experience. G/S/C were my favorite for that; I remember playing intently, not to raise the EVs of said poké or even planning a specific moveset, but to get all the badges, raise your favorite team and explore Johto/Kanto.

    While I guess I'm just being overly nostalgic and I'm older now and all that, I just found the new games to have very little awe and adventure to them. *shrugs* Dunno, just hoping that the remakes are as good as I found the originals as a kid...

  4. Also, the samples you are using are bad quality... you should get better samples because those buildup transitions you use clip like insanely.

    It's intentional, like I said before, the samples are all SNES and NES samples- hence the experimentation of the piece. It's not that it clips, it's the quality of the SNES. ^^

    EDIT- Sorry, I should've really explained that from the start. I guess to someone who doesn't recognise the instruments from the SNES games it just sounds poor quality!

  5. I personally don't like the sounds. It's NES synths and then a Marimba jumps in.

    And it's the same thing over and over, until you add the Underground theme, which was a nice touch.

    Yeah, the reason it was experimental was because all the samples are from Mario games (bar the organ- hah punny). Also, thought I'd just add that the underground theme is playing all the time in the bass- albeit a loosely interpreted one. ^^

  6. Okay, basically this was just an experiment however I guess I've kinda grown attached to it now... Anyway, completely stuck with where to go next and whether or not it's actually worth perusing further (once you've listened to a piece enough it just sounds right, which is damn annoying).

    No point in putting any source:

    Here it is.

    EDIT- Oh yeah, it's not actually finished, it loops- that was just so it didn't cut off abruptly. It's not meant to end there just in case you were wondering.

  7. To be fair, you pretty much outclassed all the gyms as long as you did a bit of levelling up first and used the right type of mon.

    Wow, that's still more strategic than most people. It's just grind your starter and maybe the first Poké you caught to like level 25 for the first gym and just use that all through the game. Screw type match ups.

  8. Completely agree with Avatar of Justice too, however don't you think it's a lil' sad that they're identifying this as a problem at all? As I guy I guess I fit into this category a little, it just shocked me that they expected men to act in a certain way. Isn't that sexist? I'm sure if you told a woman they were meant to stay at home and cook they'd be offended, so why should it be any different for men? Personally, I applaud these guys for breaking the, somewhat belittling, stereotype.

  9. Okay, check previous post for link however, compositionally this is pretty much finished. Got mahself an ending and beginning now! I just need to sort out the horrible levels (especially the vocals) and general cleanliness of the mix. It just sounds very messy to me. ^^

    As for Lyrics, look at my original post!

  10. EDIT- Updated Link

    When She's There...

    (I'll post the lyrics up later, it doesn't really matter what they are)

    Yeah, boosted up the 3kHz of the lead vocals added a lil' reverb and padded out the drums. The rest of the track (backings) has a lot to improve on but I'm more worried about the vocals as I'm least experienced in them. Expanded the rest a bit- it's more experimental than anything. This mix seems to be more of a learning thing. Added the source at the bottom if no one knows it.

    Every detail helps! Okay first off if you want I can take a swing at your vocal stems. Some NR, Gating, compression, EQ'ing, Delay, and then reverb, might be just what you need. But if you want to learn and try on your own try digital/analog: For digital NR I use the Waves Z-Noise (worth buying if your into restoration and what not), for Analog NR I take white noise from the console out of phase and EQ it into the right harmonics to help (and thats IF we have hiss, normally we get all inputs at an SNR of -80dB so we don't care). The first question is how are you getting your voice into the computer? What's your proceedure? And don't worry, I've worked with artists who've sung at their laptops internal mic and we still got a Moby like sound out of them.

    Yeah, I've managed to take care of most of it (filters, levels 'n' stuff) however it seems to be faintly there still and it's annoying. Oh mind you, didn't really try any delay, that could work.

    As for how I record... Basically it's a really old tacky mic I got ages (four years?) back in some "home studio" set when I wasn't even into sequencing or recording. I found it again like a month or so ago and thought "oh yeah, vocals, I should try them in my mix".(I've also made myself a lil' stand and pop shield thanks to Nubioso's advice on the forums here which made the vocals much nicer.) I've not really ever sung before so I have no idea how to sing properly or what people look for in good vocal work. Basically I've never used my voice as an instrument before and it's kinda daunting when you see how complex it all is... I try and hit the note I'm aiming for, like I do with all MIDI instruments. The advice you're giving me now is stupidly helpful seeing as I'm going for a music course at uni next year.

    Timbre, like ... you know how No One can be the voice of Vadar except James Earl Jones... thats because he's got the only "timbre" (Tam - ber) that we'd recognize, that deep, bubbling roar, ya'know?

