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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I just hope that they don't turn it into a game focused more on action, cheesy storyline, and killing enemies than exploration and atmosphere.

    Exactly, sums up what went through my head watching that. Still. Epic awesome.

  2. Well, first let's point out the first blatantly obvious thing. The samples you're using are little better than MIDI which, really, is a no-go. The whole thing just felt MIDI standard, there was no expressive qualities to the instruments where they really were gagging for it later on (1:33 in particular). Basically, I vote getting better samples- or a better program altogether.

    However musically you're obviously good, there are chord sequences in there that were obviously not in the original, however they sounded better. (However I do think, at 0:13, you should put in an Eminor7, Ebmajor7, Dminor7, G7 sequence in. I wanted it badly.) The instrument writing got alot better as it went through and I found myself liking it- especially as it reached the third section where you diverged from the source and back into 1:33.

    The ending was also a bit weak, needed more. Basically, you need better samples, a better program to write them in and to definitely diverge from the source just that lil' bit more. You'll do fine, you can tell you understand music anyway ^__^

    Hope that helped a lil'!

  3. Just a quick update, now with SFX 'n' all. I think this is pretty much the final version, I think I've still got one or two tiny bits to sort out and one more SFX to add.

    Except for the distortion, the loudness thing of course is always really subjective. It just seemed like they came in pretty loud and when they were gone the drums were a bit low.

    I agreed with all your points. It's just having to listen to the same track over and over it sorta passes you by. However the synth was kinda loud admittedly, sure it was my headphones. I used some different ones and it was just crazily loud.

  4. Edit- Updated!!


    I've still got a tiny bit of polishing to do, also I wanna add in some ingame sound effects and things. Been a bit busy so I've only just finished the entire recreation of the vocal part so I thought I'd just post that to see if y'all cool with it! (Well, Nubioso in particular seeing as it was you who picked me up on it).

    Oh, and whilst on the subject, thanks for all the vocal advice, especially the whole pop-sheild thing, I've managed to hook up it up with mah mic on a custom stand made from some of my old K'nex. Screw buying stuff!

    lol, that made me laugh, and yeah I can only imagine how that went. "Ehhh, so mom....got any panty hose you don't need?"

    Yeah, pretty much it however I made things worse by starting my next sentence with "Well this guy online told me..."

  5. Aright, so I think this is pretty much my final update. I've gone through the whole song and cleaned up all my fades, boosted vocal levels a bit as that was the primary complaint I've gotten. Fixed a couple things that I had messed up in there (I had my drum verb aux sending to another verb aux instead of my master channel, doh!) and various little things like that that just made the song unpleasant.

    So all in all, this should be my final mix right hyaw. I'm posting it for the absolute final complaints and critiques. At this point though, I've had a lot of comments and help and I've taken every one of them into consideration, so unless something is just ungodly out of place, this will probably be what I submit to judges.

    Thanks for listening and everyones help throughout this 2 month journey of mine.

    It sounds awesome, I like the remix of the story, creative license 'n' all that. Good luck with the judges, it should be a breeze. Anyway, now to add this to mah MP3 player! n___n

  6. steal some of your moms panty hose, make a circle out of a coat hanger and cover that shiz with said panty hose =P, works just as good.

    Oh dear, that actually works dude. Hrrmmm. It's probably worth re-recording those vocals again with my new set up. Haha! That did make for an initially awkward conversation with my mum though...

    Thanks very much for all the advice! It's actually working! Mind you, looking for a good de-esser still, any tactics on that?

  7. ...but I was going for a kind of dark deeper finale as the ending of the game he walks into the darkness and we never see him again...

    Ah, alright, see what you were going for. I'm terrible for judging what's up to OCR's standards but I enjoyed it a lot. Listening to it through I noticed the kickass bass in the "Inoa" bit, liked that too. It's also atmospheric in the right places and just keeps in the feel of the game.

    ...I think it was kind of sad how Alundra 2 changed the main character and brought in crappy 3D, they should have done a solid franchise with the character Alundra although I have to admit he is EXTREMELY inspired by Link and I guess they tried to avoid this comparison.

    And completely agree with everything you said there. Alundra's graphics were just stunning, even now they're my favorite style (screw Crysis). They should've stuck with that. And yeah, the whole system is so dubiously close to Zelda's it's almost hateable, yet you know they made it better.

    Anyway, nice track!

  8. 1. Adjust levels

    2. Fix a couple of plosives on your "P"

    3. Watch for clipping

    4. Watch out for your "S" sounds like in space and place, might want to get a de-esser in there for that.

    Hrmm. Yeah, I know what you mean. This is my first time editing vocals to this standard and so I'm not too sure what's good/bad. I'm sure this can easily be done, thanks very much for pointing all this out; my usual headphones are a lil' muddy hence the volume of the vocals. I'll do my best! (see what I did there?)

    Just my guess though

    Nailed it. A mixture of custom pitching, vocoding and good ol' traditional singing! Mind you the flanging does make it sound constantly vocoded which is kinda cool. ^^

    Thanks again to everyone who commented earlier!

