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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I want to reiterate that this is an EXCELLENT piece of music, and my criticisms apply to OCR only. You can try finding a way to make the source more present, or just leave it as it is. I don't think this will pass if submitted though, just because of the source usage. Don't let that bum you out though, if you really feel like you can't add any more source to this there's nothing wrong with that--it's your music, it should sound the way you want :)

    Don't worry, I completely understand what you're saying. Yeah it is my music, but I was unsure on whether or not it would make OCR so you're right to criticize! I changed a few more things production-wise (drums most noticably) however the biggest addition is the final climatic section focusing on the "Walking Theme". Also I've slipped in a reference to route 10 which should bump up the explicit source some more. Seems to end nicer too actually.

    The only problem I have is that I'm not too sure on the overall production of the final sections now I've worked on it so long... After you've worked on a mix for a while everything just seems to sound 'messy'. I should really wait 'till the morning to post this so I can check the EQ afresh, but forget it, I might as well do it now. If there's anything glaringly wrong, put it down to doing this a half three in the morning. ^___^

    (Oh yeah, sorry to sound really picky Drumultima- you've helped me a lot here but:

    1:10-1:22 modified rt 1 accompaniment

    It's not, it's section B of the "Walking Theme". Just so y'know!)

  2. This is just a question out of curiosity. I was in WHSmith (do they have them in other places but england?) and was browsing the 'music' section of the magazine collection. They had stuff on Cubase, Pro Tools, Reason, all that lot but ZILCH on FL. Nothing. Not even the general music tech magazines covered the thing. I've used all those other DAWs and found FL to be the best. Why are they so damn popular? Even the course I'm doing at university has all the DAWs but FL (and Reaper, that's meant to be awesome too). Is it just not good in industry? And why?!

  3. I'd like it a bit more if the melody actually stuck with Corridors of Time, not just the harmony.

    If you fix that, then I think it'd be pretty good.

    It doesn't bother me at all, I actually really liked this. Only problem is I dunno whether or not I could actually help out. ^__^

  4. Thanks guys, it's awesome you're digging this! ^o^ It's a tiny, tiny update. Basically I've messed about with the EQ a lil', tried to give it more 'presence' overall and put in a few melodic changes. The drums have been altered to DrumUltima's will, I also changed the rhythms a bit and from :36 to :49 we get the complete second section of Route 1.

    However,it's harder than you think to get more source in! Seriously I have written so many extra parts to this it's annoying; none of them seem to fit. Adding in an extra section kinda ruins the flow. I can fit "Route 10" into it quite nicely actually, however will adding more source add to the 50% or just generate more problems?

  5. Is there some kind of site or resource where good quality (free) samples are available that are well known?

    http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ Just try out some of the stuff on there. Squidfont is proabably the best, free orchestral soundfont out there but it needs some tweaking to use. All of them on there are pretty good, so check 'em out. ^___^ (The sax is nice on that too actually)

    Just remember when using them you need to tweak the sounds to get the full potential from them. I usually take off some of the higher range EQ (it seems to give this "recorded quality" that makes the sounds more believable) and put a little bit of reverb on, but it really depends on each instrument.

    Oh yeah, this is a very good GM soundfont too. http://soundfonts.homemusician.net/collections_soundfonts/airfont_340.html Harmonica on that is sweet.

    Other than that, maybe anyone else has any suggestions?

  6. Compositionally it's quite nice really. I mean, it varies from the source and has some originality and creativity in it. Your main problem is the samples used... That'll be big problem with the peice as there's better samples out there for free. Piano bit was cool- sax was very fake. ^o^ You should try adding a lil' reverb too, it sounds a bit dry. However it all depends on what you used to write this... Apart from that, looking forward to the finished piece, I like Rainbow Road- on all the Mario Karts actually.

    (Also Rapidshare was annoying- couldn't you just upload to this? It's much easier to access)

  7. Thanks very much for the comments! And DrumUltimA- thanks a lot! ^w^ Working on your suggestions now actually, good advice. I think I wanna push this to the boundries of liberal but still acceptable (as the source isn't exactly exciting stuff harmonically). Couple of things I wanna point out:

    You should try to find a way to get the rest of that in there (F# F# G F# F# G E). Also, as cheesy as it is in the source, anyway that you can convey the change from I to V (D major to A major) will help.