    You have a timbre that sounds (already) like a harmonizer plugin that's why I wanted you to use one, because I wanted to hear what would've sounded like. I once used one to make my MAC sing in a performance... people thought it was a vocalist. It's getting harder and harder to tell now-a-days because of what we can do to the voice.

    Yeah, I know what timbre is (get it rammed down my throat in music classes :-)) however I wondered what you meant by the fact it sounded like a harmonizer. I've tried to find one like you've described. All I'm getting is pitch shifting tools, heck, a MIDI harmonizer sounds awesome, I'd love to play about with one of those... Anyway, I did my best to create harmonies using a combination of just singing them and pitch shifting options.

  11. My two most favoritest Pokémon D/P/P ever!!! I quite liked this y'know. I think there was definitely enough variation from the source and the two tracks worked together really well. Cool ending.

    Hrmm. I think there was a bit much reverb on the strings... And I wasn't a fan of the drums, I think I wanted something more prominent. I dunno, was there much in the low ranges? More bass. It needed more of a kickass bass part rather than working in simple crotchet beats.

    Overall liked it. Mind you, I did kinda prefer the original Hearthome chords. Only because I'm a sucker for chord sequences with a decending chromatic note... ^^ (Like in 209)

    Oh and here's some source



    Route 209:


  12. Noise... like the hiss from the mic when you start recording? If you want you can take a NR plug to your vocal stems (this WILL mess with your high end harmonics (5KHz-10KHz+). Tell me what software you're using and see if I can't figure out a better solution for you if you don't mind electronically "treating" your voice. There are lots of ways to get rid of noise, all the "pro's" really do is turn the noise out of phase.

    Yeah, the mic hiss. I've really tried to cut it back as much as possible. I'm using FL8 if that helps. Regarding the harmonies, I've played around with them some more. I've probably generated some new problems though...

    And no, I've got nothing against the whole "electronic treatment" of vocals. I know people do though which just strikes me as odd. They change the EQ on the voice so it's already 'edited'. And timbre is just right? Thanks? I dunno, I'm terrible with vocals at the moment, that's why I'm grateful for the advice you're giving me now!

  13. Your voice is a little over bearing, bring your voice -3dB (maybe, if it sound too faraway, cancel) and boost the 3KHz on your voice about +3dB (3KHz is the Vox magic frequency, I've seen a lot of mastering engineers use it on the voice to help bring it out in the mix).

    Worked amazingly well, sounds a lot better. Thanks.

    Also for the voice maybe use a harmonizer plug-in.

    The main problem I found with this is the doubling up of the 'noise' on each layer of harmony. In a four part harmony it's seriously loud... Any solutions?

    I also felt that the accompaniment was a little cheezy. Like listening to MIDI karaoke, ya' know?

    Yeah, I do very much know. It's very rough at the moment, but hey, you get the idea! That should be ironed out in the next update.

    Thanks very much for that, the vocals sound much better already.

  14. I thought I'd check this out as it was on the front page. Initial reactions were, "seriously, wtf", however I stuck with it and it's completely grown on me! This is awesome. I love the SFX, they're applied really well.

    Another note - 1:16 - 1:35 is really one of those defining moments in this song... It'd be my favorite part if that chiptunage wasn't there :). Try to balance the mix according to the sound being evoked at that part (from a soundscape perspective, that is).

    I disagree. I thought it was welcome in the soundscape, I liked it- however, y'don't have to listen to me, my opinion. ^^

    Looking forward to the next version of this.

  15. Seriously, criticise this to hell because I need to know what's good and what's bad about the vocals and production in general (It's a bit too short to criticise on composition or anything ^__^).

    Anyway hope you enjoy it. For those of you that don't remember- it's the player's turn BGM on the first few chapters with Lynn.


    Lyrics (yes they suck)

    The wind blows over the plains,

    Through her hair,

    Green as forests.

    The breeze is never ending,

    When she's there.

    There's no one else for me.

  16. wow guys of course I love it myself... but I wrote it... it just makes me smile to see that others think it is at least musically sound :)

    you know about the 1GB RAM... were you running Vista or XP... cause I actually had alright performance on XP with only 416MB SDRAM, the only thing that's really better with this computer that has Vista is that the projects/samples load faster... however, I just noticed the other day that I had not had my computer's power/cpu settings at a perfomance level... so now it seems to be doing a little better

    Yeah, the update is better, and the samples do work nicer however they're still begging for more realism. If you got some actual recordings done, it would sound great.

    Still don't go much on the ending though. Could you do something a bit like this?

    Anyway, FL has an 2GB RAM roof. I find that VSTs generally lag out with low CPU, not really RAM. 1GB should be fine (2GB is better still though), I'm not sure I have many songs over that.

    And yeah, musically it sounds good! n__n

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