  9. Noone likes Alundra? I personally like Alundra better than Zelda

    I think I might have to agree with you there... Excluding Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, I enjoyed them the same. (I'm gunna get pummeled now!)

    As for the song. I enjoyed it. 0:40 was just sweet, brought back memories. Wasn't a big fan of the track's ending though, I think I wanted the main theme to come back and end in some great and epic Alundra finale, it just sorta faded out.

    Don't have to listen to me, just thought that...

  10. Was it even intentional?


    Softened them though and changed some levels 'n' stuff. Annoyingly the balance isn't right between all the parts and when I try and change it, I'm getting an insane amount of clipping!! The whole track is just a nightmare!

    Some of the first bass notes are off-key...

    Hrmm, I know what you mean but I can assure you they're not. It's the way it's sorta muffled by the rest of the sound and just the nature of the bass, it's awkward to change really.

    Anyway, update.


  11. Awesome, thanks for the comments! n___n

    I really think you could insert more vocals, have them all the way through the song.

    Yeah, fixed that up. Hopefully they're alright. You were right, needed more vocals.

    1:08-1:17 is a fun lead, really simple, but a bit too simple and unexpressive.. long notes are kind of boring. It doesn't need much, just a little to liven it up (like doing just a little filtering with the long notes or something).

    Yeah, tweaked it a lil' just to add a bit more interest. Thanks very much, it did help. Added a few more effects, padded out some of the transitions, mastered a lil' put in some cheering - Always makes a song better.

    I can't be bothered to edit below so here's a new link!


  12. Yeah okay, I did an Ape Escape remix before, it was, admittedly, awful. I hope this one is an improvement; I've varied a lil' from the source this time which was the main criticism before. Anyway, hope you enjoy, please criticise, yes it is in the early stages, but I need all the criticism I can get! Mainly because I'm never too sure on how I'm mastering and producing or whatever.

    Anyway here it is:


    Oh yeah, unless you really want the lyrics you can decipher them yourself! ^^

    This game is not remixed enough!!!

  13. Okay maybe it's not completely up to OCR's standard but I kinda liked it. I think it goes off the point a lil' later on, I'd quite like bits of the source or another sonic jingle or something in the middle, just to reaffirm it's from the game. Ending's a bit weak for my liking, however I really like the source and your style in general. Cool stuff, please update ^^

    Oh how about adding a crazy pitch bending synth solo?! That would be freakin' ace!

  14. "The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire."


    Huh?! What? That's untrue! >:( I hate mediafire.

    I'll relink:



    (Also I know the synth at 1:48 is stupidly loud, my headphones were obviously ignoring it before. Imagine it isn't so loud :D)

  15. Okay, replayed the game the other day. Love it. Gotta be one of the best games on the PS. Anyway, the soundtrack is pretty awesome and I'm surprised no one's mixed it before actually...

    I've gone for a kinda upbeat kinda DnB theme-ish, maybe. I'm not too sure. Anyway it sticks with the game's style. The songs I've mixed are Primordial Ooze (Raining Lake) and Crabby Beach (Primitive Beach)- oh wait and also the title theme (however it's only the first two bars so I'm not sure that counts)

    Here's some sauce (Nom):

    Crabby Beach (Primitive Beach)

    Primordial Ooze (Raining Lake)

    If you could give some constructive criticism that would be awesome. I'm still quite new to all this and I know the arrangement isn't perfect and the EQ is kinda sloppy... Any help you could give would be ace. ^^

    Anyway here it is:


    ~Enjoy :D

  16. I have NO idea what I've pressed but when editing automation clips in the playlist I cannot 'drag' nodes, I can only create new ones. (So I'm not getting the hand cursor any more only the pointer with a plus sign)

    I'm probably just being newb but it's really frustrating as I can't do half the stuff I could before!

    Can anyone help me?!

  17. Okay, I never expected this thread to be commented on again at all, I deemed this song as, officially, dead. I guess the reason is the Slayer Guitars really do suck hard and no matter what I do they still sound, well, lame.

    I was thinking about it and if anyone feels like collabing with me and recording/synthesizing a really decent guitar part (or anything you think it needs really), please let me know (PM me). At the moment, I've got tonnes of positive feedback for the mix (thanks @ those guys!) but it'll never get anywhere cuz of the guitars really.

    If not, I'll deem this as officially dead and get back to making Pokémanz mixes. ^^

  18. I think this mix is terrific. I'm ignorant of the technical stuff - though the guitars do sound different they don't bother me. The use of the Gameboy sounds is brilliant and make me smile every time. I like making mix CDs for people and I've put this mix on a couple already.

    I really like at 1:36, how the tone of the song completely changes with the piano and you hear the rock'n'chiptune stuff go underground. Then at 2:02 when the beeps come back in and the Tetris sounds at 2:09 - great way of bringing us back to the original tone that then wraps everything up quite nicely. :)

    I really like this remix.

    Hey! Thanks very much! One of the best responses I've got to this! ^^ I guess it was the guitars in the end that made me kinda give up on the mix (*sob*), however very glad y'like it! As for the "mix CDs" and everything! Awesome! Heh. Guess I kinda forgot about this mix after all this time... Glad you like it!

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