    That is actually in there, at :26 we get a Bb9+6/C (or something crazy- it's been transposed up 6 semitones) to a FM79+6 (which is really a VII to a IV cadence) but as it's the same interval as I V, I use the source in question because it fits. I think the thing that throws the listener off is the extra "C, E, G G G" section breaking up the source. (It's not those notes but I couldn't think of a way of explaining it).

    I also noticed that there really wasn't much harmonic variation.

    Hrm. Damn it- you're right. I'm in C for the whole thing- wait *counts up six semitones* F. Anyway, thanks for your feedback there, I've done most of your suggested changes/additions now anyway. (Oh, and glad you liked the drums! ^o^) This should be submission ready soon!

  8. You have a big problem with your mix in my opinion, the bass clashes constantly, I hear some odd fluctuations in your volume (compressor being an ass...maybe)

    Then...you haven't really done anything but changed the sounds from electric guitar and all those things that SEGA puts into it's games nowadays...and replaced them with some 404 lines from Fruity Loops...and they annoy my ears for the whole duration of the song...

    I'm sorry, but you'll have to make some major revisions to that in my opinion. the arrangement is not too different from the original, the sounds are really low-grade...

    I'm sorry but I kinda have to agree. It really needs some work before you can even start putting the lyrics on. I dunno, I don't find them so bad- they sound very J-pop and happy which is cool seeing as the kinda mix you're going for. Sickly sweet and upbeat though, especially with the sound clip! ^__^ What SkyWay didn't pick up on was the presets you used. A lot of that stuff was straight from the "Arp" section of Sitrus which isn't too great. Try playing around with some of them to generate y'own sounds. Keep the lyrics, just focus on improving the mix itself.

  9. Hehe, okay, I've posted quite a few mixes recently- however this is kinda the one I'm in to at the moment. So I'm about half way through and it occoured to me that this might be a bit too liberal... Is it? Basically I've used the Route 1 theme and that Marching/Walking about theme too (y'know where you get taken to the Gym in Pewter City?), however it's been heavily interpreted. Also I'm a bit stuck for ideas, if you've got any please say.

    So, for source we've got this and this.

  10. XD

    1. I don't use love philter

    2. I can't afford Sytrus.

    3. Tell me what MIDI-ish means and maybe I'll understand what you're telling me... til then, my sounds are fine.

    4. Most importantly I'm not gonna use synthesizers. I hate most synthesizers.

    5. From your crit, I can automatically tell my soundscape is fine, it's just that you want me to replace everything with synths because you're an electronica fan.

    "I think if you submitted now..."

    You're not a judge, so don't give me that "It's not gonna get accepted" stuff.

    I live next door to someone who can tell me that... you just worry about critiquing my remix.

    And don't worry about being too harsh... you only have to worry about that when you're Snappleman level.

    Right! You sounded kinda mad- didn't mean to be offensive or anything dude!

    1. It's pretty damn neat, you should try it out.

    2. Oh right, fair enough.

    3. As in, they don't sound real. The drums and piano for instance sound fake.

    4. That's fair enough, but you're using synth sounding stuff in your piece anyway.

    5. And whoa! Seriously! Double check! Didn't mean that- I was just elaborating on some of your previous criticisms. It doesn't feel thick enough. I'm not so much an electronica fan as anything else y'know, don't assume. You can do what you like, I'm not writing your piece for you, these are suggestions.

    Yes, I am not a judge- but that doesn't mean I can't give my opinion. Surely this is what you're aiming for so it's part of the critique in itself; a quality barrier if you will. Next time don't take that so harsh, remember you don't HAVE to listen to anyone- and that goes for anyone, don't tell me what I can or can't critique on.

    Ah, finished. ^__^

  11. Don't wanna sound overly harsh, but most of the samples just sounded MIDI-ish, especially the drums, like standard soundfont stuff- I'm guessing you're using FL so why not play around with Sitrus a bit and see what y'get? Also I'd advise messing around with the "Love Filter" as well- awesome stuff. Reverb on the drums would be nice, how about a bit of distortion too? 'Part from that, nice atmosphere- definitely suits the part.

    I think if you submitted now you wouldn't get accepted- and you wanna make it a surefire YES. It's the soundfonts and soundscape really... How about some sweeping pads to fill the thing out too? ^___^ We need more prime mixes after all. As for a name... Hrmmmm... No idea, I'll edit if I think of anything!

    Good luck!

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